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Class of 2019.  The IB Diploma Programme is an 11 th and 12 th grade program that offers an academically challenging, internationally minded and balanced.

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2019.  The IB Diploma Programme is an 11 th and 12 th grade program that offers an academically challenging, internationally minded and balanced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2019

2  The IB Diploma Programme is an 11 th and 12 th grade program that offers an academically challenging, internationally minded and balanced education; it is designed to prepare juniors and seniors for success at university and beyond.  IB classes teach students how to study, how to manage time and resources, how to write for college, and how to be successful at rigorous courses.



5 AP (Advanced Placement) National Standard of Excellence Encourages academically talented students Students do not have to be enrolled in an authorized school, training of teachers not mandated Exams based on specific content of courses. Emphasis is on multiple choice. No Washington State recognition to accommodate flexibility in student scheduling. AP students required to complete Senior Culminating Portfolio IB (International Baccalaureate) International Standard of Excellence  Encourages academically talented and highly motivated students Students must be enrolled in an authorized IB school with comprehensive training for IB subject area teachers & school- wide standards required Exams based on broad understanding of concepts and fundamental themes. Exams emphasize essay writing with multiple exams per course. Washington State recognized the Full Diploma such that it authorizes school districts to accommodate flexibility in student scheduling. IB Full Diploma candidates are not required to complete Senior Culminating Portfolio as their IB Diploma requirements meet similar outcomes

6  WHO: Any 11 th or 12 th grade student who wishes to work hard and prepare for college  HOW: Sign up for 1-6 IB classes  WHY IB: IB classes offer an international perspective on curriculum and instruction. Unlike other college-prep programs, IB students collect different types of assessment evidence over the two years of the program. Students can potentially earn college credit for strong scores on IB exams (usually in HL courses.) Elective credit can be awarded for SL courses as part of the diploma.

7  HL = Higher level course Higher level courses are recognized by many colleges and universities as freshman-level courses. Students who test well in these courses may earn college credit for them.  SL = Standard level course Standard level courses are not as widely accepted for college credit, although some schools do give credit for SLs. SL courses at SHS are designed to be college-prep.

8 Full diploma students are our most academically aggressive students who want the best college preparation that they can get in high school Course candidates are students who wish to challenge themselves and prepare for college but who do not wish to commit to the full-diploma programme

9  Six IB courses: three HL and three SL OR four HL and two SL. Students test in all six.  CAS: 150 hours of “Creativity, Action and Service” over the two years of the programme. CAS must be done every month for 18 consecutive months.  EE: A 4000-word (10+ page) independent research paper, or “Extended Essay”  TOK seminar: a once-per-week after school “Theory of Knowledge” class. A paper and presentations are also required. Full diploma students are placed in a special advisory. They do not do all of the junior and senior advisory pieces, as their graduation requirements are somewhat different. We explain this to parents at Open House in the fall of the junior year.

10 Options for course candidates include:  IB English SL or HL  World Language (French, Spanish, & Japanese)  IB Psychology HL, IB History IB Math SL (pre- calculus and calculus)  IB Math Studies (college prep math and you only need Geometry to take Studies)  IB Chemistry SL and IB Biology HL  IB Art SL or HL  IB Film HL  IB Business and Management HL

11  Sign up for the most rigorous courses that you feel that you can handle. Grades matter!  Choose the courses that match your college and career plans  Talk with your parents and current teachers to see what they recommend for you

12 1. Are you a full-diploma student or a course candidate? 2. What else were you able to do in school and outside of school while taking IB classes? 3. What are your future goals?  Sam Najmolholda  Kaitlyn Meath


14  This PowerPoint and other IB-related items can be found on my teacher webpage under the “Documents” tab  The Sumner High School website also provides links to all of our programs including IB

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