NORTH CAROLINA COUNCIL Meeting and Training January 22, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTH CAROLINA COUNCIL Meeting and Training January 22, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORTH CAROLINA COUNCIL Meeting and Training January 22, 2011

2 NC COUNCIL MEETING PLEASE SIGN THE SIGN-IN SHEET GOING AROUND…. INTRODUCTIONS –Your name –Your Section –Your position in R3, Council, or Section –Whatever else you think important about you.

3 NC COUNCIL MEETING BYLAWS REVISION JANUARY 22, 2011 FOR NC COUNCIL (R3 – AREA 2). –Document Ratification - by Council Committee –Discussion One meeting/yr here in NC (makes 3 meeting/yr) Officer election every year (2 -3 members per slot) Officer terms – not more than 2 years. No mention of Penance for non compliance (except for reporting).

4 NC COUNCIL MEETING MGA OPERATIONS MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SECTIONS –See –No requirement for Section Bylaws –Yearly Officer Elections are required. TREASURES REPORT (Dennis Dice) –NC COUNCIL BUDGET FOR 2011

5 Budget Expenses $3000NCC leadership training $2100SoutheastCon11 – 3 $200Office supplies $1000Travel (section mts) $200NC team shirts(SEC11) $6500total

6 Budget Income $8,237.48End of 2010 $12,000.00SEC10 profit $20,273.48 working capital - $6,500.00Budget Exp $13,773.48 End 2011

7 NC COUNCIL MEETING Budget Discussion –Updates to the 2011 Budget Budget Ratification w/ any Updates by Council Committee.

8 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

9 LUNCH DISCUSSION PLEASE DIVIDE INTO 3 GROUPS TO DISCUSS (about 8 in each group): 1.Best ways to recognize members 2.Best Student activities 3.Best Professional activities

10 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

11 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

12 THE BEST OF EVERYTHING THE BEST OF THE IDEA FROM THE LUNCH DISCUSSIONS: 1.Best ways to recognize members 2.Best Student activties 3.Best Professional activites

13 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

14 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

15 CHARTING THE PATH FORWARD Which Meetings Should Our Section Attend? –IEEE USA –Sections Congress –SouthEastCon –R3 Planing meeting –NC Council meeting The Strategic Planning Experience. –What is a Strategic Planning meeting –Who to invite –What to consider/plan

16 IEEE USA ANNUAL MEETING THEME: “Engineering in Motion” Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin Texas 3 thru 6 March 2011 Addressing today’s Engineering Challenges Exhibits, workshops, networking, volunteer training, …

17 IEEE SECTIONS CONGRESS 2011 THEME: "Empowering Members to Create the Future.“ WHEN? August 19 to 22, 2011 WHERE? San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco CA. PARTICIPANTS: All Section Chairs R3 PAYS: Food and Accommodations YOUR SECTION PAYS: Travel URL: ess/2011/sc2011_what_is.html

18 THE GOALS OF SC2011 ARE THREE-FOLD to provide an opportunity for delegates to gain information and training skills; to network and build relationships with other volunteers within IEEE; to serve as a forum for Section representatives and other local leaders, enabling them to voice – on behalf of the collective membership – the ideas, issues, and recommendations which will impact the development and growth of IEEE throughout the world, reinforcing its vitality and relevance to those it serves.

19 SOUTHEASTCON2011 Nasville Airport Marriott, Nashville, TN Annual IEEE Region 3 technical, professional, and student conference Technical papers Student Competitions (about 50 Universities attend) Annual R-3 Volunteer meeting – Section Chairs expected to attend – Be there! R3 pays: Travel, food and hotel. SouthEastCon2011 URL: ex.html?Conf_ID=16918

20 REGION 3 PLANNING MEETINGS SOUTHEASTCON – All Section Chairs are encouraged to attend or send a rep. R3 FALL MEETING – Held most years at some central location. All Section Chairs are encouraged to attend or send a rep. R3 pays food, hotel, and travel. See R3 website for meeting details: URL

21 NC Council Meetings SOUTHEASTCON – Usually held following Friday evening Reception. New Bylaws require one meeting a year “inside the boundaries of the Council” Both meetings - Section Chairs (Council Committee) or their rep is encouraged to attend to represent their respective Section.

22 STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING Each Section should have a Strategic Planning meeting once a year. Invite everyone that has an interest including Student Branch Chairs Focus on a plan for the full year. –Goals for the year. –Student Branch Activities –At least one general meeting per month

23 Section Strategic Planning INVITE: 15 to 20 of your most active members including Student Branch Officers. WHERE: Get a large University conference room (invite Engineering Dept Chair). STUDENT BRANCHES: Plan to provide help with whatever they would like to do. SECTION MEETINGS: Determine what meeting subject the Section should cover for the year and schedule them along with a resp. person.

24 NC Council Training Session Unraveling the Mystery (IEEE Structure) Ways to Build Society and Section Synergy Lunch (discussions) Where’s the Money? The Best of Everything Electronic Resources for Sections Charting the Path Forward Personal & Section Action Plan

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