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Beneficiaries (What must we achieve for our beneficiaries?) Capacities (What do we need to excel at to deliver for our beneficiaries?) Learning & growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Beneficiaries (What must we achieve for our beneficiaries?) Capacities (What do we need to excel at to deliver for our beneficiaries?) Learning & growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beneficiaries (What must we achieve for our beneficiaries?) Capacities (What do we need to excel at to deliver for our beneficiaries?) Learning & growth (Where do we need to invest in order to excel?) Resources (How do we ensure we are resourced adequately?) Governments ensure quality eye care is universally available as an integral part of wider health systems. Sightsavers must demonstrate scalable cost effective approaches to eye care which strengthen health systems. Governments ensure all disabled children receive a quality education within the wider education system. Sightsavers must demonstrate scalable cost effective approaches to the education of visually impaired children in their local context. Visually impaired people are equal members of society and governments implement obligations under international conventions for disabled people. Sightsavers must enable BPOs* and DPOs* to advocate effectively for their members’ rights. People actively seek eye care services and enjoy a change in quality of life through community development programmes. Sightsavers must ensure all programmes are rooted in community development. The Sightsavers SIM Card for Zambia *BPO: Blind People’s Organisation *DPO: Disabled People’s Organisation Our vision: No one is blind from avoidable causes; visually impaired people participate equally in society. Our mission: To eliminate avoidable blindness and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people. Strengthen community participation in the development & delivery of services Work within government systems to demonstrate the benefits of inclusive education Support government to implement accessible, quality, sustainable eye health services. Empower DPOs/BPOs to advocate effectively for the rights of VI and disabled people. Build effective partnerships Facilitate delivery of quality and sustainable programmes Build strategic networks & alliances to influence policy and practice HRD of our staff Strengthen programme support Sustain core funding Generate and disseminate programme information Diversify funding sources

2 The Sightsavers SIM Card for Zambia (Strategy Implementation & Monitoring Card) Part 2: THE SCORE SHEET Strategic ObjectiveIndicators of successTargetSuggested organisational initiatives Support government to implement accessible, quality, sustainable eye health services Lag: % of SSI supported eye care programmes integrated into the public health system. Lead: % of SSI supported districts implementing PEC as part of PHC Work within government systems to demonstrate the benefits of inclusive education for VI children Lag: No of schools successfully implementing inclusive education policy Lead: No. of teachers orientated in inclusive education and accessing SEN resources Strengthen community participation in the development and delivery of services Lag: No. of community volunteers actively participating in our programmes Lead: No. of community volunteers trained and supported Empower DPOs/BPOs to advocate effectively for the rights of VI and disabled people Lag: No. of advocacy issues successfully achieved by BPOs/DPOs Lead: No. of BPOs/DPOs receiving advocacy capacity building support

3 The Sightsavers SIM Card for Zambia (Strategy Implementation & Monitoring Card) Part 2: THE SCORE SHEET Strategic ObjectiveIndicators of successTargetSuggested organisational initiatives Build effective partnerships Lag: % of partnerships scoring “excellent” in PRT Lead: No. of partners supported to develop and implement organizational development plans Facilitate the delivery of quality and sustainable programmes Lag: % of programmes consistently applying the defined set of quality standards Lead: % of support visit recommendations actioned Build strategic networks and alliances to Influence eye care and S.I. policy and practice Lag: No. of new policies and practices adopted by government in reaction to SSI advocacy work Lead: No. of change issues advocated on in collaboration with strategic alliances

4 The Sightsavers SIM Card for Zambia (Strategy Implementation & Monitoring Card) Part 2: THE SCORE SHEET Strategic ObjectiveIndicators of successTargetSuggested organisational initiatives HRD of our staff Lag: % of country staff demonstrating the required standard of skills in a) core behaviours b) job-related competencies that are needed for the successful implementation of the strategic plan Lead: No. of trainings (identified as areas of need in PDR) that are undertaken Strengthen programme support Lag: No. of ZCO staff in place (according to ZCO recommended staff structure) Lead: none needed Generate and disseminate programme information Lag: % of programmes based upon research (published and peer- reviewed) Lead: No. of learning events documented and shared

5 The Sightsavers SIM Card for Zambia (Strategy Implementation & Monitoring Card) Part 2: THE SCORE SHEET Strategic ObjectiveIndicators of successTargetSuggested organisational initiatives Diversify funding sources Lag: Amount of budget raised from non-core sources Lead: No. of funding proposals submitted to regional office Sustain core funding Lag: % increase in ZCO core funding allocation Lead: % of ZCO/FCD requests responded to successfully by the other party

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