CDF Organizational Design Ruben Grijalva, Chief Director / State Fire Marshal May 22, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CDF Organizational Design Ruben Grijalva, Chief Director / State Fire Marshal May 22, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDF Organizational Design Ruben Grijalva, Chief Director / State Fire Marshal May 22, 2006

2 Rule Number 1 The Chief is all- knowing, all- powerful, and always right!

3 Rule Number 2 Forget Rule Number 1! Don’t treat the Chief that way. We are all in this together!

4 Vision for CDF Culture An atmosphere of openness. Freedom from fear is the norm

5 Vision for CDF Culture Constructive criticism is accepted and encouraged It is intended to improve an individual or the organization

6 Vision for CDF Culture Employees have the freedom to succeed…and to fail Without ending up in Blythe!

7 Vision for CDF Culture Open door Excellent communication exists between management and labor (Up and down)

8 Vision for CDF Culture An atmosphere of trust and confidence exists in Sacramento And within and between the Units

9 Vision for CDF Culture We support and depend on one another to accomplish a greater good No “I” in TEAM

10 Vision for CDF Culture Every employee should view themselves as coaches, teachers, mentors We all have a responsibility to prepare the next generation

11 Vision for CDF Culture Sharing of power, authority, and responsibility are rewarded Knowledge is power Only when it is shared!

12 Vision for CDF Culture Walls, turf, and hoarding of power and authority is discouraged This is the best way to lose power, authority and respect

13 Vision for CDF Culture We try to catch each other doing things right Rather than catching each other doing things wrong

14 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Improve organizational decision- making through a process of consensus building But, not to the point of stagnation and indecision

15 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Reduce the bottleneck or funnel effect of decision-making

16 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Flatten the organization Less levels top to bottom Have an effective span of control Don’t build kingdoms!

17 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Unity of Command Every employee should know who they report to Improve organizational communication through the organizational structure

18 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Fully integrate Office of the State Fire Marshal into CDF Recognize the legislative mission!

19 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Foster organizational succession planning

20 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Improve upward mobility for all classifications

21 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Minimize dead-end jobs!

22 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Leaders are empowered and accountable

23 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Re-evaluate approval levels

24 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Focus on improved customer and employee satisfaction

25 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Coming to work should be fun, because employees get a chance to do what they do best…every day!

26 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Improve operational effectiveness!

27 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Improve operational and financial efficiencies

28 Vision for CDF Org. Structure Don’t build kingdoms!

29 CDF Organization Chart


31 Next Steps Ready, Shoot, Aim! FeedbackTimelines

32 Next Steps It ain’t over till it’s over! Discuss, decide, implement Re-evaluate!

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