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Development of services for persons with disability in Kosovo (emergency-transition- development)

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1 Development of services for persons with disability in Kosovo (emergency-transition- development)

2 Vision and Mission of HandiKOS   Inclusive society, with full recognition of the rights and opportunities of PWD in Kosovo   HandiKOS is an NGO that works on: Promotion and Prevention, service Provision as well as Full recognition and participation of PWD in Kosova.

3 General info for HDK Handikos – main DPO in Kosovo, is created in 1983 as APPCHK and renamed as Handikos in 1999 Handikos – main DPO in Kosovo, is created in 1983 as APPCHK and renamed as Handikos in 1999 Main Objectives:  Active participation in including the interests of PWD during the process of creating policies for European integration and strengthening self- representation  Ensuring, upgrading and sustaining service provision for PWD  Increasing capacities and economical independence and of PWD

4 Emergency (pre conflict – during conflict and immediately after conflict period)  In the emergency phase - originally responding to the humanitarian needs of persons with disabilities in the pre conflict period; during the conflict years, and immediately after the conflict  Disability movement mainly represented by HDK  Development CBR network through opening of CC and LAG to answer to specific emergent needs of pwd.  Services delivered from this network = combination of service provision (through CC) & disability movement representing the political interest of pwd at local and national level (LAG + HDK HQ)

5 Emergency phase - cont   Services for pwd provided in HDK CC & LAG: - - CC: primary physiotherapy; psychosocial activities; distribution of assistive devices - - LAG: identification of a new cases; registration; needs assessment; referral to CC & public structures; distribution of assistive devices; establishment of contacts with local authorities   Establishment of a database for pwd (so fare registered some 18000 people)

6 Transition period In the transition period HandiKOS played crucial role to:  empower pwd, DPO’s (evolution of focus groups to new DPOs: down syndrom, parents organization, muscular dystrophy,..)  in advocacy for an inclusive society, based on the motto “Nothing about us without us!".  Policy making - 2001 creation of CDF

7 Development   Unification of disability movement - - Creation of National Coalition of dpo`s (2005) - - Production of national report on disability (2007) - - Creation of local coalitions of dpo`s   Recognition of the role of dpo`s from authorities - - Creation of National council on disability composed by representatives of disability movement and governmental structures (2006)   Mainstreaming disability into national and local policies - - Development of National Action Plan on Disability (2009- 2011) - - Creation of Local action plans in disability

8 Development   Participation of representatives of dpo`s in the process of creation of new legislation: - - Law on pensions on disability - - Law on construction and spatial planning - - Law on social and family services - - Law on education - - Law on vocational trainings and employment - - Law on material support for families of children with disabilities - - Law an antidiscrimination

9 Challenges   People with disabilities living in difficult situation   The main service providers for remain DPOs   Disability still not perceived as issue of human rights   Difficulties in implementation of the laws - - Lack of human, financial resources - - Lack of strategies for implementation

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