Learning. Ivan Pavlov Interested in the way behavior is conditioned by association. Conducted experiments to test behavioral responses to stumuli.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning. Ivan Pavlov Interested in the way behavior is conditioned by association. Conducted experiments to test behavioral responses to stumuli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning

2 Ivan Pavlov Interested in the way behavior is conditioned by association. Conducted experiments to test behavioral responses to stumuli.

3 Classical Conditioning

4 Phases of Classical Conditioning




8 Learning Factors Number of pairings Strength of UCS Reliability of CS in predicting UCS Occurrence of CS just before UCS

9 Timing of CS before UCS




13 Classical Conditioning Applied Flooding Systematic desensitization Taste aversion (Smell aversion…)

14 Systematic Desensitization RELAXING IMAGE (UCS) Calm (UCR) Relaxing Image paired with a FEARED OBJECT (CS) Calm (UCR)

15 Systematic Desensitization Until finally The FEARED OBJECT (CS) Calm (CR)


17 Thorndike's Law of Effect Stimulus Response Strengthens Good Outcome Weakens Bad Outcome

18 Operant Conditioning Behavior followed by Reinforcement Increases chances of

19 For Your Viewing Pleasure….Einstein the Parrot http://tinyurl.com/52ydx

20 B. F. Skinner Described operant conditioning. Investigated reward schedules.


22 Beyond Basic Operant Conditioning Generalization and discrimination Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Shaping Superstitious Behavior Primary and Secondary Reinforcers


24 Reinforcement Schedules Continuous Reinforcement Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval

25 Typical Response Curves Response Rate Time Since Beginning REWARDS

26 Typical Response Curves Response Rate Time


28 Magnitude of Reinforcement

29 Immediacy of Reinforcement TIME


31 Reward vs.Punishment Makes a behavior more likely Makes a behavior less likely, or... Causes avoidance of the punisher, or... Makes the organism avoid getting caught, or... Causes habituation to punishment, or... Has no effect if the reward is greater than the punishment is aversive, or... Combination s of the previously noted effects

32 Punishment Limitations Alternatives –Removing –Behavior Modification –Token Economies –Time Outs

33 But, humans aren’t rats... Humans form hypotheses, and humans can learn through observation. Hypothesis Testing Insight Learning Latent Learning –Tolman –Bandura (Observational Learning)

34 Observational Learning People tend to imitate : –People they see as more like them –People who are rewarded –Prestigious people


36 Cognitive and Social Learning Learning from models –“Do as I do” –Learning from television

37 Learning Types

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