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Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor General & Family Practice Edmonton, Alberta Every Parents’ Guide to Naturally Supporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor General & Family Practice Edmonton, Alberta Every Parents’ Guide to Naturally Supporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor General & Family Practice Edmonton, Alberta Email: Every Parents’ Guide to Naturally Supporting a Healthy Immune Response Every Parents’ Guide to Naturally Supporting a Healthy Immune Response

2 Fever Fever may be THE MOST IMPORTANT part of a healthy immune response. Regularly giving medications to “kill” a fever teaches your body not to mount a proper, full scale response. Fever may be THE MOST IMPORTANT part of a healthy immune response. Regularly giving medications to “kill” a fever teaches your body not to mount a proper, full scale response.

3 Fever New evidence suggests fevers are developmentally important Following fevers, researchers observe: Growth spurts Increased maturity Improvements in cognitive reasoning

4 Normal, healthy body temperature 98.2°F / 36.8°C Normal, healthy body temperature 98.2°F / 36.8°C Fever

5 What is High Enough In order to be effective, a fever must reach at least 99.5°F / 37.6°C Most Bacteria & Viruses cannot live at these temperatures! In order to be effective, a fever must reach at least 99.5°F / 37.6°C Most Bacteria & Viruses cannot live at these temperatures!

6 How High is Too High Infants (< 2 mo.): 102°F / 38.9°C GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM ASAP Children:105°F / 40.5°C URGENT, SEE YOUR DOCTOR Adults: 106.5°F / 41.4°C NEARING THE DANGER ZONE Infants (< 2 mo.): 102°F / 38.9°C GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM ASAP Children:105°F / 40.5°C URGENT, SEE YOUR DOCTOR Adults: 106.5°F / 41.4°C NEARING THE DANGER ZONE

7 How High is Too High 107°F/41.6°C or higher EMERGENCY - Brain damage may occur

8 Febrile Convulsions Convulsions/seizures are NOT necessarily related to high fevers. They’re related to RAPID CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE. Tend to run in families. Convulsions/seizures are NOT necessarily related to high fevers. They’re related to RAPID CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE. Tend to run in families.

9 Febrile Convulsions Really scary for parents! Not particularly dangerous. No higher risk of brain damage. Really scary for parents! Not particularly dangerous. No higher risk of brain damage.

10 Supportive Treatments So if giving MEDICINE to kill the fever and manage other symptoms is out…

11 Monitor your sick child closely… Monitor Moderate fever check temp every 30-45 min. High fever check temp every 15 min. If fever creeps too high, bring it down slowly. (Cool compresses, lighter blankets/clothing) Watch for behavioural changes Moderate fever check temp every 30-45 min. High fever check temp every 15 min. If fever creeps too high, bring it down slowly. (Cool compresses, lighter blankets/clothing) Watch for behavioural changes

12 Support a Good Fever! Cayenne foot bath Steam / sauna Wool blankets Manage High Fevers “Warming socks” treatment Cool compresses Support a Good Fever! Cayenne foot bath Steam / sauna Wool blankets Manage High Fevers “Warming socks” treatment Cool compresses Supportive Treatments

13 Manage other symptoms STAY HYDRATED! Neti pot Steam inhalation Poultices Tea / Chicken soup Manage other symptoms STAY HYDRATED! Neti pot Steam inhalation Poultices Tea / Chicken soup Supportive Treatments

14 Garlic (antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal) Ginger (antibacterial, antifungal, helps prevent nausea and cramping) Onion (antibacterial, mild anti-viral) Essential oils (rosemary, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, tea tree, and many more!) Supportive Treatments Herbals from Home

15 So a loved one is under the weather... How do I know when to worry? So a loved one is under the weather... How do I know when to worry? Signs it’s a Medical Emergency

16 Serious Lung or Heart Problem Difficulty breathing (when not coughing) Bloody mucus (spit) Chest pain Difficulty breathing (when not coughing) Bloody mucus (spit) Chest pain

