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STAVE IV RISING ACTION/CLIMAX SCENES. RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge meets Future, who does not speak (Grimm Reaper/Death).

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Presentation on theme: "STAVE IV RISING ACTION/CLIMAX SCENES. RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge meets Future, who does not speak (Grimm Reaper/Death)."— Presentation transcript:


2 RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge meets Future, who does not speak (Grimm Reaper/Death).

3 RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge is taken to overhear a conversation between a few of his business associates – these men talk casually about the death and funeral of a man (Scrooge). Observing, Scrooge does not recognize that they speak of him.

4 RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge is then led to another conversation in which the passing of a man is briefly mentioned then quickly dismissed as a topic to be replaced by talk of the weather.

5 RISING ACTION SCENES  Future takes Scrooge to a “seedy/sleazy” part of town into Old Joe’s pawn shop. Mrs. Dilber, Scrooge’s laundress, charwoman, and undertaker. They are talking of how they stole his belongings and are now looking to pawn them. Still, Scrooge is not aware that he is the deceased.

6 RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge is taken to the room where the corpse lies alone and in jeopardy of being torn to shreds by rodents. Still, the reader is not sure that Scrooge understands this is his destiny.

7 RISING ACTION SCENES  Future takes Scrooge to see someone who feels emotion at the dead man’s passing. A new character, Caroline, and her children are waiting for her husband to return from Scrooge’s counting house. The are “relieved” to learn of his death because they were unable to make payment on their loan. They are ashamed, but unable to help themselves.

8 RISING ACTION SCENES  Scrooge then asks to see tenderness connected with a death. He is taken to the Cratchit home where they mourn Tiny Tim’s death.

9 CLIMAX SCENE  Future takes Scrooge to the graveyard where Scrooge sees his name on the gravestone. He realizes his fate, and he begs to know that he can change his fate.

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