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What is weather?? BY: MIRANDA JO ANDERSON. Atmosphere  The atmospheric factors that interact to cause weather are heat energy air pressure, winds, and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is weather?? BY: MIRANDA JO ANDERSON. Atmosphere  The atmospheric factors that interact to cause weather are heat energy air pressure, winds, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is weather?? BY: MIRANDA JO ANDERSON

2 Atmosphere  The atmospheric factors that interact to cause weather are heat energy air pressure, winds, and moisture.

3  The sun’s energy that is absorbed by the Earth is spread throughout the atmosphere in three basic ways: conduction, convection, and radiation.

4 Conduction  The direct transfer of heat energy from one substance to another.

5 Convection  The transfer of heat energy in a fluid (gas or liquid). Air is a fluid.

6 Radiation  Is the transfer of energy by waves such as light.

7 Greenhouse effect  The gases act like the glass in a greenhouse to trap heat. The greenhouse makes the Earth a comfortable place to live.

8 Air Pressure  The air pressure at any particular point on the Earth depends on the density of the air. (Density is equal to mass divided by volume).

9 Barometer  Measures the air pressure on the Earth.

10 Winds  Formed by movement of air from one place to another

11  Both local winds and global winds are caused by differences in air pressure due to unequal heating of the atmosphere

12 Coriolis effect  A Coriolis effect is the apparent shift in the path of any fluid or object moving above the surface of the Earth due to the rotation of the Earth.

13 Anemometer  Used to measure wind speed

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