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AHS Course Selection 2011-2012. Graduation Requirements Recommended High School Program 26 credits.

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Presentation on theme: "AHS Course Selection 2011-2012. Graduation Requirements Recommended High School Program 26 credits."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHS Course Selection 2011-2012

2 Graduation Requirements Recommended High School Program 26 credits

3 What is A Credit? Each semester you can earn a half credit for each class you pass. For example: If you take 7 classes you can earn 7 credits for the year. PLEASE refer to page 10 of the High School Program Guide for your correct required courses for graduation.

4 Required Core Courses 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Math Models, and any Math course with Algebra 2 as a prerequisite) 4 credits of Science (Biology, IPC, Chemistry, Physics,…….) 4 credits of Social Studies

5 2 credits of the SAME World Language 1 credit of Fine Art 1 credit of Physical Education ½ credit of Health ½ credit of Speech (communication applications) Debate is NOT speech 5 credits of Electives

6 World Language 2 credits Both credits must be in the same language Languages offered: Spanish French Sign Language ( beginning 10 th grade)

7 Fine Arts 1 credit Must be full credit of one of the following –Choir –Band –Orchestra –Dance –Theatre Arts –Music Theory –Music History (PRE-AP only offered to 11/12 grades) –Art (beginning 10 th) –Art History (AP) (beginning 11 th )

8 Physical Education 1 credit Pe class (team sport or individual sport) Substitutions *Athletics *Marching Band (fall semester) *ROTC *Dance Team (Angels) *Cheerleading (fall semester) ***Students may earn 4 credits of athletics***

9 Should I take a World Language? We strongly encourage you to wait on taking a world language-unless you are doing very well (A or high B) in your current ELA class.

10 Electives 5 credits If they are in addition to what is required, they are considered an elective. –Ex. Additional World Language, Computer course, Touch System Data, Debate, Orchestra

11 STAAR Students entering high school as freshman in 2011 must meet cumulative score requirements on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR-EOC).

12 Why is 9 th grade important for my future? Grades impact your GPA and Class Rank used for post-secondary opportunities Every year counts!

13 Remember you need: 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math 4 credits of Science 4 credits of Social Studies 2 credits of World Language 1 credit of PE ½ credit of Speech ½ credit of Health 1 credit of Fine Arts 5 credits of Electives See page 10 of program guide TOTAL: 26

14 Pre-AP/GT Do not OVERLOAD yourself! Please consider these courses only for subjects in which you excel. It is important to understand some of these courses have summer readings. These courses have heavy time commitments.

15 Criteria for Pre-AP/GT Class!  For ENGLISH/ALGEBRA 1 students must have A in course and 85+ on final exam.  For HISTORY, students must have a A in History & English and an 85+ on the final exam.  For BIOLOGY, students must have an A in Science & English and an 85+ on the final exam.  This criteria is set for students who are NOT currently enrolled in GT/Pre-AP courses at the middle school. If you think there is a chance you will level up once the semester begins-you should complete the required ELA summer reading

16 Create a 4 year plan Use Your Course Guide to help you plan for the courses you need and would like to take at AHS See page PG 2/3 of course guide.

17 UTILIZE THE PROGRAM GUIDE Please utilize your program guide for prerequisites, monetary commitments, graduation information….

18 GET INVOLVED-Do not wait until your senior year to join activities! * Volunteer YES Service Organization at school * Join a club/team at school *Part time jobs

19 AHS WEBSITE/ACCESS For up-to-date info and answers to many of your questions- Please refer to our WEBSITE

20 Remember you need:


22 Course Selection Worksheet

23 -Course Selection Worksheet- Core Subjects Section

24 Course Selection Worksheet- Electives Section

25 -Course Selection Worksheet- Signature Section

26 Where do I register for my classes? Will open on February 18 th and commence on February 27 th. Verification sheets will be posted online for you to review-More info will follow. March 28 th -you will have access to review your course selection online.



29 Thinking about Summer School? FBISD Summer school Please see your middle school counselor for this info in the spring.

30  Choose electives wisely!!!  Elective schedule changes are not permitted after you have made online verifications.  Dropping an elective will result in a study hall for no credit!

31 Reminder!!! Return Course Selection Sheets-February 9 th 8 th Grade Parent Night-Tuesday, February 8th @ 6:30 pm AHS auditorium

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