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Preparing for college and beyond Curriculum Night Jan 2014.

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1 Preparing for college and beyond Curriculum Night Jan 2014


3 Standard Diploma  22 standard credits  4 English  4 Social Studies  3 Math  3 Science  2 Health & PE  5 Electives (Must include 1 fine art or career/tech elective; and 2 sequential electives)  1 Econ & Personal Finance  Verified credits (6) Advanced Diploma  26 standard credits  4 English  4 Social Studies  4 Math  4 Science  2 Health & PE  3 World Language (or 2x2)  1 Fine art or career tech  1 Econ & Personal Finance  3 other electives  Verified Credits (9) Standard vs. Advanced

4 What do colleges want?  Strong academic record  Standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, SAT subject tests)  Extracurricular, Athletic, and Community Involvement  Well-prepared application package - essays/personal statements - teacher/counselor recommendations

5 College Entrance Exams ACT (American College Test)ACT (American College Test) –Consists of five subjects: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing –Writing component is optional (though recommended) –Top composite score is 36 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) –Consists of three subjects: Verbal, Math, Writing –Each test is scored on a scale of 200-800  TEST FEE WAIVERS are AVAILABLE if your receive FREE/REDUCED lunch!!  Take the SAT and/or ACT in the Spring of 2014

6 Junior Timeline  Winter 2014 – Begin exploring Family Connection as a research tool for college and careers  February/March 2014 – Register for college entrance exams SAT or ACT  Spring - Summer 2014 – Visit colleges, start college essays, and compile a college list. Counselors will be meeting juniors individually at this time for course registration.  September 2014 – Tentative college list is submitted  October 2014 – Early Decision/Early Action requests for transcripts and counselor recommendations are submitted to school counselor

7 “What if I’m not ready to go to college?”  Gap Year  Military  Apprenticeship programs (through FCPS ACE)  Two-year Colleges/Community Colleges  Employment

8 FCPS 24-7 and Family Connection  To get to Family Connection you must enter through your Blackboard/FCPS  24 ‐ 7 account ( Click on Family Connection logo.

9 Use Family Connection

10 Before you know it…

11 Resources  For college/career counseling: –Renee Foster Career Center Specialist –Amy Marketos Student last names A-Cer –Camilo Cardona Ces – Gom –Lan NguyenGon – Lin –Madelein DoudaklianLio – Ort –Evan CarterOsa – Sey –Patti WelchSez – Z –Joanne Perdu Intervention Counselor


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