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Kingdoms, City-States, and Empires

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1 Kingdoms, City-States, and Empires
Chapter 2 Section 2 Kingdoms, City-States, and Empires

2 East African Trading Civilizations
Grew strong from trade Developed on or near coastlines Aksum was a major trading kingdom on the east coast by C 200 AD

3 Aksum People Becoming Christians Aksum is located in East Africa

4 Cities of Trade Aksum declined, but new trading cities arose.
Traded with India and China Used prevailing winds to sail Cotton & Silk Were Traded

5 Traders Brought Change
The religion of Islam was introduced A new language called Swahili developed in the area Swahili is a Bantu language which includes some Arab words

6 African Languages

7 Rise of City-States Trading cities grew into powerful city-states
A city-state has its own traditions, government and laws A city-state controlled much of the surrounding land

8 Powerful City-States Great Zimbabwe Malindi Mombasa Fort Jesus

9 Kilwa A famous East African city-state around the 1300’s
Grew rich from trade and taxes Like other East African city-states it was conquered by Portugal

10 Southern & East African Trade Ties
Great Zimbabwe lay to the south & west of the East African city-states It was connected to the trade routes by the Indian Ocean Only ruins remain

11 North African Trading Ties
Long Mediterranean coastline attracted traders Around 1000 BC Phoenicians began searching for ports on North Africa

12 The Rise of Carthage Around 800 BC the Phoenicians established the city of Carthage Grew rich from trade in textiles, metals, slaves and food products

13 The Fall of Carthage Wealthiest city in the world at this time
Controlled Mediterranean from the late 500’s BC through the 200’s BC In 146 BC Carthage fell to Rome

14 Roman Influences North Africa fell under the influence of the Roman Empire Christianity spread and Roman roads were built ports flourished

15 Islamic Influences When Rome fell in 476 AD, North Africa fell under Arab control Many North Africans became Muslims Muslims Praying

16 West African Kingdoms Gold Salt
West African kingdoms grew rich on trade in salt and gold West Africans had gold which they traded to North Africans for salt. Ghana, Mali & Songhai grew rich from trade Gold Salt


18 Ghana Located between the Senegal and Niger rivers. Was able to control trade across West Africa.

19 Ghana’s Kings Ghana’s kings grew rich from the taxes they charged on the salt, gold, and other goods that flowed through their lands.

20 Mali In the mid 1200’s the kingdom of Mali arose
Ghana lost control of its trade routes to Mali In Mali the king was called “Mansa” which means “Emperor”

21 Mansa Musa Gained the throne about 1312
Rules for 20 years and brought peace and order to the kingdom

22 Mansa Musa & the Spread of Islam
Mansa Musa and many of his subjects were Muslim He based his laws on the teachings of Islam In 1324 made a pilgrimage to Mecca

23 Mansa Musa’s Pilgrimage
He took 60,000 people with him 80 camels carried 300 pounds of gold! Gold was given away as gifts along the way Mali’s reputation spread

24 The Kaaba ( black stone in the corner)
Mecca The Kaaba ( black stone in the corner)

25 Songhai Mansa Musa dies in 1332
The Songhai empire became West Africa’s most powerful kingdom Wealthiest Songhai trading city was Tombouctou

26 Tombouctou Tombouctou, on the Niger river, was considered a great Muslim learning center.

27 Forest Kingdoms Found in the forested region of West Africa
Benin arose in the late 1200’s Traded in ivory, palm oil, and pepper They were masters at sculpting and carving in ivory, bronze, brass and wood.

28 Sculptures and carvings from Benin
Forested Kingdoms Sculptures and carvings from Benin

29 Location is Everything!
Located on the coast Benin traded with other African kingdoms and with Europeans arriving by sea In the 1500’s Europeans began trading guns for slaves


31 Slaves were often beaten if they tried to run away!
The Middle Passage (Slaves crammed on ships for transport to the new world)

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