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International Baccalaureate at North Eugene. What are the goals of tonight’s presentation? IB Information Night: Wednesday, April 24  Provide a rationale.

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Presentation on theme: "International Baccalaureate at North Eugene. What are the goals of tonight’s presentation? IB Information Night: Wednesday, April 24  Provide a rationale."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Baccalaureate at North Eugene

2 What are the goals of tonight’s presentation? IB Information Night: Wednesday, April 24  Provide a rationale and background for implementing IB across the school  Provide information for parents and students to make informed choices for next year and beyond  Explain the requirements of IB testing– certificate and full diploma

3 What is International Baccalaureate (IB)? Creating a better and more peaceful world…  Geneva, 1968– non-profit focusing on high-quality education. Now four programs– PYP, MYP, DP, IBCC  Programs of study in schools around the world– currently 3484 schools in 143 countries with over a million students.  Culturally relevant– emphasis on own tradition and culture while creating empathy and understanding  Quality standards– school partnerships and external reviews  University recognition, challenge and preparedness

4 Why choose IB for North Eugene? Creating a better and more peaceful world…  North Eugene High School is an IB World School Curriculum thoroughly linked and sequenced Content and skills equally emphasized and articulated Focus on inquiry, critical thinking, student-centered learning One of the programs of study used to map Common Core Flexibility and possibility!

5 Why IB at North, con’t… Mission and vision for the 21 st century… IB Learner Profile:North’s Portrait of a Grad: InquirersCaringCollege Ready KnowledgeableRisk-takersCulturally Competent ThinkersBalancedTeam Members ReflectiveCaringGood Citizens PrincipledOpen-mindedEffective Communicators Employable Information Literate Healthy

6 How will students benefit from IB classes and exams? Certificate and full IB Diploma  Opportunity to have an academic challenge– reward and recognize hard work!  Preparation for post-secondary options– college and beyond.  Ability to compete for admission to colleges and universities  Education that enables students to transition easily into university level work  Earn college credit  Chance to be measured on an international standard.

7 What are my student’s choices within IB at North? Certificate and full IB Diploma Students have several options at North Eugene for IB:  All students will enroll in IB Literature and History in junior and senior year. These classes appear on the transcript with the IB designation.  Students do not have to test in any subject area.  Students may choose to test in one or more subject areas.  Students may choose to complete the full IB Diploma.

8 What is the Diploma Program? The curriculum contains six subject groups and a core of three parts.

9 What subjects are offered at North? We have a range of subjects and increasing options. Group 1– Language A: Literature Group 2– Language B– Japanese and Spanish Group 3 – History Group 4 – Science– Biology and Chemistry Group 5 – Math – Math Studies Group 6 – The Arts– Music, Theatre, Film. Theory of Knowledge/Senior Project + CAS

10 What is certificate testing? Students can certificate test in one or more subject areas. Students test in one or more subject areas in which they have a passion or expertise. Can test as juniors (Standard Level– SL) Can test as seniors (SL or Higher Level– HL) Allows a student to focus their course of study and immerse themselves in a topic. Students do not have to complete additional diploma requirements

11 What is the Full Diploma? Honoring the intellectual, physical, and social capabilities of students. Students test in six subject areas– one or two tests junior year and four or five tests as seniors. At least three tests must be higher level during senior year– usually Lit, History and Science. All courses have internal and external assessments In addition, students complete… The Extended Essay (EE) aka Extended Application Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Creativity, action and service (CAS)

12 What should we be doing now to prepare? Find out more! You are here tonight! Check and double check courses for next year and beyond: Literature and History in junior and senior year IB Math in junior or senior year Chem or Bio 3 rd tri of junior year, full senior year of either IB Spanish or Japanese by junior or senior year IB Music, Theater, or Film Studies in junior or senior year Theory of Knowledge 3 rd tri junior year and 1 st tri senior year Explore post-secondary options and review university recognition policies at

13 I’ve heard IB testing is expensive, so…? We have payment plans available! Students on FRL pay a decreased fee!  DO NOT let testing fees stand in the way of pursuing certificate testing or the full diploma!  Juniors: One exam: $260.00 Two exams: $365.00  Seniors: Four exams: $420.00 Five exams: $525.00  Perspective check! If you go for the full diploma and receive a certain score, you could get sophomore standing and renewable scholarships at any Oregon University System School. Current tuition, excluding books, housing and food at UO is $7600.  Colleges actively recruit IB students!

14 What research supports IB education? What research supports IB education? Studies conducted by colleges and universities found that IB students...  Were more engaged in campus life– academic and social  Even IB students who scored 1s or 2s on IB tests had higher postsecondary success  IB students had higher levels of participation and success in classes and increased college graduation rates

15 Whom should I contact for more information? Courtney Leonard 541-790-4511

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