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By Henry Wilms Eating healthy is very important for everyone. If you don’t eat healthy, you might get very sick. Eat healthy so you can have strong muscles.

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2 By Henry Wilms

3 Eating healthy is very important for everyone. If you don’t eat healthy, you might get very sick. Eat healthy so you can have strong muscles. Eat healthy so you don’t get a cold. You need fruits and vegetables to be strong and healthy. The first reason I think you should eat healthy is because if you don’t you will get very sick. Eat more carrots, fish and fruit. Eat healthier to have stronger muscles. You need a strong heart to be healthy.

4 Another reason is you can’t run and you can’t catch well if you don’t eat good food. Eat a healthy diet to play sports and get strong muscles. Eat healthier to not get a cold and be a strong athlete. Finally, you will feel better if you eat the right foods. Your mind will work better if you eat healthier. If you eat healthy you will sleep better. Your mind and your body will both work better if you don’t eat junk food.

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