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Medieval Jeopardy Famous PeopleBig EventsKey TermsIn OrderPotpourri 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 Medieval Jeopardy Famous PeopleBig EventsKey TermsIn OrderPotpourri 10 20 30 40 50

2 This man was mayor of the castle, and led an infantry against the Moors. Charles Martel

3 This mayor of the castle changed his position so that it was hereditary. Pepin II

4 This man was King of Wessex, and after paying the Vikings to leave England, he created an army and went to war against the Vikings to prevent their return. Alfred the Great

5 This man was proclaimed “Emperor of the Romans” in 800 CE by Pope Leo III. Charlemagne

6 This man was declared “King, by the Grace of God” by the pope, thus creating the precedent that the pope had the power to create, or remove, Kings in Europe. Pepin the Short

7 This battle is credited with halting the Muslim expansion into Europe. Battle of Tours

8 This agreement split Charlemagne’s empire into three pieces after his death. Treaty of Verdun

9 This gift to the Church provided the lands that became the Papal States. Donation of Pepin

10 England is brought into the Danish Scandinavian kingdom in 1019 by this leader. King Canute

11 This line of kings was established by a Frank King who converted to Christianity, and also ordered 3,000 of his soldiers to be baptized as well. Merovingians

12 A set of rules to regulate monastic life, originally used in the monastery of Monte Cassino. These rules eventually spread across Europe. Benedictine Rule

13 The code of conduct used by knights in the Medieval period. Chivalry

14 In the feudal system, a piece of land that was granted to a vassal was known as a: fief

15 Peasants that worked on a manor and were bound to the land were called: serfs

16 One method of feudal justice, this method required the accused party to be subjected to a terrible physical task, and innocence was determined by the severity of injuries and the rate with which the injuries healed. Ordeal

17 Place these roles in medieval society in order from most to least freedom: Artisan Lord Serf Vassal Lord, Vassal, Artisan, Serf

18 Place these steps of training in order: Squire Knight Page Page, Squire, Knight

19 Place these leaders in chronological order, from earliest to latest: Clovis Charles Martel Charlemagne Pepin the Short Clovis, Charles Martel, Pepin III, Charlemagne

20 Put these leaders in chronological order, from earliest to latest: King Canute Alfred the Great Edward the Confessor Alfred the Great King Canute Edward the Confessor

21 Put these events in order: Alfred the Great takes power Pope says, “King by the Grace of God” Pope says, “Emperor of the Romans” Angles and Saxons invade England Battle of Tours Angles and Saxons invade England, Battle of Tours, “King by the Grace of God,” “Emperor of the Romans,” Alfred the Great

22 Person that works with a Guild Master learning the trade for usually 7-8 years. Apprentice

23 After the Church declared it immoral for Christians to lend money with interest, many from this group became moneylenders. Jews

24 After the rise of towns, merchants, traders, and artisans formed this, a group disliked by both the clergy and the nobles. Middle Class

25 The Pope claimed authority over all secular leaders, which was termed: Papal supremacy

26 This document detailed the rights and privileges of a new town, and was granted by a local lord, or the king, in exchange for a fee. Charter

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