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Career Planning and Development. 9-1 Career Opportunities  Goals  Describe the steps in the career planning process  Identify the main sources of career.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Planning and Development. 9-1 Career Opportunities  Goals  Describe the steps in the career planning process  Identify the main sources of career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Planning and Development

2 9-1 Career Opportunities  Goals  Describe the steps in the career planning process  Identify the main sources of career information  Discuss career fields with the most growth potential

3 The Career Planning Process  Step 1: Personal Assessment   Step 2: Employment Market Analysis   Step 3: Application Process 

4 The Career Planning Process  Step 4: Interview Process   Step 5: Employment Acceptance   Step 6: Career Development & Advancement 

5 The Career Planning Process  Your Study of Careers   Career Training 

6 Vocab  Occupation –  Career –  Career Planning –

7 Career Information Sources  Print and Media Sources   Online Sources   Business Contacts 

8 Career Information Sources  Information Interview:  How did you get your current job?  In what ways do you find your work most satisfying? What are you r main frustrations?  What tasks and activities are required in your work?  What are the most important qualifications for working in this field?  What advice would you give a young person who is thinking about this type of work?

9 Growth Career Areas  Geographic Influences  Mobility –  Locational unemployment –  Economic and Industry Trends  demand  Changing  New

10 9-2 Planning Your Career  Goals:  Describe factors of a personal assessment for career planning  Discuss methods for obtaining career experience  Identify information sources for available jobs

11 Personal Assessment  Interests –  Values –  Talent –  Ability –

12 Employment Experience  Work-Study Programs   Part-Time Employment 

13 Employment Experience  Volunteer Activities   School Activities 

14 Sources of Available Jobs  The Media   Personal Contacts 

15 Sources of Available Jobs  Business Contacts   Career Fairs   Government Employment Offices 

16 9-3 Applying for Employment  Goals:  Prepare an application form and a resume  Identify the parts of an application cover letter  Discuss the online application process

17 Application Activities  Personal Data Sheet – A summary of your important job- related information  Education  Work Experience  References  Application Form – Asks for information related to employment (sample page 216)  Name  Address  Social Security Number  Education  Work experience  Job applying for

18 Application Activities  Resume – Provides information about you to potential employers (sample page 217) 

19 Application Activities  Career Portfolio – Provides tangible evidence of your ability and skills 

20 Application Cover Letter  Introduction   Development   Conclusion   Targeted Letter 

21 Online Application Process  Online Applications   Cyber Interviewing 

22 9.4 Securing a Job  Goals  Describe activities involved in the interview process.  Compare factors to consider when accepting a job offer.  Identify attitudes and actions for success on the job.

23 The Interview Process  Before You Interview  Research the prospective employer  Prepare questions to ask  Prepare answers  Rehearse with a friend  Dress appropriately  Arrive 10 minutes early  Make a good 1 st impression

24 The Interview Process  During the Interview   After the Interview 

25 Job Offers – What to Assess  Salary and Financial Factors   Organizational Environment 

26 Positive On-the-Job Behavior  Job Success Strategies  Ask  Avoid  Honor  Consider  Be  Show  Follow

27 On-the-Job Behavior  Leaving a Job  ***Leave on a note!

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