Capítulo 6. Conversación y Repaso. (Libro amarillo)

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1 Capítulo 6. Conversación y Repaso. (Libro amarillo)

2 Pasado de Subjuntivo. ¿Recuerdas? I am very happy that you study Estoy contento que estudies I am very happy that you studied/have studied for the test Estoy muy contento que hayas estudiado para el examen.

3 Secuencia de Subjuntivo: 1. WORRIED en presente, presente perfecto, futuro o Mandato + 2. QUE + 3. Presente o Presente Perfecto de Subjuntivo. Espero que vengas a mi cumpleaños. Esperaré que vengas a mi cumpleaños. Mi madre estará triste que yo haya suspendido el examen.

4 Imperfecto de Subjuntivo When to use it? I was happy that you studied/would study Estaba contenta que tú estudiaras/ estudiases. When the WORRIED verb is in PIC: Pretérito, Imperfecto o Conditional.

5 Imperfecto de Subjuntivo. HOW TO CONJUGATE IT? 3 STEPS : 1. Usa la forma de pretérito para ellos : ellos hablaron, bebieron, anduvieron. 2. Quita –ron: Habla-, bebie-anduvie-. 3. Añade las terminaciones: ra/se, ras/ses, ra/se, ramos/semos, rais/seis, ran/ses. The more common one is the “Lady Gaga’s ones” (-ra, -ras,-ra,-ramos, -rais, -ran) La forma con acento es siempre nosotros: habláramos, comiéramos, bebiéramos.

6 Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo. WHEN TO USE IT? “I was so happy that you had studied”. “Estaba tan contenta que hubieras estudiado” When the WORRIED verb is in PIC (Pretérito, Imperfecto o Conditional) AND the action was completed before the WORRIED verb: You had studied before I was happy.

7 Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo. 2 parts: hubiera, hubieras, hubiera, hubiéramos, hubierais, hubieran + participio de pasado (cantado, comido, vivido, visto etc.)

8 PIC You pick either the imperfecto or pluscuamperfecto (past perfect) of subjunctive. If the WORRIED verb is in Pretérito, Imperfecto or Condicional you have to use imperfecto de subjuntivo or Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo: WORRIED IN PIC + Imperfecto or Pluscuamperfecto.

9 Ejemplos: Fue bueno que vinieras a la fiesta. (It was good that you came to the party) Era bueno que vinieras a la fiesta. (It was good that you came to the party) Sería bueno que vinieras a la fiesta. (It would be good if/that you came to the party)

10 Ejemplos: Fue importante que hubieras estudiado antes del examen. (It was important that you had studied before the test). Era importante que hubieras estudiado antes del examen. (It was important that you had studied before the test). Sería importante que hubieras estudiado antes del examen. (It would be important if/that you had studied before the test).

11 AHORA PRUEBA TÚ: 1. I was happy I passed the test. 2. Did you think that they had got together at the reunion? 3. My parents always thought he was not loyal. 4. My parents did not want me to go to school sick. 5. It was surprising that the teacher had not corrected our exams on time.

12 ¡OJALÁ! Ojalá + Presente/presente perfecto: I HOPE “Ojalá que vengas a la fiesta” (I hope you come to the party) “Ojalá hayas estudiado” (I hope you have studied)

13 OJALÁ Ojalá + Imperfecto : I WISH (Stronger hope): Ojalá vinieras a la fiesta. (I really wish you to come/ I strongly hope you come to the party) Ojalá + Pluscuamperfecto : I WISH (Never happened) “Ojalá hubiera pasado el examen de conducir” (I wish I had passed the driving test)

14 AHORA PRUEBA TÚ I hope it does not rain. I hope the principal cancels school tomorrow. I strongly wish we did not have a test today. I wish my parents had given me a car for my birthday.

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