Lisa Tittle, associate professor.  More formal feel to the paragraph or essay  Add coherence  Provide transition.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisa Tittle, associate professor.  More formal feel to the paragraph or essay  Add coherence  Provide transition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisa Tittle, associate professor

2  More formal feel to the paragraph or essay  Add coherence  Provide transition

3  Comma splice  Joining two or more sentences with only a comma  The dog is wagging its tail, it is happy.  NEVER DO THIS!

4  Run on sentences  Joining two or more sentences without punctuation.  The dog is wagging its tail it is happy.  DON’T DO THIS EITHER!

5  Fragments  Words or phrases that do not make a complete thought  When it is raining. I carry my umbrella.  I bought chocolate ice cream. Which is my favorite.  This is the only mechanic. Who fixes transmissions.  The grass is wet. Because it rained last night.  We went to the movies. After dinner.  The girl running with scissors.

6  The dog wags its tail. It is happy.  The dog wags its tail; it is happy.

7  FANBOYS  The dog wags its tail. It is happy.  The dog wags its tail, so it is happy.  The dog wags its tail, and it is happy.  The dog wags its tail, but it will bite.

8  Moreover, therefore, nevertheless  The dog wags its tail. It is happy.  The dog wags its tail; therefore, it is happy.  The dog wags its tail; moreover, it is happy.  The dog wags its tail; however, it will bite.

9  When, because, since, etc.  When the dog wags its tail, it is happy.  Because the dog is happy, it wags its tail.  The dog wags its tail when it is happy.  The dog wags its tail because it is happy.

10  Purdue University Purdue University   Textbook companion website Textbook companion website   Grammar Darling Grammar Darling  st.htm st.htm

11  Page 400  Exercise 4  #5 and #6  Combine the 2 sets of sentences in all 5 ways  Semicolon  Coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)  Conjunctive adverb  Subordination  At beginning of sentence  In middle of sentence

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