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Academic and Corporate Relations Center. The President welcomes You.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic and Corporate Relations Center. The President welcomes You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic and Corporate Relations Center

2 The President welcomes You

3 What does Business Want? Undergraduate/Graduate Students Continuing Education Access to Expert Faculty, Centers, and Institutes Sponsored Research Projects Technology IP and Commercialization

4 ITASCA Project Facilitate Connections “The Front Door” Create a single point of connection between the U and Businesses for all interactions Enable strong connections –Create a business website with searchable index of resources and links to U websites –Easy access through phone, email, etc

5 ITASCA Project Facilitate Connections “The Front Door” Relationship Management (potentially for a fee) –Alignment with strategic partner businesses –Serve as the first contact –Manage the U side of complex issues for the Business –Reach out to Companies –Current Itasca members to serve as pilot

6 ITASCA Recommendations Conduct Best Practice survey of other Institutions Measure Front Door Activity Hire Relationship Managers Use Website to facilitate connections Develop permanent working partnerships between U and Business Develop a Phone Help Service

7 Emerging Principles Connecting Collaborating Channeling Communicating Catalyzing Cooperating Facilitating Relationship Building Responding

8 Business Interactions with the U Research Agreements Student Placements Faculty Consulting Agreements Sponsorships Memberships Service Offerings Licensing Development Continuing Education Resources

9 Academic and Corporate Relations Center “Three Legged Stool” Concierge Services Relationship Managers Business Web Interface Support Mechanisms Activities and Events Resource Database

10 ACRC Core Functions

11 ACRC Concierge Services Office Support M-F Wide Variety of Business Questions Phone or Email Rapid Response Time 612-626-3438 Minnesota Toll Free: 1-866-436-0012 “The Front Door”

12 ACRC Concierge Resources Centers of Expertise Network UMN Business Dev. Network Faculty Expertise Network Business Resource Database MRUN MBBNet Executive Pool Start-up Assistance Investor Network University DDD

13 ACRC Relationship Managers 28 Large Companies 22 Medium Companies 32 Small Companies 18 Trade Associations 6 Government 3 International Government

14 ACRC Web (

15 About ACRC

16 Recruiting Graduates

17 Continuing Education

18 Faculty and Staff Expertise

19 Utilizing our Resources

20 Sponsoring and Licensing

21 ACRC Activities and Workshops Business Community Workshop Series (Collaborative and Joint) Events Schedule Promote University Events ACRC Advisory Board ACRC University Collaborators Board Market University Services, Memberships, and Resources

22 Fiscal Year to Date Results Value to the University $87,501 State Grants $15,900 Continuing Education $15,500 Faculty consulting $7,500 Sponsorships 628 people attending ACRC events 3 Executives placed

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