High School Planning Presented by Natasha Allison, Guidance Counselor Naviance by Margaret D’Onofrio IB by Michael McCrudden Project Lead the Way by Tim.

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Presentation on theme: "High School Planning Presented by Natasha Allison, Guidance Counselor Naviance by Margaret D’Onofrio IB by Michael McCrudden Project Lead the Way by Tim."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Planning Presented by Natasha Allison, Guidance Counselor Naviance by Margaret D’Onofrio IB by Michael McCrudden Project Lead the Way by Tim Fitmaurice

2 Tonight’s Agenda Useful Vocabulary Types of High School Diplomas Diploma Requirements Course Offerings for 9 th Graders Course Recommendations Dropping Courses Attendance Policy Technology Center Clubs Naviance International Baccalaureate Program Project Lead the Way Transition Online Resources Questions

3 The Importance of Planning for High School Interest Aptitude or Ability Past Success

4 Vocabulary Requisite- a class required by NYS in order to graduate Prerequisite- a course that must be taken before another (ex. Studio art must be taken before any other art course) Elective- a course that is not required but of interest to you Semester- a half year course, fall or spring Credit- 1credit=1 year long course that meets daily in which a student earns a passing grade 0.5 credit= a year long course that meets every other day or meets every day for only 1 semester Grade Level- for a student to move to the next grade level, s/he must accumulate 5 ½ specific credits (ex. With 5 ½ credits you become a 10 th grader; 11 credits puts you in 11 th grade) –Freshman –Sophomore –Junior –Senior

5 Transcript- a summary of the courses you’ve taken throughout high school including your final grades. This will be sent to the colleges of your choice. AP Courses- Advanced Placement Courses are college level courses offered from 10 th through 12 th grades. Depending on the AP exam score, college credit could be given. The final exam costs $89. IB Courses- International Baccalaureate Courses are very rigorous, demanding courses that can also give you college credit. Class Rank- Students averages each year are put in rank order from the highest (#1) to the lowest. Weighting- For the purpose of ranking, classes are weighted: Honors=1.04, AP & IB-SL=1.06, IB-HL=1.08.


7 Types of High School Diplomas International Baccalaureate- an international diploma which includes the same requirements as an Advanced Regents Diploma and beyond International Baccalaureate- an international diploma which includes the same requirements as an Advanced Regents Diploma and beyond Advanced Regents - must pass 8 regents exams (65%) and earn 3 credits in a foreign language Advanced Regents - must pass 8 regents exams (65%) and earn 3 credits in a foreign language Regents Diploma- Must pass 5 regents exams and a foreign language proficiency exam, with a 65% or higher Regents Diploma- Must pass 5 regents exams and a foreign language proficiency exam, with a 65% or higher Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credentials- This credential will recognize each individual student’s preparation and skills for post- school employment. Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credentials- This credential will recognize each individual student’s preparation and skills for post- school employment. Skills and Achievements Commencement Credential - a commencement certificate similar in form to the local diploma which used to be issued by the school district. Skills and Achievements Commencement Credential - a commencement certificate similar in form to the local diploma which used to be issued by the school district.

8 Regents Diploma Must pass five Regents exams and a foreign language proficiency exam with a 65% or higher Regents ExamsRegents Exams –Comprehensive English (11 th grade) –American History and Government (11 th grade) –Global Studies (10 th grade) –Algebra (8 th, 9 th, 10 th or 11 th grade) –Living Environment or Earth Science (9 th grade) * Proficiency Exam or completion of Level 1 of foreign language (8 th or 9 th grade)

9 Advanced Regents Diploma Must pass eight Regents exams (65% or higher) and earn three credits in a foreign language Regents ExamsRegents Exams –Comprehensive English (11 th grade) –Global Studies (10 th grade) –American History and Government (11 th grade) –Algebra (8 th, 9 th, 10 th or 11 th grade) –Geometry (9 th or 10 th grade) –Algebra 2/Trigonometry (10 th or 11 th grade) –Living Environment (8 th or 11 th grade) –Earth Science, Chemistry or Physics (9 th, 11 th or 12 th grade) * Comprehensive Second Language (10 th or 11 th grade)

10 International Baccalaureate Diploma Must pass eight Regents exams Foreign language proficiency exam Six International Baccalaureate exams Submit an extended essay Complete 150 service hours Complete the Theory of Knowledge course

11 Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credentials- This credential will recognize each individual student’s preparation and skills for post- school employment. Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credentials- This credential will recognize each individual student’s preparation and skills for post- school employment. Skills and Achievements Commencement Credential - a commencement certificate similar in form to the local diploma which used to be issued by the school district. Skills and Achievements Commencement Credential - a commencement certificate similar in form to the local diploma which used to be issued by the school district.

