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Contraceptive Methods

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1 Contraceptive Methods

2 Abstinence 100% Effective!!! No pregnancy scares No STD scares

3 Barrier Methods Spermicides Condom Female Condom Diaphragm
Cervical Cap Contraceptive Sponge

4 Spermicide/Contraceptive Foam
Foam inserted into vagina destroying sperm and blocks fluids from entering the cervix Adv: buy over the counter, can be put in up to 20 min. before intercourse Dis: can be irritating, messy, no protection against STD’s Effectiveness: 94%/85%

5 Spermicide (foam) Cream, gel, foam, film, and suppositories
Most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9, a chemical that kills sperm. Spermicides can be used alone but are more effective when used with another method of birth control such as a condom or diaphragm. 74% Effective

6 Condom Latex/natural/plastic membranes sheath which holds ejaculated fluids Adv: protects against pregnancy and STD’s, inexpensive Dis: Does NOT protect against ALL STD’s, holes can produce, must pull out right after ejaculation Effectiveness: 97%/86%

7 Thin Rubber or latex 86-90% Effective Can break or slip off One-time use

8 Female Condom Thin, plastic sheath inserted into the vagina
Adv: no prescription needed, can put in hours before intercourse Dis: can be hard to use, expensive, difficult to find at most stores Effectiveness: 95%/79%

9 Female Condom 79-95% Effective One-time use Can break
Incorrect use decreases effectiveness

10 VCF-vaginal contraceptive film
2”x2” thin sheet with a chemical that kills sperm-dissolves when placed in cervix Adv: simple, no mess, no prescription, may be used with condoms Dis: no proof against STD’s Effectiveness: 94%/84%

11 Diaphragm Rubber disc inserted into the vagina to block sperm from getting into the cervix Adv: can be inserted prior to intercourse, no mess Dis: requires seeing a Dr. (must be measured for it), it can tear, increases risk of infections for females Effectiveness: 94%/86%

12 Diaphragm/ Cervical Cap
Dome-shaped latex cup stretched over a flexible ring; inserted into vagina Must be fitted by health professional Increase risk of bladder/urinary infections


14 Contraceptive Sponge Soft, disposable foam sponge containing spermicide inserted into vagina and covers cervix Adv: inexpensive, can be used up to 30 hrs. Dis: can be difficult to insert and remove, must be left in for 6 hrs. after intercourse, NO protection against STD’s Effectiveness: 89%/84%

15 Hormonal Methods Birth Control Pills Hormone Injection Hormone Patch
Vaginal Contraceptive Ring

16 The Pill Hormones keep egg from being released
Adv: lowers , regulates period, lowers risk of cancers, improves acne Dis: must take pill daily, can cost a lot of money (if not covered by health insurance), NO protection from STD’s, have to go through at least 1 cycle for it to be effective Effectiveness: 99%/94%

17 Birth Control Pill a daily pill that contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone that prevent pregnancy Most combination pills come in either a 21-day pack or a 28-day pack. One hormone pill is taken each day at about the same time for 21 days Over the course of 1 year, 5 to 8 out of 100 typical couples who rely on the Pill to prevent pregnancy will have an accidental pregnancy. Of course, this is an average figure and the chance of getting pregnant depends on whether you take your birth control pills every day. The Pill is an effective form of birth control, but even missing 1 day increases the chance of getting pregnant.

18 Depo Shot Hormone injection, lasts 3 months, stops ovaries from releasing eggs Adv: effective after 24 hrs, no sex interruption Dis: NO STD protection, injections every 3 months, weight gain, strange/no periods, takes about 6 months to get out of system, can be painful Effectiveness: 99%/99%

19 Birth Control Shot long-acting form of progesterone, a hormone that is naturally manufactured in a girl's ovaries. The shot is given as an injection in the upper arm or in the buttocks once every 3 months to protect a woman from becoming pregnant Over the course of 1 year, fewer than 3 out of 100 typical couples who use the birth control shot every 3 months will have an accidental pregnancy. The chance of getting pregnant increases if you wait longer than 3 months to receive your next shot.

20 The Patch Patch placed on body, releases hormones to stop ovaries from releasing egg Adv: lowers risk of cancers, regulates period, acne improvement Dis: must change weekly, costs money, NO protection from STD’s, cycle must be completed before effective Effectiveness: 99%/95%

21 Birth Control Patch It releases hormones through the skin into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. About 5 to 8 out of 100 couples will have an unintended pregnancy during the first year of use costs between $30 and $35 a month, although health and family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) might sell them for less

22 Nuva Ring Circular, flexible ring inserted into vagina and releases hormones to stop release of egg from ovaries (about 2 inches in diameter—inserted once per month) Adv: easy to insert Dis: must be inserted in vagina Effectiveness: 99%/94%

23 Birth Control Ring: Nuva Ring
inserted into the vagina, where it slowly releases hormones — the chemicals the body makes to control organ function — through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream. The hormones in the ring control the ovaries and the uterus. 1 year, 5 to 8 out of 100 typical couples who rely on the ring to prevent pregnancy will have an accidental pregnancy

24 Other Methods IUD Natural Family Planning Sterilization Abstinence

25 IUD Intrauterine Device
Object inserted through cervix and placed in uterus to prevent pregnancy Advantages: Will last 1-10 years; no mess; nothing to insert at time of intercourse Disadvantages: requires fitting by doctor; can come out; no STD protection Effectiveness: 99%/96%


27 Rhythm/Ovulation/Temperature Methods
Timing intercourse around ovulation to prevent pregnancy Adv: free Dis: hard to tell when ovulating, NO STD protection, requires record keeping, very little accuracy (you can still get pregnant even if not ovulating) Effectiveness: 80%/75%

28 Tubal Litigation Fallopian tubes cut and tied; eggs can’t meet sperm
Advantage: No chance of pregnancy, nothing to insert at intercourse, can be reversed Disadvantage: NO STD protection Effectiveness: 99%/99%

29 Vasectomy Vas deferens cut and tied; sperm can’t be released
Advantage: No chance of pregnancy, nothing to insert at intercourse Disadvantage: NO STD protection Effectiveness: 99%/99%

30 Abstinence No sexual contact of any type outside of marriage
Advantages: No chance of pregnancy or STD Builds relationship Disadvantage: Effectiveness: 100%

31 Ineffective Method Withdrawal

32 Withdrawal Method Male pulls penis from vagina prior to ejaculation
Adv: free, no fluid deposited into vagina Dis: not always easy to pull out, no STD protect, pre-ejaculation fluids Effectiveness: 96%/81%

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