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Cash and Cans 2014 Holiday Fundraiser. History It has been a tradition at T.H. Bell to help provide a better holiday for families in our school community.

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Presentation on theme: "Cash and Cans 2014 Holiday Fundraiser. History It has been a tradition at T.H. Bell to help provide a better holiday for families in our school community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cash and Cans 2014 Holiday Fundraiser

2 History It has been a tradition at T.H. Bell to help provide a better holiday for families in our school community for many years. For the past several years we have been able to help the parents of about forty students purchase gifts for them, by providing a $50.00 gift card. We have also been able to provide bags of canned goods to some these families in need. This has been possible because of the generosity of you, our students and your families.

3 Edward Everett Hale Quote I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

4 Ask What can you do? What can you as a whole class do? How could your class help one child or peer? Could you help Two? More?

5 Procedure Students will bring their cans of food and/or cash to the counseling center before school or during homebase. The student’s homebase class will be credited for the money and cans donated, the homebase teacher will be given a pencil for every dollar donated and a bell for each food item.

6 Teachers may use the pencils and bells to create a class garland, to display their progress. And let students compare.

7 Incentives As a thank-you for donating Students will be given a ticket for each dollar or food item that they donate. They may use this ticket to enter the prize give away that will take place at the Holiday assembly the morning of the 23 rd.

8 Winning Classes The class(es) who donate the most cash, cans, & cash and cans combined will be given a Pizza/Bingo Party when we return in the New Year

9 Mr. Ward’s Challenge Mr. Ward has committed that if the students can raise $2000.00 to provide help to families in need in our community this year that he will shave his head during our Holiday Assembly.

10 Identification If you have concerns about a family in our school this season, please let your homebase teacher, administrator or counselor know privately or by e-mail.

11 Special Announcement Sodas available to purchase from Cheerleaders during lunches for $1.00/each in front lobby

12 Very Special Announcement 1 ST ANNUAL DODGEFESTIVUS: DECEMBER 23, 2014

13 DODGEFESTIVUS Teams by grade, 8-10 players per team $3.00 per participant Sign up team in counseling Center 7 th grade 2&3 period 8 th grade 4&5 period 9 th grade 6&7 Period Winning team from each grade plays for championship during HolidayAssembly

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