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SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 2013 – 2014 STAKEHOLDERS MEETING Purpose of tonight’s Meeting Review Vision and Mission Statement Review Board and District Goals Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 2013 – 2014 STAKEHOLDERS MEETING Purpose of tonight’s Meeting Review Vision and Mission Statement Review Board and District Goals Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 2013 – 2014 STAKEHOLDERS MEETING Purpose of tonight’s Meeting Review Vision and Mission Statement Review Board and District Goals Discuss Survey Results What is your vision of the District in the future? Stakeholders Concerns and Suggestions

2 KPS Survey Results by Standard 1 Purpose and Direction3.44 2Governance and Leadership2.75 3 Teaching and Assessing for Learning 3.61 4Resources and Support3.5 5 Using Results for Continuous Improvement 3.65 Overall3.32

3 KPS BOARD GOALS 3-5 Years Goal Area 1Selecting a New Superintendent – Committee – MASB – Announcement, “Spring Break” Goal Area 2Professional Learning Communities – Improve Achievement Core Academic Areas – Micro teaching – Reciprocal Teaching – Self Reporting – Formative Assessments - International Baccalaureate Professional Development Goal Area 3Continue to Market the District – T.V. Commercials – News Letters – Web Site – Looking at other Social Media Goal Area 4Improve Parent / Family and Community District Involvement – CDC/SIP – Building Level SIP’s – Stakeholders Mtg. – “Alert Now” Goal Area 5Improve Data Collection, Disaggregation and Examination to Improve Instructional Program – Assessment Program (Changes Coming - MEAP – SBAC – Aspire) – International Baccalaureate

4 Review of Vision Statement / Mission Statement District Vision Statement It is the vision of the Kalkaska Public School District to be a model of education and a source of community pride. In this endeavor we seek to create an instructional program that maximizes the learning potential of all students. District Mission Statement The Kalkaska Public School District, in cooperative partnership with students, staff, family and community believes all students can learn. We will provide a caring environment that promotes academic achievement and social responsibility. This partnership will help all students develop their maximum potential and adapt and adapt and contribute to a changing world.

5 Mission Statement Examples We are lifelong Global Learners Our mission Is to establish and educational community that empowers all students t become principled, independent inquirers who are socially responsible Global Learners. Our Mission is to develop students to be caring and engaged learners who make informed decisions as they become internationally minded in their stewardship of the world and its resources. Our mission is to educate, guide and challenge all students to develop lifelong learning skills necessary to successfully contribute and compete in a rapidly changing global society. We are committed to the pursuit of knowledge through inquiry and the development of young people who act as citizens of the world. To this end we shall to strive to foster the value of cultural differences, commit to continuous growth and learning, establishing a climate of caring and respect for people and their perspectives' as well as building broader communication capacities through access to global information.

6 What do we want our district to look like in the future? (5yrs.)

7 Concerns and Suggestions Concerns Suggestions

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