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QUIZ #5.

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1 QUIZ #5

2 1. Which statement is not included in the procedural guidelines for the use of punishment? a. Conduct a punisher assessment b. Consider using varied punishers c. Use the highest intensity of punishment that is effective d. Experience the punisher personally.

3 2. Making additional reinforcers available noncontingently that are available for removal during a response cost procedure is known as? A. Priming the pump. B. A direct fine. C. A combined approach. D. Negative reinforcement. E. Bonus response cost.

4 3. All differential reinforcement procedures combine the use of what two principles of behavior? A. Reinforcement and extinction B. Reinforcement and punishment C. Punishment and extinction D. Positive and negative reinforcement

5 High-p sequence refers to: A. High-punishment sequence B
High-p sequence refers to: A. High-punishment sequence B. High-probability request sequence C. High-potential request sequence D. High-prospect sequence

6 ________________ is a technical term used to identify the procedure of withholding reinforcers that maintain behavior. A. Reinforcement B. Punishment C. Extinction D. Time-Out

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