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Social Networking & Bar Association Communication -- What You Should Know About How to Use it to Your Advantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Networking & Bar Association Communication -- What You Should Know About How to Use it to Your Advantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Networking & Bar Association Communication -- What You Should Know About How to Use it to Your Advantage

2 Kathryn Grant Madigan, Esq. Past President New York State Bar Association and Ann Murphy Director of Communications The Bar Association of San Francisco

3 What is Social Media or Web 2.0? Any online space where people can interact with one another.

4 Social Media for Bars Networking Networking MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Collaborative Tools Collaborative Tools Wikipedia, Google docs Wikipedia, Google docs RSS Feeds RSS Feeds Really Simple Syndication Really Simple Syndication Podcasts Audio broadcasts Blogs Printed journals Videos YouTube, Google videos

5 What is LinkedIn? A worldwide online network of people A worldwide online network of people It is one of many professional networking sites It is one of many professional networking sites LinkedIn is probably the best known and most widely used business networking site LinkedIn is probably the best known and most widely used business networking site

6 What is LinkedIn? cont’d When you join, you create a profile that summarizes your professional accomplishments When you join, you create a profile that summarizes your professional accomplishments Your profile helps you find and be found by former colleagues, clients, and partners Your profile helps you find and be found by former colleagues, clients, and partners

7 What is LinkedIn? cont’d You can add more connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you You can add more connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you One of Kate’s connections

8 What is LinkedIn? cont’d Your network consists of your connections, your connections' connections, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of qualified professionals Your network consists of your connections, your connections' connections, and the people they know, linking you to thousands of qualified professionals

9 Through LinkedIn... You can search for jobs and form relationships that are critical to career success You can search for jobs and form relationships that are critical to career success

10 Through LinkedIn NYSBA Is... Improving its visibility, particularly among younger attorneys and non- members Improving its visibility, particularly among younger attorneys and non- members Improving its connectivity amongst members, non-members, and out-of-state attorneys Improving its connectivity amongst members, non-members, and out-of-state attorneys Providing an opportunity to learn and share (i.e. discussion features, news, etc.) Providing an opportunity to learn and share (i.e. discussion features, news, etc.)



13 Twitter “Twitter is the telegraph system of Web 2.0.” -- Nicholas Carr, Author and Technologist -- Nicholas Carr, Author and Technologist

14 How Does Twitter Work? Messages are sent via: Messages are sent via: Cell phone text message Cell phone text message Email Email Instant message Instant message The Web The Web The recipient makes the choice The recipient makes the choice

15 Is There Twitter In Your Future? Mini-Blogging Tool Mini-Blogging Tool 5 Million+ Users 5 Million+ Users Bursts or “Tweets” of 140 Characters or Less Bursts or “Tweets” of 140 Characters or Less What Are The Rules? What Are The Rules? Time-Waster, Business Tool or News Source? Time-Waster, Business Tool or News Source?

16 Use Twitter To… Alert members to new information Alert members to new information Send board members a tweet when board material is posted Send board members a tweet when board material is posted Distribute news and press releases Distribute news and press releases Send a brief headline and a Web link Send a brief headline and a Web link Promote an event Promote an event Use Twitter in conjunction with other marketing methods to reach a broader audience Use Twitter in conjunction with other marketing methods to reach a broader audience


18 Using Facebook Facebook Pages Facebook Pages Give businesses a Facebook profile Give businesses a Facebook profile Followers of your bar or Section can become “fans”, and when they do, all their friends will see Followers of your bar or Section can become “fans”, and when they do, all their friends will see All activity gets posted for all your fans to see: store photos, videos, and information – announce events! All activity gets posted for all your fans to see: store photos, videos, and information – announce events! Groups Groups Similar to Pages, but are meant to be built around a group of people (i.e. NYSBA’s Young Lawyers Section) Similar to Pages, but are meant to be built around a group of people (i.e. NYSBA’s Young Lawyers Section)

19 Using Facebook Reasons why you should start using it Appeals to a younger audience Appeals to a younger audience It’s viral It’s viral More than half the people using it, use it daily More than half the people using it, use it daily Your competition may already be on Facebook Your competition may already be on Facebook Facebook friends are willing to continue the conversation Facebook friends are willing to continue the conversation Facebook is for social information sharing and interaction Facebook is for social information sharing and interaction



22 To Blog or Not to Blog? Benefits Member only area – a benefit of membership Vehicle to discuss current legal issues Archive postings for solo/small firm use Instant access to members Risks Monitoring requires staff Negative posts and their liability Lack of participation Do bars really need to be in this business?

23 NYSBA President’s blog President’s blog President’s blog Launch and Promotion Launch and Promotion Frequency Frequency Topics and Commentary Topics and Commentary Member and Media Response Member and Media Response


25 Health Law Section

26 Torts, Insurance & Compensation Law Section


28 Lessons Learned President’s Blog and President’s Page More frequent, shorter postings More frequent, shorter postings Staff support is key Staff support is key Significant time commitment Significant time commitment Tips on enhancing blog interactivity Tips on enhancing blog interactivity

29 Collaborative Tools or Groupware Includes Wikipedia and Google Includes Wikipedia and Google Online tools or software which enables people to collaborate on a shared project Online tools or software which enables people to collaborate on a shared project Software includes electronic calendars, workflow systems and online spreadsheets Software includes electronic calendars, workflow systems and online spreadsheets



32 Videos A great way to communicate your message A great way to communicate your message Can be done by staff with inexpensive equipment or professionally Can be done by staff with inexpensive equipment or professionally Posted on YouTube and/or on your Web site Posted on YouTube and/or on your Web site Can be included in electronic messages Can be included in electronic messages




36 What is a Podcast? A podcast is like a radio program except people can download a podcast to a portable media player (such as an iPod or other mp3 player) and listen to it at their convenience. -- Wikipedia -- Wikipedia

37 Podcasts Great inexpensive way to get audio material to your audience Great inexpensive way to get audio material to your audience Equipment is inexpensive to get started Equipment is inexpensive to get started Potential for increased revenue from Potential for increased revenue from continuing legal education and speakers Files can be hosted on your Web site Files can be hosted on your Web site





42 RSS Feeds Really Simple Syndication Really Simple Syndication RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works – such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video – in a standardized format. -- Wikipedia




46 Where Do You Start? With limited resources – staff and money, here’s where to start: With limited resources – staff and money, here’s where to start: Facebook Facebook LinkedIn LinkedIn RSS Feeds RSS Feeds Podcasts Podcasts

47 Then Move To Then Move To Videos Videos Blogs Blogs Twitter Twitter Wikipedia Wikipedia


49 For More Information Kate Madigan Kate Madigan Ann Murphy Ann

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