17 Cyanosis is the first VISIBLE sign that the patient is not getting enough oxygen to cells/tissues/organs. Bluish or gray discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Usually first seen around the lips and in the mouth. Then on fingertips (under fingernails) and toes. Cyanosis is the first VISIBLE sign that the patient is not getting enough oxygen to cells/tissues/organs. Bluish or gray discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Usually first seen around the lips and in the mouth. Then on fingertips (under fingernails) and toes. Cyanosis (Poor oxygen exchange)


19 Dehydration Serious danger with high fever, diarrhea and/or prolonged vomiting Check for Dehydration: Pinch GENTLY to draw up a “tent” of skin on the back of the hand (older child/adult) or abdomen (infant/toddler) Hold for about 2 seconds, then let go Watch how long it takes for the skin to return to normal. Should take LESS THAN 1 SECOND (2 seconds in seniors due to decreased skin elasticity) Serious danger with high fever, diarrhea and/or prolonged vomiting Check for Dehydration: Pinch GENTLY to draw up a “tent” of skin on the back of the hand (older child/adult) or abdomen (infant/toddler) Hold for about 2 seconds, then let go Watch how long it takes for the skin to return to normal. Should take LESS THAN 1 SECOND (2 seconds in seniors due to decreased skin elasticity)


21 Lethargy & Prostration Your child is “just not right.” Extremely tired/fatigued “Floppy” – wont stand up, can’t hold head up, suddenly very dizzy Cannot concentrate or focus attention You know your child! And you know what’s normal when your child is sick. Your child is “just not right.” Extremely tired/fatigued “Floppy” – wont stand up, can’t hold head up, suddenly very dizzy Cannot concentrate or focus attention You know your child! And you know what’s normal when your child is sick.


23 Last words: Many of Granny’s old remedies really did work! Trust your instincts. If ever in doubt… CALL YOUR DOCTOR! Many of Granny’s old remedies really did work! Trust your instincts. If ever in doubt… CALL YOUR DOCTOR!

24 And Remember… Prevention is the best medicine Wash your hands Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits & veggies Exercise Love, laugh & play often Prevention is the best medicine Wash your hands Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits & veggies Exercise Love, laugh & play often

25 Dr. Tamara Eriksen Naturopathic Doctor General & Family Practice Edmonton, Alberta Email: Still have questions? Ask your friendly neighborhood ND! Still have questions? Ask your friendly neighborhood ND! Go online to find a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in your area: (Canada) (US)

26 Warming Socks Treatment This procedure should be used at the first sign of any congestion in the eyes, ears, sinus, throat, or lungs. It has also been used effectively for headaches and to gently reduce temperature and stay more comfortable during a fever... Try it, you will like it! The warming socks treatment is best if repeated for as many nights as necessary to improve the condition. Children tend to love this treatment! Procedure: If your feet are cool or cold it is important to warm them first. This is very important as the treatment will not be effective and could be harmful. Warming can be accomplished by soaking in warm water for 5-10 minutes or taking a bath or shower. Next, take a pair of cotton socks and get them wet with cold water. (For extra cooling, try chilled peppermint tea!) Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly. Place the cold wet socks on your feet. Cover with thick wool socks. Go to bed. Avoid getting chilled. This procedure should be used at the first sign of any congestion in the eyes, ears, sinus, throat, or lungs. It has also been used effectively for headaches and to gently reduce temperature and stay more comfortable during a fever... Try it, you will like it! The warming socks treatment is best if repeated for as many nights as necessary to improve the condition. Children tend to love this treatment! Procedure: If your feet are cool or cold it is important to warm them first. This is very important as the treatment will not be effective and could be harmful. Warming can be accomplished by soaking in warm water for 5-10 minutes or taking a bath or shower. Next, take a pair of cotton socks and get them wet with cold water. (For extra cooling, try chilled peppermint tea!) Be sure to wring the socks out thoroughly. Place the cold wet socks on your feet. Cover with thick wool socks. Go to bed. Avoid getting chilled.