12 Credit Requirements Students must earn a total of 22 credits or more to graduate from High School. Students earn these credits by taking required courses as well as electives

13 Regents Diploma English……………….4* Social Studies………4** Mathematics…..........3** Science………………3* Health……………….1/2 Art and/or Music…...1 Physical Education..2 (every other day for 4 years) Foreign Language…1 * Regents Exam required Advanced Regents Diploma English……………….4* Social Studies………4** Mathematics…..........3*** Science………………3** Health……………….1/2 Art and/or Music…...1 Physical Education..2 (every other day for 4 years) Foreign Language…3 * Regents Exam required

14 9 th Grade Typical Schedule 1. English 9 Regents or Honors 2. Global Studies I Regents or Honors 3. Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra IA or Into. Algebra 4. Earth Science, Living Environments or Flex Science 5. Science Lab (odd)/ P.E. (even) 6. Foreign Language I or II 7. Lunch 8. Studio in Art or Band or Chorus or Music Appreciation 9. Study Hall, Elective or Support Class *** Not in this order

15 How are classes chosen? Recommendations are made by the 8 th grade teachers for 9 th grade classes PERFORMANCE, GRADES andEFFORTThese recommendations are based on PERFORMANCE, GRADES and EFFORT

16 Honors Recommendations Honors Recommendation: Honors Recommendation: Generally 85% average or above Generally 85% average or above Quality assignments consistently turned in on time Quality assignments consistently turned in on time Excellent class participation and effort Excellent class participation and effort

17 What if there is a disagreement in placement? If you disagree with what has been recommended for your student, please call the teacher who made the recommendation to discuss it further.

18 What is the scheduling process? 1.Teacher recommendations are received by the Guidance Counselor 2.Students will meet individually with their Guidance Counselor to build their schedule (late February until Spring Break) 3.College and Career interests will be discussed 4.Course selection sheets will be sent home to parents to be signed and returned 5.Naviance accounts will be created in class


20 Guidelines for Dropping or Changing Courses Dropped courses will appear on a student’s permanent record as follows: tenWhen courses are dropped within ten days after the first marking period, no entry will be made on the permanent transcript. WF 50%Courses dropped more than ten days after the first marking period will appear as WF on the permanent record. The final average of 50% will be given under this circumstance.

21 Attendance Policy eight sixteenStudents can not be absent more than eight times a semester or more than sixteen times during the school year denied creditIf a student’s absence exceeds this limit, they will be denied credit for the course regardless of their grade fifteenIf a student comes to class more than fifteen minutes late, this counts as an absence

22 Exciting Opportunities in the High School Fun electives such as:  CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting)  Technical Photography  Introduction to Broadcast/TV  Basic Electricity/Electronics  Child Development  American Sign Language  Foreign Foods  Ceramics  Psychology  Elements of Theatre and much more!!

23 Tech Center Offered to 11 th and 12 th Graders Programs include the following: Graphic Design Media Arts/Video Production Computer Training Autobody Automechanics Small Engines Construction Project Management Electrical Construction Technology Nursing Assistant Cosmetology Culinary Arts Early Childhood Education Security & Law Enforcement

24 How will this benefit my student? Gain hands-on experience Earn college credit Prepare for a part-time or full-time job Build your college application or job resume Meet new people Learn to do something in which you are interested Try out an area of study before going to college

25 JV Sports in High School Fall –Cheerleading –Football –Volleyball –Golf –Cross Country –Field hockey –Soccer –Tennis Winter –Basketball –Wrestling –Cheerleading Spring –Softball –Lacrosse –Track and Field –Baseball –Tennis

26 Clubs offered at the High School Student Council Yearbook International Club Mentoring Club School Newspaper Environmental Conservation Ski Club SADD Poetry Club Flying Model Club Red Hook Broadcasting Company (RHBC) Amnesty International Performing Arts Club Gaming Club Technology Club Art Club Medical Society Lacrosse Club Model UN Club Girl’s Weightlifting club French Club Astronomy Club Science Olympiad Ultimate Frisbee Robotics Club Debate


28 High School Guidance Counselors Gail Volk – (A-F) ext. 3250 Nicole Schmidt- (G-O) ext. 3265 Mary Mahony- (P-Z) ext. 3251

29 International Baccalaureate Program Michael McCrudden

30 Naviance Margaret D’Onofrio, Transition Specialist

31 Project Lead the Way

32 Online Resources Course Selection Sheet High School Website-Information www.redhookcentralschools.org This Power Point Presentation LAMS Website under Student Services www.redhookcentralschools.org

33 Questions?

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