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SAFER CITIES MODEL. SAFER CITIES TOOLS SAFER CITIES TRAINING MANUAL AND TOOLKIT Overall development objective is to facilitate effective strategy development.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFER CITIES MODEL. SAFER CITIES TOOLS SAFER CITIES TRAINING MANUAL AND TOOLKIT Overall development objective is to facilitate effective strategy development."— Presentation transcript:



3 SAFER CITIES TRAINING MANUAL AND TOOLKIT Overall development objective is to facilitate effective strategy development and capacity building for crime prevention at city level. The SC Training Manual and Toolkit is meant to guide and support local SC Teams and local government officials in the design and implementation of urban crime prevention and urban safety initiatives. The Manual / Toolkit will follow the SC Model in terms of phases and themes. The Manual / Toolkit will be user friendly and pragmatic with examples and case studies. The Manual / Toolkit will be published in one volume. The Manual / Toolkit will be accompanied by a cd-rom with relevant publications, technical documents, articles, guides, training manuals, etc.

4 COMPONENTS OF THE SC MANUAL / TOOLKIT Process Components –Partnership Building and Coalition Building: Awareness Campaigns, Coordinating Committee, Action Groups, City Consultations –Strategy Development, Action Planning, Implementation –Institutionalisation: institutional arrangements for crime prevention through partnerships, strategy development and implementation Technical Components –Diagnosis / Needs Assessment –Monitoring and Evaluation

5 COMPONENTS OF THE SC MANUAL / TOOLKIT Thematic Components –Institutional Prevention: police and justice reform, etc. –Social Prevention: youth and families at risk, family and domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. –Situational Prevention: crime prevention through environmental design, etc.

6 TABLE OF CONTENTS SC MANUAL / TOOLKIT Introduction About the Manual Phase 1 Diagnosis / Needs Assessment Phase 2 Partnership and Coalition Building Phase 3 Strategy Development Phase 4 Implementation Phase 5 Institutionalisation Phase 6 Monitoring and Evaluation Urban Issues: Good Urban Governance & Secure Tenure Community, City and National Level Action Training Exercises Tips and Frequently Asked Questions Resource Materials and Organisations References

7 Introduction –Urban Crime and Violence: facts and figures –Why Crime Prevention? –Good Governance: the role of local authorities –The Safer Cities Programme

8 –Why a Manual and Toolkit? –Target Groups and Beneficiaries –How to use the Manual About the Manual

9 –Why a Local Diagnosis of Insecurity? –Components of a Diagnosis: Stakeholder Analysis Municipal analysis Victimisation Surveys or Local Safety Appraisals - Baseline survey for indicator identification Youth and Crime Surveys - Youth Offender Profiling - Street Children Surveys Violence Against Women Surveys Safety Audits Social Crime Mapping Generation of Base Line Data and identification of Performance Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Phase 1 Diagnosis

10 –Why Partnerships and which Actors? –Who does What? –Tools Stakeholder Analysis Awareness Creation and Sensitisation Campaigns Training and Capacity Building Safer Cities Coordinating Committee SC Local Technical Team Thematic Action Groups Roles, responsibilities, participation, leadership Phase 2 Partnership Building

11 –Why an Urban Crime Prevention Strategy? –Components Short, Medium and Long Term Strategies Focus on Priorities Institutional, social and situational prevention –Tools City Consultations Exchange, Field Visits and Training Safer Cities Summit and Urban Pact Role of the SC Coordinating Committee and Local Technical Team Phase 3 Strategy Development

12 –Components Short, Medium and Long Term activities Social Prevention: youth, families, women Situational Prevention: urban design Institutional Prevention: governance, police, justice Contribute to development of Culture of Prevention –Tools Role of the SC Coordinating Committee and Local Team Action Groups Phase 4 Implementation

13 –Why Institutionalisation? –Tools Capacity Building and Institutional Arrangements National Government Support Policy Reform Institutional Reform Legislative Reform Formalisation and Integration of SC CC and LTT Formalisation of Action Groups Documentation, Exchange and Replication Phase 5 Institutionalisation

14 –Why M&E? –Tools Selection of Performance Indicators Base Line Study Regular Assessments: needs and impact assessments Feedback Institutionalisation Phase 6 Monitoring and Evaluation

15 Urban Issues: Good Urban Governance & Secure Tenure Good Governance Campaign Secure Tenure Campaign

16 Community, City and National Level Action The Role of the Community The Role of the City The Role of National Government

17 Training Exercises Team Building Knowledge Building

18 SC Technical Support Team Terms of Reference Training and Capacity Building Management Arrangements and Strategic Positioning Priorities

19 Role of Local Government Leadership Vision and Political Will / Support Coordination Safety as Cross Cutting Issue National Support

20 SC Coalition Partners Participation and Partnership Sensitisation and Capacity Building Roles and Responsibilities Management Arrangements

21 Role of Police Bridge the Gap with the Public Localised Approach Partnership Integration of Prevention

22 Role of Justice System Alternatives to Imprisonment - Diversion Rehabilitation and Resocialisation Bridge Gap between Justice and People Traditional Forms of Justice: mediation, etc.

23 Role of National Government Local Government Capacity Building Safety as Cross Cutting Issue Police and Justice Reform Policy and Legislative Reform National Campaigns Political Will and Support Documentation, Exchange and Replication

24 Role of the Media Public Awareness Creation Hold Government accountable

25 Private Sector Facilitate and participate in crime prevention initiatives Link up with government and the education system

26 Civil Society CBO’s NGO’s Research Institutions Church Groups / Religious Organisations are to: Facilitate and participate in crime prevention initiatives

27 Indicators Quantitative Qualitative Performance Process Product

28 Links Poverty and Unemployment Youth and Gangs Health and Environment Human Rights Domestic Violence and Gender Issues Conflict Prevention, Disaster Mitigation

29 Finally Tips Frequently Asked Questions Glossary References Resource Materials and Organisations: Practical Links

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