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 Major emergency arm of the community  1 st gatekeeper  Awareness agents  Mediators  Public Reassurance/Marketing/PR agents  Status quo maintainers.

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2  Major emergency arm of the community  1 st gatekeeper  Awareness agents  Mediators  Public Reassurance/Marketing/PR agents  Status quo maintainers  Moral censors  Custodians of the public conscience  Enforcers of state wishes Crime prevention was not and will not be listed, but it may be soon.

3  750,000 sworn officers  400,000 PSO  17,500 agencies

4  Local:  City police  City attorney  Regulatory agencies  County:  Sheriff  County/District Attorney  Regulatory agencies

5  State:  State Police/State Patrol  Fish and Game Wardens  Correctional officials (probation, parole, pen)  Attorney General  Regulatory Agencies

6  Federal (70 agencies)  Department of the Treasury:  Internal Revenue Service  (use to have more)  Department of Justice:  Federal Bureau of Investigation  Marshals Service  Drug Enforcement Administration  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

7  Department of Homeland Security:  Secret Service  Customs and Border Protection  Citizenship and Immigration Service  Immigration and Customs Enforcement  Coast Guard  Transportation and Security Administration  Air Marshals  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center  Federal Emergency Management Agency

8  Miscellaneous Agencies:  Postal Inspectors  National Park Service Officers  Bureau of Indian Affairs  Federal Probation Officers  Supreme Court Police  U.S. Capital Police  U.S. Park Police

9  Federal Prosecutors  Federal Regulatory Agencies:  FDA  SEC  EPA

10  Interpol  Europol  United Nations?

11  Limited coordination  Limited cooperation  Turf battles  Service duplication  Crime displacement  Inconsistent crime responses

12  Get the police out of politics  Train the police  Screen applicants  Move the police into more of a kinetic, law enforcement orientation (crime control)

13  Re-affirmed the first three points of the Wickersham Commission:  Get the police out of politics  Train the police  Screen applicants  Added an educational component  Rejected the kinetic, law enforcer model for a social service/due process orientation

14  Most positive image of the police is held by:  White  Middle-aged (50+ year of age)  Females  College Graduates  Married  White collar job  Husband has a white collar job  Good income  Lives in a good neighborhood  No police initiated contact

15  Most negative image of the police is held by:  Non-white  Young (under 20 years of age)  Male  Grade school educated  Single  Manual laborer, if employed  Lower income  Lives in a poor neighborhood  Some, but not extensive police initiated contact

16 Police tend to view the population in a negative light. In their study, Chang and Zastrow asked police who deserves our highest admiration: 1 - me (the person filling out the questionnaire) 2 - police officers 3 - medical doctors 4 - prison security officers 5 - scientists 6 - women 7 - people 8 - businessmen 9 - lawyers 10 - college students 11 - politicians 12 - inmates

17  Characteristics of the citizen  Behavioral  Demographic  Legal Characteristics of the problem  Characteristics of the local legal culture  Police department  Local justice system actors  Characteristics of officers  Officers as a group  Officers as individuals  Corruption

18  Citizen to police contact time delays  911  311  Processing time delays  Police travel time delays  Code 0  Code 1  Code 2  Code 3

19  Kansas City Study  Community Policing  Problem Solving Policing  Community Partnership Policing  One strike “Hug-a-Thug”

20 Professional Failure Frustration Recommit Disenchantment Cynicism Anomie Quit Corrupt

21  Education  Training  Union involvement  Democratic leadership  Selflessness  Change the people vs. change the program

22  Proactive Social Service/Problem Solving Orientation  Citizen Involvement  Foot Patrol  Bicycle Patrol  Permanent Beat Assignments  4/10 personnel deployment  Greater use of civil sanctions  Greater use of creative sting operations

23  Electronic surveillance  Street cameras  Public transportation (buses/trains)  Traffic light motion detectors  Traffic photo-cops  Open microphone walkie-talkies on officers  Cameras in all police vehicles

24  Consolidation of rural departments  Prosecutor/police cooperation  Officer Friendly  More creative computer applications  Fingerprints  Data management tool  Personnel deployment (time and location)  Probability and solvability modeling

25  Weapons issues  311 and 911 phone options  Differentiated Police Response systems  Forensics  “Hot Spots” policing  Enhanced public police – private security cooperation

26  Increase interaction with other involved and active communal awareness agents  Probation and parole officers  Social welfare agents  Real estate agents  Insurance agents  Meter readers  Taxi drivers (use them to transport prisoners)

27  Outreach programs focused on immigrant and minority communities  Officers learn their language  Translate brochures  Develop bi-lingual newsletters  Officers serve on their community boards  Invite them to serve on police committees/citizen advisory boards  Hire them as officers and as PSOs

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