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How To Develop Christian Character in Youth (age 19-24)

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Presentation on theme: "How To Develop Christian Character in Youth (age 19-24)"— Presentation transcript:


2 How To Develop Christian Character in Youth (age 19-24)

3 Youth~ Life Journey with Peers

4 Youth ~ Self-Discovery & Meaning Making

5 Youth ~ Preparing for Adulthood

6 Remember your Creator …..

7 in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come.
Biblical References Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come. (NRSV, Ecclesiastes 12:1)

8 Biblical References Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (I Timothy 4:11)

9 What are some of the Christian Characters
Tuesday, July 5 Class One The Theme What are some of the Christian Characters this age group should manifest?

10 Christian Character Formation as the result of Spiritual Growth
Physical Moral (Moral Values) Social (Relation-ships) Affective (Heart) Cognitive (Mental)

11 Stages of Development By Erik Erikson
Crisis Virtues to be attained 1 0-1 years Trust VS Mistrust HOPE 2 2-3 yrs Autonomy VS Shame & Doubt WILL 3 4-6 yrs Initiation VS Guilt PURPOSE 4 7-12 yrs Industry VS Inferiority COMPENTENCE 5 13-19 yrs (late teen) Identity VS Role Confusion FIDELTY 6 20-34 yrs (young adult) Intimacy VS Isolation LOVE 7 35-65 yrs Generativity VS Stagnation CARE 8 65 + Integrity VS Despair WISDOM

12 Characteristics of Youth
*Younger Youth (13-15yrs) Physical 1)Bodies rapidly changing. 2)Girls reach puberty earlier than boys. 3) Changing of bodies may be a source of emotional concern for some youth. 4) Sometimes can be awkward. 5)Ready to perform tasks with high level of physical stamina and energy. *Older Youth (16-18yrs) Physical They look like adults. Capable of adult activities. Capable of full sexual and reproductive activity; yet not ready for it emotionally or economically. Outgrowing clumsiness. 5) Eat much.

13 Younger Youth (13-15)& Older Youth(16-18)
Mental Creative & inventive. Can think abstractly and learn difficult concepts. Understand the consequences of actions. Can think independently (may rebel against authority) Can conceptualize time & space. 6) Enjoy adventures & discovery. Mental 1)Capable of critical thinking. 2)Arguing for the sake of it 3) Creative & enjoy solving problems. 4) Can make & carry out plan of action. 5) Work for sense of achieve- ment. 6) Decision-making skills are improving.

14 Younger Youth & Older Youth
Social Want to belong to a group of peers. Seek adult status. Desire acceptance of adults (incl.parents) 4) Want to dress like friends. 5) Enjoy competition. 6) Usually self-conscious. Social Can take deliberate skills in improving interpersonal skills. Concerned about relation-ship with the the opposite sex. Seek adult status. Belong to a social group of their interests & needs.

15 Younger Youth & Older Youth
Emotional Like a roller coaster. May feel misunderstood. Difficulty to express their feelings. Tend to rebel against authority. Commit to worthy cause. Developing emotional independence. Sometimes difficult to control their emotions. Emotional Have more ability to control their emotions. Still have moodiness. Feel intense emotions (incl. sexual impetus) Likes art, film, music. Need emotional security. Ready to accept their sexuality.

16 Younger Youth & Older Youth
Spiritual Idealistic in faith. Can have doubts in faith. Ready for deep personal encounter with God. Think about death. Appreciate honesty. Want practical Bible study. Capable of serving others in ministry & missions. Spiritual Question adult value systems. Developing a mature philosophy of life. Emotional & personal faith. Express faith in their own terms. Capable of making lifelong commitments of their faith. Want to relate spiritual truth to everyday life. Capable of meaningful worship experineces.

17 How Do Youth Learn? They Learn When...
They have adult role models to follow. There is an atmosphere of love, trust, & acceptance. They make discoveries for themselves. They are actively involved in the learning process. They explore Biblical truth with their peers.

18 How Do Youth Learn? They Learn When...
6) The lesson relates to their needs & interests. 7) The activities reflect their abilities. 8) The learning goal has been identified. 9) A variety of learning methods are employed. 10) They are provided with opportunities to take positive action regarding the lesson.

19 7 Goals of Youth Ministry~“AFFIRMS”
A Achievement realized. F Friends gained. F Feeling understood. I Identity established. R Responsibility accepted. M Maturity gained. S Sexuality understood.

20 Young Adults Need … Regarding God, Young Adults needs
To reverence God, respect His commandments, and seek to know & do His will as the supreme good. To grow in understanding of prayer & in ability to pray. To want to do things in ways pleasing to Jesus. To grow in ability to make right choices. 5) To develop in ability to help make his/her home happy. To have an increasing love for all people which will be expressed in friendliness & cooperation.

