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Seeds of Revolution Made By: Peyton Zeedyk,Brayden Cordes, Abbigail Benoit, and Paige Hermanowicz.

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2 Seeds of Revolution Made By: Peyton Zeedyk,Brayden Cordes, Abbigail Benoit, and Paige Hermanowicz

3 Britain’s colinies The thirteen colinies began to develop their own ideas and ways of thinking separate from Great Britain.

4 French and Indian War The French tried to take over the native American land.Britain declared war on France in 1756 in the Ohio river valley. Britain won the war in the treaty of Paris saved the land.

5 I n 1764 just a year after the treaty of paris,Britain’s parliament passed the cheap Spanish and french sugar that colonists have been buying was now so expensive that the british sugar. Newspapers reported Henrys position and soon people throughout the thirteen colonies were protesting the stamp act. Taxation Without Representation

6 Acts of frustration and Retaliation Adams called the fight started by the colitists the bosten massacere.The engraved picture witch showed soildiors firing into a group of peaceful colonists was printed in newspapers and other places. In 1773 all that was left of the townshend act was a tax on tea And that lead to, the tea act required colonists to buy tea only from Britain's east India company. The colonists were still not represented in Parliament and they were angry that not all the taxes were repleated.

7 The War Begins In Boston general thomas gage the commander of the british troops,became alarmed when he heard reports a colinist’s weapons stored at Concored about 20 miles west of Bostin.A patriot doctor Samual Prescot found out about gage’s plans on the way to concord,the British soildiors were coming.Militrmen attaced the exausted British soildiors at concords north bridge,and continued the attack the next day as the British soildiors began to march back to Bostin.The soildiors were reatreating from the fight.

8 T he Patriot soildiors dug trenches to hide from the British troops and attack.

9 There were dark days heading for the patriots,as they lost battle after battle. A month later after the declaration of independence was singed, the British General shipped 30,000 solders into NYC’s harbor the outnumber patriots lost the battle of long island.

10 October 1776 is when patiriot benedict arnold’s gunboats were defeated at lake Champlain in Canada.


12 In June 1778 after the horrible winter Washington attacked the British army

13 Building a nation In 1777 delegates appointed by each state to the second continental congress agreed to send a new plan for the government to states for review. The document detailing the plan would become known as Articles of Confederation.

14 The Articles of Confederation People could not pay taxes, people had to raise money just to pay taxes.

15 A president was elected to over see the proceedings of Congress, but had no power to make decisions.

16 The treaty of Paris It took almost 5 years for all 13 states to come to an agreement and approve the articles for confederation.

17 Britten discussed peace terms in Paris France, from the middle of 1782 until the treaty on September 3 rd, 1783.

18 Britain comes back!!! It recognized the new U.S to be independent of great Britain.

19 Tax fax The solders could not pay their taxes because they had no money so the solders did not get paid.

20 Shays rebellion Shays rebellion pursued many citizens and leaders that a strong federal government was needed.

21 In Massachusetts settlers, money problems at home inspired a repletion

22 Google,wikipedia,bing A-Z

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