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What I Already know What Do I want to Discover? The Story of My Search My Search Results My Growth as a Researcher My Works Cited.

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2 What I Already know What Do I want to Discover? The Story of My Search My Search Results My Growth as a Researcher My Works Cited

3 Ways to reduce the risk of Heart Disease Exercise Eat healthier Stay away from smoke or quit smoking if you smoke Get tested How you can get tested for Heart Disease You can get tested for Heart Disease by getting an Electrocardiogram (EKG) which are sensors placed on your chest and are used to measure the amount of electrical activity per heart beat. You can also get an Echocardiography which is an ultra sound on the heart. Aorta Valve Disorder Valve Disorders Bradycardia and Tachycardia Bradycardia is when the heart beats to slow Tachycardia is when the heart beats to fast

4 I would like to know more about the Aorta Valve Disorder. I would like to find more information on many other types of heart disease. Also I would like to find out more on how all of the different types of Heart Disease can be resolved. I would like to find out more about what can be done to a valve that has gone bad.

5 The reason I chose Heart disease is because I have a heart disorder. We then went to the library to talk about plagiarism We got our books and started on getting the information We made delicious accounts And then started our power points

6  More than 20% of people who die of a heart attack are under the ages of six and five years of age.  There are many heart defects. Some heart defects are valve disorders. This is when any valve in your heart doesn`t develop properly and the blood flow may become blocked. Another defect is Abnormal Heart Rate. This is when the heart speeds up, slows down or skips a beat for no apparent reason. This may also be called an Arrhythmia. Causes of Heart Disease Heredity and age Being over weight Diabetes Lack of Exercise Stress Drugs Smoking Diagnosing and Treating Electrocardiogram Echocardiography The most common Heart Disease is blockage of the coronary arties Different Heart Diseases  Cardiovascular Disease- which is where the heart or blood vessels can develop in any part of the circulatory system.  Arteriosclerosis- is hardening of the inner lining of the heart where artery walls thicken and lose elasticity.  Bacterial Endocarditic- which is a bacterial infection on the lining of the heart which leads to inflammation.

7  Rheumatic Fever- which causes inflammation of body tissue, joints and heart.

8 I know more about making power points I learned how to hyperlink things And I have learned how to find information and put it in my own words.

9  Kast, Bob. "Heart Disease." Copley News Service. Nov. 19 2007: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 06 Mar 2013  "heart." Compton's by Britannica. 01 Aug 2011: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 18 Mar 2013.  Tanner, Lindsey. "Doctors Report on Heart Attacks in Kids." State Journal Register (Springfield, IL). Oct. 1 2007: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 20 Mar 2013.  White, Geoffrey. "Amount of Sleep Linked to Heart Disease." Toronto Star (Toronto, Canada). Jan. 28 2003: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 20 Mar 2013.  Broken-Hearted: Depression and Heart Disease." Brain-Body Health. Winter 2000: 3-4. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 20 Mar 2013

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