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Anxiety disorders.  Definition  Normal anxiety  Anxiety symptom  Anxiety disorders  generalized anxiety disorder  panic disorder  phobias  obsessive.

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety disorders.  Definition  Normal anxiety  Anxiety symptom  Anxiety disorders  generalized anxiety disorder  panic disorder  phobias  obsessive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety disorders

2  Definition  Normal anxiety  Anxiety symptom  Anxiety disorders  generalized anxiety disorder  panic disorder  phobias  obsessive compulsive disorder  acute stress and post traumatic stress disorders

3 Anxiety disorders  Symptoms of anxiety  Psychological:fear, apprehenssion,fear of illness  Autonomic:heart,lungs,kidneys,stomach,in testin  Motor: headache, muscle spasm..

4 Anxiety disorders Biology of anxiety  noradrenaline  serotonine  GABA

5 GAD Generalized anxiety disorder Definition: C/F:  1-symptoms of anxiety  2- associated  3- 6 months Etiology Genetic,  Social,  Psychological  Dynamic (conflicts)  Frustration  Threat to self esteem

6 GAD DDx:  Hyperthyroidism Management  reassurance  drugs Benzodiazepines Antipsychotics Tricyclic antidepressants B blockers  psychotherapy  Social therapy

7 Panic disorder Definition C/F:  Symptoms of anxiety  Discrete attacks, short duration  In between, little or no symptoms  Fear of next attacks  4 weeks

8 Panic disorder Etiology  Genetic, biochemical, hyperventilation, cognitive  DDx  Hypoglycemia, pheochromacytoma Management  reassurance  drugs SSRIs, Tricyclic antidepressants: clomipramine,imipramine  cognitive behavioral therapy

9 phobias Phobias Definition C/F  1-anxiety symptoms  2-certain object or situation  avoidance Types  simple phobia  social phobia  3-agoraphobia’s

10 phobias  Management  Behavioral: desensitization, flooding, implosion, social skill training

11 Stress disorders Acute stress and posttraumatic stress disorders Definition C/F  Exposure to extreme threat  Repeated reliving  Dreams  Avoidance  Decreased interests, emotional numbness  Hyperarousal  Sleep disturbance  Poor concentration  Duration 1m acute 6m PTSD

12 Stress disorders DDx  GAD  Depression Management  Behavioral  Drugs SSRIs

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