21 Young Adults Need … To seek & use opportunities to invest their talents & skills in Christian service. To witness consistently to the truth & power of Christian faith & to seek to win others to Christ. To work faithfully for the building up of their church & to serve sacrificially in & thru their church. To give money from worthy motives & according to Biblical teaching for the support of their church & its work.

22 Young Adults Need … 5) To show compassion for people in need & to do deeds of helpfulness in daily life. 6) To find God’s will for their lives, to prepare adequately for the vocation to which they are called, and to enter that vocation with a sense of dedication to Christian service. 7) To serve effectively as a member of a team & to serve without desire for self-glory.

23 Young Adults Need … 8) To dedicate their total personality & resources to world missions as the means of carrying forward the redemptive undertaking of Jesus Christ 9) To join with others in cooperative action for improvement of social conditions, the creation of a more Christian society, & the realization of God’s purpose for humankind

24 Wednesday, July 6 Class Two
The Theme How To Build Such Christian Characters in Their Lives?

25 God As the Master Builder
“I planted, Apollo watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. The one who plants and the one waters have a common purpose, and will receive wages according to the labor of each. For we are God’s servants, working together; You are God’s field, God’s building.” (NRSV, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9) …. God is calling you to be God’s co-worker for Youth!

26 As Leaders/Teachers for Youth/Young Adults…
As a co-worker of God, you need to help them! *To help them read the Bible, and know the Bible *To help them pray every day *To help them faithfully attend Worship Service *To help them give to God (money, time, talents, etc) *To help them witness to friends (generally leader should be of the same sex as the youth. Boy for boys, girl for girls)

27 As Leaders/Teachers for Youth/Young Adults…
As a co-worker of God, you need to help them! *To listen to them carefully *To help them share their problems *To guide them to make good decisions *To be with them to share their joys & sorrows *To help them trust God in every way

28 As a Youth/Young Adult Leader, you need…
*To know the Bible well *To have basic skills in counseling (attentive listening) *To know their circumstances well(about their family, school life, personalities, strength & weaknesses) *To accept them with patience & prayer *To share the church life together *To walk with them in their journey of life

29 Thursday, July 6 Class Three
The Theme What should we, as the church, do to minister to them?

30 What should we do, as the church, to help them grow and mature?
Christian Training Developmental Task Character Formation & Spiritual Growth

31 Biblical References “FORMATION & BUILDING”
Biblical References “FORMATION & BUILDING” Galatians 4:19(Christ being formed in the believer) Colossians 3:16~17(let the word of Christ dwell in you) Ephesians 4:11~17 (growing in love as unity in the Body of Christ)

32 Think About It Select a Bible story of your choice that you think
fits to the spiritual needs of Young Adult. B) Select a topic of Bible Study for Young Adult and develop a simple study outline. (Example) Vocational Life, Love & Marriage, Becoming an effective witness for the Lord, etc. *Think about it~ (A) or (B)~ and share it on Thursday, July 7.

33 Biblical References In case of Joseph Genesis 37:1~36 Joseph 17 yrs old with his brothers loved by father, envied & hated by his brothers Genesis 39:1~41:36 Joseph’s hardship in Egypt Joseph living alone in a foreign land Joseph tempted by Potiphar’s wife, & misunderstood, sent to jail Genesis 41:37~46 Joseph interprets dreams Joseph as prime minister at age 30

34 Biblical References In case of Esther Esther 2:5~18 Hadassah becoming Esther the Queen Esther 4:1~17 Esther facing crisis of a lifetime Esther 5:1~9:19 Jews in Persia saved Esther 9:20~32 Esther ordaining Purim Festival

35 Youth Learn Through Many Activities!
Art Drama Music Visual Techniques Games Pencil & Paper Sports Eating Meeting Fun Activities Christian Fellowship

36 As the Church, Youth/Young Adult Leader Will …
Pray for them & put prayer into action (e.g.: communication thru notebooks) To share their spiritual needs at the Teachers/Leaders Meeting To share their spiritual needs with Pastor To have communication with their family To plan retreats/camps/seminars/eating meetings & fellowship/watching videos/sport games, etc, for them & with them ・ To help them do volunteer works at church To minister to them as a team To let them participate in regional camps/retreats

37 Christian Stewardship of Giving Christian Living & Testimony
Youth & Young Adults Worship & Praise Bible Study Prayer & Devotions Christian Stewardship of Giving Christian Living & Testimony Christian Attitudes & Service

38 Youth& Young Adults

39 Bibliography Charles A. Tidwell, The Educational Ministry of
A Church: A Comprehensive Model for Students and Ministers, Revised & Expanded, 1996. Bruce P. Powers, ed., Christian Education Handbook: A Revised & Completely Updated Edition, 1996. Daryl Eldridge, ed., The Teaching Ministry of the Church:Integrating Biblical Truth with Contemporary Application, 1995. *Above 3 books are all from Broadman & Holman Publishers, USA.

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