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Human Energy Use Do Now: Define: Energy Where does most of the energy used by humans come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Human Energy Use Do Now: Define: Energy Where does most of the energy used by humans come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Energy Use Do Now: Define: Energy Where does most of the energy used by humans come from?

2 Energy Physics: The ability to do work (=Fd) General: The ability to cause change. Units: Joule (SI) Calorie (English) kCal (dietary calorie Laws of thermodynamics: –1: Energy cannot be created or destroyed –2: No transformation of energy is 100% effiicient (entropy increases in a closed system)

3 Human Energy 80-90% of the energy used by Homo sapiens is produced by the combustion (oxidation) of fossil fuels…

4 It all started waaaaaay back… The energy stored in the fossil fuel we use today was first captured by plants millions of years ago.

5 Geology Takes a Turn Coal formationOil & gas accumulation

6 Getting it out of the ground Offshore oil rig Open pit coal mine

7 Crude Oil is Organic Chemicals There’s thousands of different chemicals in oil that comes out of the ground.

8 The different parts or “fractions” must be separated before they’re used

9 Oil Refinery

10 What about coal? The combustion of coal produces more CO 2 than equal amounts of any other fossil fuel

11 Most Coal is Used to Produce Electricity

12 What Homo sapiens Use Energy To Do

13 Consequence s Humans have consumed more crude oil than they have discovered for over 20 years now.

14 Metabolism with Global Consequences

15 Human Population Growth

16 The Effect of Resource Depletion and Toxin Accumulation on a Population

17 What to do? We must begin using less energy – whether we want to or not.

18 Life on Earth has relied on the sun’s light as it’s primary energy source for billions of years. Solar Panels: 2 designs

19 Our technology is what truly makes our species unique on Earth. Use the best brain and hands that evolution has ever produced to make a difference.

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