MSH M SH Multi-Agency Support Hub. Background and context Ensuring children and families receive help at the most appropriate level of need The Process:

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1 MSH M SH Multi-Agency Support Hub

2 Background and context Ensuring children and families receive help at the most appropriate level of need The Process: It is not until the full picture of that person is known that the harm, or potential harm, can be identified Effective sharing of information is essential for effective identification, assessment and service provision

3 The Multi-Agency Support Hub (MASH) London MASH Project is an ambitious pan-London programme strategic partnership of local government, health, police, probation and the GLA improved response to notifications relating to concerns about a child/young person’s welfare and safety implementation of MASH is in every London Borough for further info:

4 What does MASH look like? The MASH is: a multi-agency team of professionals from core agencies (i.e. Children’s Social Care, Police, Health, Education, Probation, Housing and Youth Services) who continue to be employed by their individual agencies but who are co-located in one office, delivers an integrated service with the aim to research and interpret available information about the child/young person and their family and to determine what is proportionate and relevant to share to assist decision making

5 MASH in Bromley The MASH will eventually include: Children’s Social Care (1 Deputy Manager, 1 Senior Practitioner, 3 Social Services officers, Business Support officers all FTE) Police Public Protection Desk (1 Detective Sergeant, 2 Police staff researchers, 2 Police Constables all FTE) Health (2 Specialist Health visitors, collectively equate to one FTE ) London Probation (1 Probation officer with specialist role in Safeguarding, 6hrs/week) CAF Team (1 Social worker from CAF Team, currently ½ day/week) Virtual links: Early Intervention Services (BCP), Targeted Youth Services, Youth Offending Team and partners from Voluntary Services

6 MASH is situated in the same office space as Children’s Social Care: Referral & Assessment Service Safeguarding & Care Planning Teams Looked after Children’s Team Fostering Team and Adoption Team

7 MASH – How does it work? Contact Future view: All contacts from the following sources will be processed through MASH Police Merlin’s Written referrals from all other sources (e.g. schools, health professionals, NSPCC etc.) Telephone contacts via the duty numbers Professional consultation Out-of-hours (EDT) notifications Unannounced office visits by members of the public Consent is always required – unless to do so places the child at riskConsent is always required – unless to do so places the child at risk

8 MASH – How does it work? Contacts on currently open cases are being passed straight to supervising manager All other contacts are processed by Social Care staff, overseen and authorised by Deputy Manager MASH Contacts requiring Sec47 CA response are being passed straight to Referral & Assessment Service

9 MASH – How does it work? Level 1 MASH contact to be closed Standard letter to referrer & family Signposting & Advice BROMLEY SAFEGUARDING CONTINUUM OF NEED & INTERVENTION

10 MASH – How does it work? Level 2a / Level 2b a)CAF open? MASH contact to be closed Lead professional & CAF Team to be informed of contact Advice re alternative services BROMLEY SAFEGUARDING CONTINUUM OF NEED & INTERVENTION

11 MASH – How does it work? Level 2a / Level 2b b) No CAF / non-engagement with CAF? MASH process Scrutinise data bases & agency checks Confirm threshold Sec47 CA/Sec17 CA progress to: Referral & Assessment Service CAF / TAC recommendation Early Intervention Services (BCP), Targeted Youth Services, Children with Disabilities' Services BROMLEY SAFEGUARDING CONTINUUM OF NEED & INTERVENTION

12 MASH – How does it work? Level 3 MASH process Scrutinise data bases & agency checks Confirm threshold Sec47 CA/Sec17 CA progress to: Referral & Assessment Service CAF / TAC recommendation Early Intervention Services (BCP), Targeted Youth Services, Children with Disabilities' Services BROMLEY SAFEGUARDING CONTINUUM OF NEED & INTERVENTION

13 Case examples value of better access to multi- agency information when taking safeguarding action de-escalating ensuring support at most appropriate level

14 Benefits better informed decisions greater efficiency better informed professionals increase in early intervention cultural change

15 M SH Multi-Agency Support Hub is … … not a new Service or a remedy for Child Protection, but MASH is a System to manage all contacts to Children’s Social Care and to assist the information gathering for those decisions to be made and sent out to those people who are going to deal with the concerns or unmet needs of a child/young person/family.

16 Contact details MASH is situated: 1st Floor St Blaise Building Civic Centre Stockwell Close London Borough of Bromley BR1 3UH and will operate during office hours Telephone contact can be made through the same numbers as previously known for the duty desk 0208 461 7379 / 7026 / 7373 / 7309 / 7014 / 7329 / 7428

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