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10/9 Focus: Belief systems developed with the earliest humans, who saw the world as being full of spirits. With the development of civilization, more.

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Presentation on theme: "10/9 Focus: Belief systems developed with the earliest humans, who saw the world as being full of spirits. With the development of civilization, more."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/9 Focus: Belief systems developed with the earliest humans, who saw the world as being full of spirits. With the development of civilization, more complex belief systems developed Hinduism developed in India Do Now: What type of jobs did untouchables perform under the caste system in India

2 (herders, farmers, merchants, craftspeople)
The Caste System Brahmins (priests) Kshatriyas (warriors) Vaishyas (herders, farmers, merchants, craftspeople) Sudras (servants, laborers) Non-Aryans Untouchables

3 Hinduism

4 Hinduism One of the world’s oldest religions No single founder
Over 3,000 years old No single founder Formed from the beliefs of the diverse groups who settled in India Original people of the Indus valley Aryans

5 Origins Developed from the Vedas 3500 – 2500 years ago Polytheism
rituals and many gods Sacred texts The Caste System

6 Brahman One universal spirit Appears as many different gods
This gave people a concrete way to worship and understand an impersonal god

7 Atman The individual soul of human beings

8 Moksha Ultimate goal of Hinduism
Union with the universal spiritual force (Brahman) Release from worldly cares and difficulties Atman + Brahman = Moksha

9 Reincarnation Sometimes called Samsara
Atman is reborn into the world after death Continues until union with the Brahman

10 Dharma Spiritual and moral duties that must be followed

11 Karma All of the deeds of a person’s life
Allows people to continue towards Brahman Goods deeds Reincarnated into a higher castes Bad deeds Reincarnated into a lower caste or stuck in the same level

12 Sacred Texts Vedas Upanishads Ramayana and Mahabharata
Nature of the world and meaning of life Ramayana and Mahabharata Epic poems Discuss importance of following dharma

13 Hindu Gods Brahma The god of creation

14 Hindu Gods Vishnu The preserver god Appears as ten different avatars
Krishna with his consort Radha ; appears in the Mahabharata

15 Shiva God of destruction Constructive destruction
Shiva with his wife, Parvati, and his son Ganesha

16 How Ganesha got his Elephant Head
Parvati (Ganesha’s mom) told him to stay outside her bath and allow no one to enter Shiva arrived, and because he had been away for a long time, Ganesha didn’t recognize his dad When Ganesha refused to allow Shiva to enter, Shiva cut off his head Parvati refused to allow Shiva into her bedroom unless Ganesha was returned to life Shiva took the head from the next animal to appear, and restored Ganesha to life with an elephant’s head

17 All of the many Hindu deities are manifestations of the spirit Brahman

18 Closure What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism?
What is the connection between reincarnation and the caste system? Identify one sacred Hindu text.

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