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Articulations A look at the structural and functional classification of joints and the movements they provide.

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Presentation on theme: "Articulations A look at the structural and functional classification of joints and the movements they provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Articulations A look at the structural and functional classification of joints and the movements they provide

2 Joints Rigid elements of the skeleton meet at joints or articulations
Greek root “arthro” means joint Articulations can be: Bone to bone Bone to cartilage Teeth in bony sockets Structure of joints Enables resistance to crushing, tearing, and other forces

3 Classifications of Joints
Joints can be classified by function or structure Functional classification – based on amount of movement Synarthroses – immovable – common in axial skeleton Amphiarthroses – slightly movable – common in axial skeleton Diarthroses – freely movable – common in appendicular skeleton

4 Classifications of Joints
Structural classification based on: Material that binds bones together Presence or absence of a joint cavity Structural classifications include Fibrous Cartilaginous Synovial

5 Synarthroses Immovable joints Do not have a joint cavity
May be Fibrous or Cartilagenous sutures – i.e. coronal suture Synchondrosis – epiphyseal plates Gomphoses – i.e. your teeth!

6 Synarthroses: Sutures
Bones are tightly bound by a minimal amount of fibrous tissue Only occur between the bones of the skull Allow bone growth so that the skull can expand with brain during childhood

7 Synarthroses: Gomphoses
Tooth in a socket Connecting ligament – the periodontal ligament

8 Synarthroses: Synchondroses
Cartilaginous Synarthritic Joints Joint between first rib and manubrium Hyaline cartilage unites bones Epiphyseal plates

9 Amphiarthroses Slightly movable joints No joint cavity
Amphiarthroses may be Fibrous cartilagenous

10 Amphiarthroses: Syndesmoses
Fibrous Amphiarthritic Joints Bones are connected exclusively by ligaments Amount of movement depends on length of fibers

11 Amphiarthroses: Symphyses
Cartilaginous Amphiarthritic Joint Fibrocartilage unites bones – resists tension and compression Slightly movable joints that provide strength with flexibility Intervertebral discs Pubic symphysis

12 Diarthroses Most movable type of joint Diarthroses are synovial
Each contains a fluid-filled joint cavity called a synovial cavity.

13 A Typical Synovial Joint
Fibrous Capsule Synovial Membrane Cartilage (Articular) Disc Synovial Joint Cavity Articular Cartilage

14 How Synovial Joints Function
Synovial joints – lubricating devices Friction could overheat and destroy joint tissue Are subjected to compressive forces Fluid is squeezed out as opposing cartilages touch Cartilages ride on the slippery film

15 Factors Influencing Joint Stabililty
Articular surfaces seldom play a major role in joint stability Exceptions: the elbow, the knee and the hip do provide stability Ligaments the more ligaments in a joint, the stronger it is Muscle tone the most important factor in joint stability keeps tension on muscle tendons

16 Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints
Three basic types of movement Gliding – one bone across the surface of another Angular movement – movements change the angle between bones Rotation – movement around a bone's long axis And a host of “special movements” Supination / Pronation Dorsiflexion / Plantar flextion Inversion / Eversion Projection / Retraction Elevation / Depression Opposition

17 Gliding Joints Flat surfaces of two bones slip across each other
Gliding occurs between Carpals Articular processes of vertebrae Tarsals

18 Angular Movements Increase or decrease angle between bones
Movements involve: Flexion and Extension Flexion: movement decreases the joint angle Extension: movement that increases the joint angle Abduction and Adduction Abduction: movement away from midline Adduction: movement towards midline Circumduction Circular motion allowed by a joint

19 Angular Movements

20 Angular Movements

21 Angular Movements

22 Rotation Involves turning movement of a bone around its long axis
The only movement allowed between atlas and axis vertebrae Occurs at the hip and shoulder joints

23 Special Movements Supination Pronation
forearm rotates laterally & palm faces anteriorly Pronation forearm rotates medially & palm faces posteriorly

24 Special Movements Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion
lifting the foot so its superior surface approaches the shin Plantar flexion depressing the foot – pointing the toes downward

25 Special Movements Inversion Eversion turning the sole medially
turning the sole laterally

26 Special Movements Protraction Retraction
nonangular movement of jutting out the jaw Retraction opposite movement to protraction

27 Special Movements Elevation Depression lifting a body superiorly
moving the elevated part inferiorly

28 Special Movements Opposition
movement of the thumb to touch the tips of other fingers

29 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Plane joint Articular surfaces are flat planes Short gliding movements are allowed Intertarsal and intercarpal joints Movements are nonaxial Gliding does not involve rotation around any axis Considered a translational movment

30 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Hinge joints Cylindrical end of one bone fits into a trough on another bone Angular movement is allowed in one plane Elbow, ankle, and joints between phalanges Movement is uniaxial – allows movement around one axis only

31 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Pivot joints Classified as uniaxial rotating bone only turns around its long axis Examples Proximal radioulnar joint Joint between atlas and axis

32 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Condyloid (Saddle) joints Allow moving bone to travel: Side to side – abduction-adduction Back and forth – flexion-extension Classified as biaxial movement occurs around two axes

33 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Saddle joints Each articular surface has concave and convex surfaces Classified as biaxial joints

34 Synovial Joints Classified by Structure
Ball-and-socket joints Spherical head of one bone fits into round socket of another Classified as multiaxial – allow movement in all axes Examples: shoulder and hip joints

35 General Joint Concerns & Issues
Structure of joints makes them prone to traumatic stress Function of joints makes them subject to friction and wear Affected by inflammatory and degenerative processes

36 Joint Injuries Sprains – ligaments of a reinforcing joint are stretched or torn Dislocation – occurs when the bones of a joint are forced out of alignment Luxation = complete dislocation Subluxation = partial dislocation Torn cartilage – common injury to meniscus of knee joint

37 Inflammatory and Degenerative Conditions
Bursitis – inflammation of a bursa do to injury or friction Tendonitis – inflammation of a tendon sheath Arthritis – describes over 100 kinds of joint-damaging diseases Osteoarthritis – most common type – “wear and tear” arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis – a chronic inflammatory disorder Gouty arthritis (gout) – uric acid build-up causes pain in joints Lyme disease – inflammatory disease often resulting in joint pain

38 Additional Joint Information
Anatomy of Shoulder, Elbow, Hip & Knee Joints

39 Selected Synovial Joints - Shoulder
Shoulder (Glenohumeral) joint – General Characteristics The most freely movable joint – lacks stability Articular capsule is thin and loose Muscle tendons contribute to joint stability

40 Glenohumeral Joint

41 Selected Synovial Joints
Elbow joint – General Characteristics Allows flexion and extension The humerus’ articulation with ulna forms the hinge Tendons of biceps and triceps brachii provide stability

42 Elbow Joint

43 Elbow Joint

44 Selected Synovial Joints
Hip joint – General Characteristics A ball-and-socket structure Movements occur in all axes – limited by ligaments and acetabulum Head of femur articulates with acetabulum Muscle tendons contributes to stability, however Stability comes chiefly from acetabulum and capsular ligaments

45 Frontal Section and Anterior View of the Hip Joint

46 Posterior View of the Hip Joint
Figure 9.13c, d

47 Selected Synovial Joints
Knee joint – General Characteristics The largest and most complex joint Primarily acts as a hinge joint Has some capacity for rotation when leg is flexed Two fibrocartilage menisci occur within the joint cavity

48 Sagittal Section of Knee Joint
Superior View of Knee Joint

49 Anterior View of Flexed Knee

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