27 Garlic & Onion Cough Syrup (also antibiotic and antiviral!) This is a great recipe for cough syrup. Will help calm a cough and also help your body fight off the “bug”… Good for cough, flu and mild infections. Kids love it! (Adults too… my fiancé wanted to know if we could make more to use as a marinade. ) 1.CRUSH and chop a whole head of garlic. (Crushing is very important; this is what activates the enzymes!) Toss into a small sauce pan. 2.Chop a whole onion. (Doesn’t matter what kind… but if you use a Spanish onion, be prepared for your syrup to take on an unappetizing grayish color.) Toss this into the sauce pan, too. 3.Cover with water (so there’s about ½” water over the top of the herbs.) 4.Simmer for 30 minutes. 5.Remove from heat. 6.While the mixture is warm, stir in sugar sparingly, to taste. (Note: Can use honey somewhat more liberally in place of sugar, but NOT for infants under 1 year old.) 7.Cool and strain the mixture. (Straining not necessary, but texture may be distasteful to some. If not straining, finely dice herbs.) 8.Store in the refrigerator. Generally keeps for 1-2 weeks. 9.Administer 1 tsp. three times daily… or as often as you like! (Cannot overdose... it’s food!) ***This recipe is NOT for people with low blood pressure or blood clotting***difficulties, on blood thinning medications or with thrombocytopenia. This is a great recipe for cough syrup. Will help calm a cough and also help your body fight off the “bug”… Good for cough, flu and mild infections. Kids love it! (Adults too… my fiancé wanted to know if we could make more to use as a marinade. ) 1.CRUSH and chop a whole head of garlic. (Crushing is very important; this is what activates the enzymes!) Toss into a small sauce pan. 2.Chop a whole onion. (Doesn’t matter what kind… but if you use a Spanish onion, be prepared for your syrup to take on an unappetizing grayish color.) Toss this into the sauce pan, too. 3.Cover with water (so there’s about ½” water over the top of the herbs.) 4.Simmer for 30 minutes. 5.Remove from heat. 6.While the mixture is warm, stir in sugar sparingly, to taste. (Note: Can use honey somewhat more liberally in place of sugar, but NOT for infants under 1 year old.) 7.Cool and strain the mixture. (Straining not necessary, but texture may be distasteful to some. If not straining, finely dice herbs.) 8.Store in the refrigerator. Generally keeps for 1-2 weeks. 9.Administer 1 tsp. three times daily… or as often as you like! (Cannot overdose... it’s food!) ***This recipe is NOT for people with low blood pressure or blood clotting***difficulties, on blood thinning medications or with thrombocytopenia.

28 Other Remedies Ear aches or mild-moderate ear infections? Try cutting an onion in half. Place 1/2 onion on a baking sheet, cut side down. Bake at 250 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Cool until pleasant to touch. Pop out the middle sections of the onion to form a "cup." Place cup over affected ear. Wrap or hold in place for 15 - 20 minutes. The heat will relieve pain and the heat + the antibiotic properties of the onion will help heal the infection. Steam inhalation is fantastic to prevent and treat pneumonia or bronchitis and to treat sinus congestion, especially when you have a cold/flu! 1.Boil some water. 2.Place a big, stable bowl on a table that's easy to lean over. 3.Pour boiling water into the bowl. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, for extra effect... consider rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender or ginger. All will help prevent infection! But don't overdo the oil, that'll make your eyes burn. 4.Drape a big towel or a blanket over your head and the bowl (to contain the steam.) 5.BREATHE DEEPLY for 5-10 minutes. (Take breaks if necessary.) Ear aches or mild-moderate ear infections? Try cutting an onion in half. Place 1/2 onion on a baking sheet, cut side down. Bake at 250 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Cool until pleasant to touch. Pop out the middle sections of the onion to form a "cup." Place cup over affected ear. Wrap or hold in place for 15 - 20 minutes. The heat will relieve pain and the heat + the antibiotic properties of the onion will help heal the infection. Steam inhalation is fantastic to prevent and treat pneumonia or bronchitis and to treat sinus congestion, especially when you have a cold/flu! 1.Boil some water. 2.Place a big, stable bowl on a table that's easy to lean over. 3.Pour boiling water into the bowl. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, for extra effect... consider rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender or ginger. All will help prevent infection! But don't overdo the oil, that'll make your eyes burn. 4.Drape a big towel or a blanket over your head and the bowl (to contain the steam.) 5.BREATHE DEEPLY for 5-10 minutes. (Take breaks if necessary.)

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