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FOUNDING MEMBERS Interior Design Services LLC. What is APID? APID has been formed to represent all professional interior designers in the Gulf region.

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Presentation on theme: "FOUNDING MEMBERS Interior Design Services LLC. What is APID? APID has been formed to represent all professional interior designers in the Gulf region."— Presentation transcript:


2 FOUNDING MEMBERS Interior Design Services LLC.

3 What is APID? APID has been formed to represent all professional interior designers in the Gulf region. APID will promote the highest professional ideals of Interior Design to client bodies, whether governmental or private sectors, to industry, to its membership, and to society APID aims to stand equally alongside other representative bodies and institutions, and to participate fully in local and international events. APID is the first association of its kind in the Gulf

4 a.To promote the highest professional ideals of interior design to membership, industry, governmental bodies and to society. b.To monitor standards of design and professional practice of membership. c. To be recognised as the authoritative body in all matters concerning professional interior design and practice within the region. d. To be considered a necessary constituent body in the education of interior designers by involvement in training and assessments. e. To be consulted as an authoritative body by other related professionals and to readily provide guidance and assistance as may be required to both membership and industry. f. To stand equally alongside other representative societies and institutions and to fully participate in world wide events, debates and issues relating to professional interior design practice and interior design standards. The Mission Statement

5 The portal for interior designers in the Middle East

6 Why join APID? Members of APID will have an affiliation with the highest standards of the professional interior design industry opportunities for continuing education and professional development through seminars, conferences and exhibitions connections within industry that will help expand their professional prospects by building a network of professional colleagues access to resources intended to assist and market their design practice

7 The portal for interior designers in the Middle East

8 Types of membership Individual Professional member Allied member Student member Business Company member Industry partner Corporate sponsor

9 Individual Membership Professional Member For those actively engaged in the profession of interior design. This is the highest level of APID individual membership and is granted to persons with accredited education in interior design or architecture and equivalent work experience in interior design for five years. Membership in APID connects you to a community of designers, industry representatives, educators and students, all committed to Interior Design. Appellation: Your name, APID Annual fee: AED 1000

10 Professional member benefits Representation at all organized events by other parties√ Free attendance to APID networking events for 1 person√ Discount of attendance to conferences for 1 person√ The use of APID as an affix to your name√ Access to employment positions on APID website.√ Access to Professional Practice Documentation at reduced rates (when available)√ Pro-active leadership which will strive to gain full recognition of Interior Design, to Government Bodies in the Gulf region√ Free access to data base of Interior related suppliers.√ Receipt of APID newsletter and monthly magazine (when created)√ Access to APID chat line and members forum√

11 For design technicians in the various disciplines who have taken an APID conducted qualifying test and for persons with 10 years experience in interior design practice but not holding a degree. Appellation: Your name, APID- Allied Member Annual fee: AED 500. Individual Membership Allied Individual Member

12 For students currently enrolled in an accredited interior design or interior architecture program. As a student member in the Association of Professional Interior Designers, you will have access to the advancements in design practice, knowledge of trends in the industry and a network with peers and professionals Appellation: Your name, APID- Student Member Fee during entire course: AED 250. Student Member

13 Business Membership Company member Company membership is open to Interior design or architectural firms offering design services with a valid trade license to operate in the Middle East. They should have a substantial part of their turnover in ID consultancy and should employ the services of accredited interior designers. This membership entitles the Company to nominate two members to APID, of whom one person must be a professional or allied member. Additional members nominated by the Company will need to pay 50% of the annual dues of an individual professional member. Appellation : Your company name, APID Company Member Annual membership dues: Dhs.5000

14 Representation at all organized events by other parties √ Free attendance to APID networking events for 2 √ Discount of attendance to Conferences/ Seminars for 2 √ Priority booking to events √ Free listing with links to web sites on APID website √ The use of APID as an affix to your name √ Access to employment positions on APID website √ Access to Professional Practice Documentation at reduced rates (when available) √ Opportunities for involvement in education of Interior Designers, through conferences, and competitions √ Access to data base of Interior related suppliers and contractors √ Access to APID chat line and members forum √ Discounted rates for website advertising √ Company member benefits

15 The portal for interior designers in the Middle East

16 Forming an industry partnership with APID, the Association of Professional Interior Designers, will your single unified source to Interior Designers in the Gulf Region. APID is a community of designers, industry representatives, educators and students - all committed to Interior Design. Industry partners and interior designers share concerns, goals and mutual financial benefit Industry Partnership is open to Companies who are suppliers of materials and services to the interior design industry. It entitles one person from the Company to be an APID, non voting member. Appellation : Your company name, APID Industry Partner Annual membership dues: Industry Partner : Dhs.10,000 Business Membership Industry Partner

17 Representation at all organized events by other parties √ Free attendance to APID networking events for 2 persons √ Discount of attendance to conferences for 2 persons √ Priority booking to events √ Free listing with links to web sites on APID website √ Free listing in website product finder – 3 categories √ The use of APID as an affix to your name √ Opportunities for involvement in education of Interior Designer, through conferences, competitions √ Receipt of APID newsletter and monthly magazine √ Access to APID chat line and members forum √ Free rollover banner website advertising √ Industry Partner benefits

18 The portal for interior designers in the Middle East

19 Corporate sponsorship of APID is the highest level of Industry support as this organisation moves towards becoming the apex body for interior designers in the Middle East. Corporate sponsorship of APID will be limited to 5 reputed companies annually. Individual events conducted by APID will be open to sponsorship for that event only. Annual Corporate sponsorship is Dhs. 30,000 Business Membership Corporate Sponsor

20 Representation at all organized events by other parties √ Free attendance to APID networking events 2 persons √ Free attendance to conferences 2 persons √ Priority booking to events √ Free listing in website product finder √ Opportunities for involvement in education of Interior Designer, through conferences, competitions √ Access to APID chat line and members forum √ Display kiosks at APID events √ Company logo on APID newsletters √ Company logo on APID sponsors page √ Standup banner display at APID events √ Free website advertising √ Corporate Sponsor benefits

21 Internationally-acclaimed designer Karim Rashid took time out from The Hotel Show in Dubai to present the awards to the winners of the APID student furniture design competition.

22 The APID Interior Design conference scheduled for April 23, 2007

23 Wout Van Bommel President. CIE Barry Hannaford Director. DPA Lighting Alain Guilhot Chairman. Architecture Lumineire Kenneth Laidler President. APID The APID – Philips Lighting Seminar on Feb 13, 2007

24 The portal for interior designers in the Middle East

25 Contact APID at: P.O Box 408,Dubai, UAE Tel: 04 3406161 Fax: 04 3400868 Mob: 050 2958144 Email: Web:

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