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Energy The ability to do work or cause changes in matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy The ability to do work or cause changes in matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy The ability to do work or cause changes in matter

2 Kinetic Energy Moving bucket Energy of Motion

3 Gravity Potential Energy
Stored Energy or Energy of Position

4 Forms of Energy Remember “MRS. CHEN”

5 Mechanical Radiant Energy carried by electromagnetic radiation (light) from a source Energy of matter caused by its position or its motion

6 Chemical Sound Energy stored in matter because of its chemical makeup
Energy from the vibration of an object (that produces a noise) Sound

7 Electrical Thermal (Heat)
Energy that is related to heat and temperature of matter Thermal (Heat) Energy due to charged matter/moving electrons

8 Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
Nuclear Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

9 Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is changed (converted) from one form into another.

10 Sources of Energy U 2 35

11 Renewable Energy Source
Energy source that can be replaced by natural processes in a short amount of time Biomass Hydropower

12 Nonrenewable Energy Source
Energy source that is used much faster than it can be replaced by natural processes U 2 35 Coal Propane Oil Uranium Natural Gas

13 Inexhaustible Energy Source
Energy source that cannot be used up in Earth’s “lifetime” Wind Geothermal Solar

14 Coal Solid fossil fuel formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago

Fossil Fuel ROCK NATURAL GAS AND OIL IN POCKETS OF ROCKS Dirt ROCK HOLDS IN NATURAL GAS Coal Oil Natural Gas formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago

16 Petroleum Liquid fossil fuel formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago

NATURAL GAS AND OIL IN POCKETS OF ROCKS Dirt Natural Gas ROCK HOLDS IN NATURAL GAS Gaseous fossil fuel formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago

18 A portable gas that comes from the fossil fuels oil and natural gas.
Propane A portable gas that comes from the fossil fuels oil and natural gas.

19 Comes from the mineral Uranium that is buried in the ground
Nuclear Energy Comes from the mineral Uranium that is buried in the ground Fission

20 Energy from moving water
Hydropower Energy from moving water

21 Biomass Energy from the burning of once-living things
(wood, plants and garbage)

22 Solar Energy Energy from the sun

23 Wind Energy from moving air

24 Energy from heat inside the earth
Geothermal Energy Energy from heat inside the earth

25 how much useful energy you can get out of a system
Energy Efficiency how much useful energy you can get out of a system

26 Methods of Energy Transfer
Convection Conduction Radiation

27 Transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle
Conduction Transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle

28 The transfer of heat energy in a gas or liquid by movement of currents
Convection The transfer of heat energy in a gas or liquid by movement of currents Ocean Currents are an example of Convection.

29 Radiation Electromagnetic waves that directly transport ENERGY through space. Example: Sunlight

30 Energy Transformation
The process of energy changing from one form to another Example: electrical energy to radiant energy

31 Benjamin Franklin Discovered that lightning is a stream of electrified air, known as plasma. Helped to develop many of the energy terms we use today. Example: conductor, battery

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