Unit 2: Chemical Interactions Chapter 8: Carbon Chemistry

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1 Unit 2: Chemical Interactions Chapter 8: Carbon Chemistry
Big Idea: Because of its ability to combine in many ways with itself & with other elements, carbon has a central role in the chemistry of living organisms

2 4 Sections Properties of Carbon Carbon Compounds Polymers & Composites
Life with Carbon Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

3 Sec 1: Properties of Carbon
KEY CONCEPTS Because of its ability to combine in many ways with itself & other elements, carbon has a central role in the chemistry of organisms The 4 forms of the element carbon are: 1) diamond 2) graphite 3) fullerenes 4) nanotubes Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

4 Sec 1: Key Terms Diamond Graphite Fullerene Nanotube Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

5 Sec 2: Carbon Compounds KEY CONCEPTS
Many organic compounds have similar properties in terms of melting points, boiling points, odor, electrical conductivity, & solubility Hydrocarbons mix poorly with water. Also, all hydrocarbons are flammable Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

6 Sec 2: Carbon Compounds (cont’d)
The carbon chains in a hydrocarbon ring may be straight, branched, or ring-shaped. In addition to forming a single bond, two carbon atoms can form a double bond or a triple bond If just one atom of another element is substituted for a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon, a different compound is created Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

7 Sec 2: Carbon Compounds (cont’d)
Many esters have pleasant, fruity smells Organic compounds can be linked together to build polymers with thousands or even millions of atoms Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

8 Sec 2: Key Terms Organic compound Hydrocarbon Structural formula
Isomer Saturated hydrocarbon Unsaturated hydrocarbon Substituted hydrocarbon Hydroxyl group Alcohol Organic acid Carboxyl group Ester Polymer Monomer Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

9 Sec 3: Polymers & Composites
KEY CONCEPTS Polymers form when chemical bonds link large numbers of monomers in a repeating pattern Many composite materials include one or more polymers You can help reduce the amount of plastic waste by recycling Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

10 Sec 3: Key Terms Protein Amino acid Plastic Composite Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

11 Sec 4: Life with Carbon KEY CONCEPTS
The 4 classes of organic compounds required by living things are: 1) carbohydrates 2) proteins 3) lipids 4) nucleic acids The energy released by breaking down starch allows the body to carry out its life functions Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

12 Sec 4: Life with Carbon (cont’d)
The body uses proteins from food to build & repair body parts & to regulate cell activities Gram for gram, lipids release twice as much energy in your body as do carbohydrates When living things reproduce, they pass DNA & the information it carries to the next generation Organisms require water, vitamins, minerals, & salts to help support the functioning of large molecules Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

13 Sec 4: Key Terms Carbohydrate Glucose Complex carbohydrate Starch
Cellulose Lipid Fatty acid Cholesterol Nucleic acid DNA RNA Nucleotide Mrs. Lee - Ch 8

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