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2 HINDUISM No formal founder No formal church
roots lie in the beliefs and practices of the ancient Aryans crossed thru the Khyber Pass into South Asia from Caucasus Mtns brought Hindu beliefs Khyber Pass

3 Indus River Valley Civilizations
BCE over 1000 miles worlds largest early civ Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro most important cities capital cities well organized gov’ts checkered board pattern streets walled fortress supply warehouses sewer system taxed in form of food traded w/ ancient Sumer of Mesopotamia

4 Archaeology Theories for decline of Indus Valley Civ’s
natural causes too dry for farming over-farmed land floods? invaders from the north Scholars believe that the DRAVIDIANS are descendents from the ancient Aryans

5 ARYAN Culture migration took 100s of years invented Chariots
brought Hinduism developed Sanskrit INDRA: warrior god also farmers & herders cattle as wealth Rajahs: hereditary chiefs that rule the villages

6 Aryan Migration into South Asia

7 SACRED TEXTS VEDAS: contain eternal truths that were revealed to wise men ca BCE contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India give a unique view of everyday life in India four thousand years ago 4 VEDAS RIG VEDA: oldest YAJUR VEDA SAMA VEDA ATHARVA VEDA

UPANISHADS: helps to explain the Vedas the Epics - Mahabharata: “the great story” longest written story 100,000 verses 12 yr war btwn two royal families Bhagavad Gita: “song of God” Ramayana: “Rama’s Way” to avoid war, Rama places himself in exile, thus not becoming heir to the throne written in SANSKRIT

9 The CASTE SYSTEM Varna means color Brahmans: Kshatriyas: Vaisyas:
suggest that caste was first determined by skin color Brahmans: priests Kshatriyas: warriors, rulers Vaisyas: landowners, merchants, herders Sudras: servants, peasants UNTOUCHABLES

10 Harijans (Untouchables or Dalits)
Considered to by so lowly that they do not have a caste. Perform the despicable tasks like killing animals, tanning hides, sweeping and cleaning. Gandhi called them the children of God 1950 Indian Constitution abolished untouchability…but still exists

11 Weakening of the Caste System
Greater educational opportunities Movement of people to cities blurs caste lines. Constitutional changes: all people have the right to vote. The work of Gandhi Globalization Growth of industry and need for jobs Technology Cities Gandhi

12 4 Principles of Hinduism
Dharma: duties & responsibilities according to one’s caste. Karma: one’s actions in this life, will effect the next lives (vice-versa) Samsara: Wheel of Life birth, disease, death, rebirth Moksha: Hindu enlightenment escape fm Samsara becomes one w/ Brahman

13 HINDU Beliefs Brahman “single supreme force”
universal soul formless & unlimited ATMAN “essential self is part of the universal soul” unity of ALL life Reincarnation thru KARMA-SAMSARA “wheel of life” good deeds bring joy bad deeds bring sadness Maya: illusion


15 BRAHMA The Creator God all other gods come from Brahma
four faces represent the four corners o/t universe He holds a sacrificial ladle the four Vedas jar of holy water from the Ganges River necklace of prayer beads

16 VISHNU “The Preserver God” greatest of the gods
maintain balance of good and bad ten avatars “incarnations” returns to earth as avatars to bring justice/balance Krishna Buddha

17 SHIVA The Destroyer God “The Cosmic Dance”
the dance of Shiva symbolizes the creation and destruction of the universe equivalent to the oscillating universe theory pg. 241

18 SRI YANTRA symbol of spiritual evolution focal point for meditation
9 triangles intersect to form 43 triangles 3 concentric circles framed by a square This form is the geometric expression of the divine sound of creation... OM

19 OM or AUM Main symbol of Hinduism visual and verbal expression of god
transcend one’s thoughts & merge w/ god. “a” = beginning “u” = progress “m” = dissolution “reflects the POWER responsible for creation, development and destruction of the universe”

20 SRI YANTRA This form is the geometric expression of the divine sound of creation... OM

21 SIKHISM Combination of Hinduism and Islam Founder: Guru Nanak
reincarnation Allah Founder: Guru Nanak Holy book: Guru Granth Place of worship: Gurdwara

22 SIKHISM symbols Khanda Five K’s God’s universal and creative power
Kesh: Uncut Hair and Beard honors the way of nature A TURBAN covers the head of males most visible symbol sign of Sikh power Kangha: Comb holding hair in place keeping the spirit in place

23 SIKHISM symbols con’t Kara: Steel bracelet
worn on right wrist symbolizes strength unity of god Kirpan: double edged dagger or sword duty to defend Sikhism Kaccha: trousers worn by warriors symbol of modesty and moral restraint

24 Sikh Golden Temple Amritsar, Punjab

25 Sikh Discrimination Discriminated against by Muslims & Hindus
Tried to stay neutral during India – Pakistan partition Current Prime Minister of India is a Sikh: Manmohan Singh Sikh diaspora

26 THERAVADA BUDDHISM “Doctrine o/t Elders” conservative branch
The Little Wheel less followers Buddha is a teacher Spread to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand

27 THERAVADA BUDDHISM ideal is arhat few possessions
become an enlightened saint wisdom few possessions begging bowl three colored robes a belt a mending needle fan to cover face razor to shave head water strainer

28 MAHAYANA BUDDHISM “Great Vehicle” or “Big Wheel” non-monastic life
majority of followers non-monastic life Buddha is a god Spread to China, Tibet, Korea & Japan ideal is compassion can attain nirvana through assisting others Bodhisattva: holds back on attaining nirvana to help others

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