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America In Transition Urban Population Explosion & Westward Growth.

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Presentation on theme: "America In Transition Urban Population Explosion & Westward Growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 America In Transition Urban Population Explosion & Westward Growth

2 Who’s coming to the city? Farmers and Immigrants – Why? The promise of jobs

3 Who were most immigrants 1880-1920? European Poor From rural areas Moving for the promise of a better life “New Immigrants” were coming from Eastern and Southern Europe Europeans came through Ellis Island Asians came through Angel Island


5 Immigrants Problems? – “Natives” (people born here) resent new immigrants for competing for jobs – Nativists want new immigrants to behave like Americans

6 Immigrants Solutions? – Legislation to restrict immigration – Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)temporarily bans Chinese immigration

7 Urban Living Conditions Cities became overpopulated Food became difficult to get Many people lived in a small apartment (called tenements)



10 Political Machines No, it is not a “machine” with mechanical parts It is a corrupt city government The leader is a “political boss” (he was corrupt too!) The “machine” (or organization): – Told people who to vote for – Promised jobs or other services

11 Political Machines Tammany Hall – Political Machine in New York – Boss Tweed was one leader



14 What about out West? Dawes Act of 1887 – Attempt to assimilate/Americanize native’s – Land provided to families This is different than reservations for an entire tribe

15 What about out West? Homestead Act – Intended to settle the Great Plains/Midwest – For a small fee, the government provided: 160 acres You work the land for 5 years, it’s yours

16 What about out West Gold Rush!!! – California ‘49er’s – Alaska Klondike – Didn’t require much skill – City populations exploded near gold mining areas

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