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To Next Slide Differences Divide Britain and Its Colonies Chapter 7 20 Questions!

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1 To Next Slide Differences Divide Britain and Its Colonies Chapter 7 20 Questions!

2 To Next Slide Who made laws for all the British people? British Parliament and the monarchs

3 To Next Slide What is the right to make your own laws? self-government

4 To Next Slide A government in which the people take part is a _________. democracy

5 To Next Slide Parliament ________ the Stamp Act when they heard about the anger of the colonist. This meant it was no longer a law. repealed

6 To Next Slide A ________ is a meeting of representatives who have the authority to make decisions. congress

7 To Next Slide How did the life of the colonist change after the French and Indian War? They had to pay more taxes, governors are given more authority, and they were told not to settle the western lands.

8 To Next Slide Both the French and the British had Indian ______, or friends, in the war? allies

9 To Next Slide Another word for taxes o goods brought into the country is ______. tariff

10 To Next Slide Patrick Henry was charged with _____, because some Loyalist said he was working against the British government. ? treason

11 To Next Slide What did representatives do at the first meeting of Continental Congress? agreed to stop all trade with Britain

12 To Next Slide Many colonists believed there should be “no taxation without _______________”. representation

13 To Next Slide What is another word for Tories or the colonists that were loyal to the King? loyalists

14 To Next Slide What is another word for the colonists that were against the British? Patriots

15 To Next Slide What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence? to spread news about protests (they wrote letters to one another)

16 To Next Slide Why was the Sugar Act passed? Parliament decided that its colonies should help pay for the war

17 To Next Slide What did the Proclamation of 1763 make illegal? settling west of the Appalachians

18 To Next Slide Why did people begin settling in Tennessee in 1769? they thought that if they fought for land, they could settle it

19 To Next Slide Was the Boston Massacre really a massacre? No, because a massacre means the killing of a number of people that cannot defend themselves. Only 5 colonist were killed that day.

20 To Next Slide Why were colonists angered by the stamp act? they had no part in the making of the law

21 To Next Slide The British ordered the colonists to _____, or pay for the housing of the British soldiers. quarter

22 To Next Slide Who was Crispus Attucks? an escaped slaved who was the first to die in the Boston massacre

23 To Next Slide What did the colonists boycott, or refuse to buy? British goods

24 To Next Slide Why did the Continental Congress meet? To decide what to do about the latest actions of the British government

25 To Next Slide Where were the first shots of the Revolutionary war fired? Lexington

26 To Next Slide To the colonist, _______ meant the freedom to make their own laws. liberty

27 To Next Slide ____________was an inventor and a scientist as well as a colonial leader. Benjamin Franklin

28 To Next Slide Fighters that could be ready in a minute to defend Massachusetts were called _____. Minutemen

29 To Next Slide In order to buy or do one thing, you often have to give up something else. What is this called? trade-off

30 To Next Slide What you give up in a trade-off is called the ________________. opportunity cost

31 To Next Slide That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!

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