Breastfeeding. "What helps reduce the incidence of ear and respiratory infections, intestinal disease, pneumonia, meningitis, Crohn's disease, colitis,

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Presentation on theme: "Breastfeeding. "What helps reduce the incidence of ear and respiratory infections, intestinal disease, pneumonia, meningitis, Crohn's disease, colitis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breastfeeding


3 "What helps reduce the incidence of ear and respiratory infections, intestinal disease, pneumonia, meningitis, Crohn's disease, colitis, diabetes, childhood cancers, allergies, constipation, urinary tract infections, tooth decay and obesity? It also increases intelligence and reduces the incidence of breast cancer for the mother."

4 Reduces risk of... breastfeeding reduces ovarian and cervical cancer, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, bacterial and viral infections of all types and increases visual acuity, optimal neurological and social and oral development, as well as saves money for health care providers and families.


6 Advantages Contracts the uterus Always ready Right temperature Easily digested Cheaper Feed while sleeping

7 Disadvantages Feed more often More poopy diapers Babe stuck to chest all the time!!! Sore breasts Contraindications: Drugs Breast reduction TB Breast cancer


9 Bottle First feed sterile water Glucose water Then formula Feed every 3-4 hours Should eat at least 4 oz every 4hours Burp ‘em

10 Breast is best Prepare breast late in pregnancy Put to breast as soon after birth as possible Colostrum-first milk, may start to come out prior to birth & high in protein,vit A, immunoglobulins, but lower in CHO, fat, & K+ than mature breast milk!

11 MILK comes in Usually about 3-5 days after birth ‘Heavy breasts’ At first nurse at each breast for 5 minutes May feed every 2 hours!!! Usually settle down to every 3-4 hours

12 How do I do This?? Get breast started How do I hold the kid? Root reflex Get areola into mouth!!! He won’t let go!!!!



15 Poor Latching

16 How do I know baby is getting enough??? Diapers - First 2-3 days should have at least 2 pee-pee diapers Once milk has come in, should have at least 5-6 wet diapers per 24 hour period

17 Inverted Nipples Sore nipples Mastitis How do I stop??

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