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World War I 1914-1920 Key turning points for WW I… June, 1914 - Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated August, 1914 – World War I starts March, 1917 – The.

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2 World War I 1914-1920

3 Key turning points for WW I… June, 1914 - Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated August, 1914 – World War I starts March, 1917 – The Russian Revolution April, 1917 - U.S. enters the war Nov, 1918 - The armistice

4 The underlying (M.A.I.N.) causes of WWI... M... A… #2) I… N… Objective… Describe the underlying causes of World War I.

5 Objective… Outline the chain of events that triggered the start of the war. The Great War

6 The triggering event… Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne is assassinated in June, 1914. The assassin… Gavrilo Princip A Bosnian nationalist trained in Serbia.


8 The chain of events… AFF assassinated in Bosnia A-H blames Serbia & makes harsh demands of Serbia A-H asks Germany for support Germany responds with the… “blank check” Russia is allied with Serbia & mobilizes Germany fears a two front war… attacks France through neutral Belgium

9 The Shlieffen Plan…

10 Central Powers v. Allied Powers Austro-Hungarian Empire Germany Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Russia Serbia Belgium France Great Britain Italy Japan United States of-wwi-and-other-silly-stories/ Homework: Using the article “Causes of WW I”, class notes & your text, create a chronological flow chart summarizing the chain of events that led Europe into WWI. – Due tomorrow

11 Quick review… June, 1914- Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated July, 1914 – Austria declares war on Serbia with German support … “The Blank Check” August, 1914 - A chain reaction related to the alliances draws all European powers into war.

12 Objective… Summarize the chain of events through which America entered World War I. The Great War

13 Wilson’s response to the outbreak of war… Neutrality… “impartial in thought as well as in action” 4) Why was neutrality difficult to follow? Cultural force s…“ hyphenated Americans” Propaganda forces… Economic forces… Trade…

14 6) Violation of “freedom of the seas” Germany’s violation of “freedom of the seas”…

15 6) The violation of “freedom of the seas” Great Britain’s violation of “freedom of seas”... What was the effect of the British blockade on Germany?

16 “Unrestricted Submarine Warfare”... 7) The Lusitania (1915) & Sussex (1916) incidents … Wilson’s diplomatic response… 1,198 dead… 128 Americans The Lusitania sinking…

17 What did Germany hope to accomplish using unrestricted submarine warfare?

18 Military Preparedness 5) Wilson advocates preparedness and neutrality… 8) Preparedness: Support & Opposition…

19 German Provocation: Reasons for American entry into WW I … 9) Germany resumes Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (Feb.1916)... 11) The Zimmerman Note (March,1917)…


21 The U.S. Declares War April 6, 1917 12) Wilson’s justification for war… “The war to end all wars”- Woodrow Wilson “The war fought to make the world safe for democracy” - Woodrow Wilson The Congress votes… Senate: 82- 6 House: 373-50

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