Causes of the Revolutionary War. 1) People were Independent! -Did not want people living across the ocean telling them how they had to live!

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1 Causes of the Revolutionary War

2 1) People were Independent! -Did not want people living across the ocean telling them how they had to live!

3 2) French and Indian War Debt -England made the American Colonies pay for the debt incurred by the French Indian War -Colonist felt that was not their responsibility

4 3) No Taxation without Representation! -Americans felt that they should be able to have someone represent them in the British Parliament if they were going to get taxed!

5 4) Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine -Wrote literature (ex. Common Sense) encouraging Americans to rebel -Felt the Colonies should be free

6 5) TAXES -Stamp Act, Townshed Act, Sugar Act -Britain taxed most things to Colonists used to make money! Colonist started to go on strike against items taxed or tried to get it illegally to avoid tax.

7 6) Lexington and Concord -”The shot heard round the world” -British heard there was a gunpowder stockpile and went to get it from Colonists -No one knows who fired first! (Both sides say the other guy did it!)

8 References - ushistory/causesrevwar.htm -

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