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 Why attend the career fair?  Why do employers come to a career fair?  The 6 R’s of Career Fair Preparation ◦ Research, Resume, Rehearse, Refine,

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3  Why attend the career fair?  Why do employers come to a career fair?  The 6 R’s of Career Fair Preparation ◦ Research, Resume, Rehearse, Refine, Requests, and Relax

4  To get a job or internship!  To get a new job or internship!  To check out potential career opportunities- ‘window shopping’  To learn more about companies  Network with recruiters NETWORK OR NOT WORK!

5  Seek out new employees, co-ops, and interns  Meet students in person and make contacts  To advertise and gain exposure for their company

6  Find out what companies will be attending the career fair  Visit and log into your Wildcat CareerLink  Search for information on the company website  Focus on the top five companies you want to target at the career fair, however, plan to speak to all employers, if you have the time


8  Have someone proof your resume  Have multiple copies prepared  Use a general objective if you will use the same resume for multiple companies  Focus on computer skills, internships, volunteer experience  Have a separate list of references

9  Carry your proofread resume in a professional portfolio or small briefcase- don’t carry a lot of items with you  Resumes don’t get you the job- they get you the interview- so, market yourself!

10  An introduction is a must  Include: ◦ Introduction of yourself (major, graduation date) ◦ Knowledge of company ◦ Express interest in the company and/or opportunities ◦ Tell what you can offer

11  Making Your First Impression  60 – 65% of communication to others is non-verbal communication  Tips for Non-verbal communication for an introduction  Dress professionally  Make good eye contact  Smile  Give a firm handshake  If wearing nametag, wear on your right side for easy readability  Speak clearly  Listen carefully for names when introduced

12  Have a top 5-10 list of companies you would like to meet  Don’t visit your top company first  Start from the bottom and work your way up ◦ You’ll be more prepared and well rehearsed

13  Use the person’s name  Say “Thank you”  Move on if there is a long line  Make your own positive impression- Do not cruise the booths with friends  Be respectful ◦ Don’t just grab goodies!

14  Request information from the company representatives by asking intelligent questions that demonstrate your knowledge ◦ What type of training programs do you offer new employees? ◦ Describe the work environment of your company. ◦ How are employees evaluated and promoted? ◦ I read on your website that you are undertook a major new project, how did this influence your personal and professional growth?

15  Collect business cards  Ask: ◦ Who the best contact person is? ◦ What the next step is?  Make notes about your conversation  Send a thank you  Follow-up! Follow-up! Follow-up!

16  Explore options. You can’t tell what a company has to offer by simply looking at their name  Successful candidates will find a match regardless of what positions a company currently has “advertised”  ‘Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket’; continue the job search through various avenues

17  Relax and be yourself.  Enjoy the opportunity to meet new people and build your network!

18  View job postings from the following sources ◦ Postings sent to UK (Wildcat CareerLink Jobs) ◦ NACElink Network  Utilize search agents  Upload resumes and post in resume books  Get employer contacts from employer database  Apply for on-campus interviews  Get details about job fairs

19  Tuesday– Thursday from12:00-3:00 p.m.  15 minute or less career consultations ◦ Resume critique ◦ Cover letter critique ◦ Questions regarding internships, job searching, interviewing, and graduate school

20  Career counselors are available for individual appointments with students and alumni that include: ◦ Interpreting career assessments ◦ Exploring careers related to majors ◦ Critiquing resumes and job search letters ◦ Practicing with “mock” interviews ◦ Discussing job search strategies ◦ Evaluating job offers and salaries

21 If you want individualized assistance with this process you can make an appointment with a Career Counselor Contact the Career Center 859-257-2746


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