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Re-starting those students who quit on you A guide to get students to complete your class.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-starting those students who quit on you A guide to get students to complete your class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-starting those students who quit on you A guide to get students to complete your class

2 Who should get on a success plan? Kids over 5 weeks behind Kids who have not worked in 3 weeks or more

3 How do I start? Call the student and parent-super important that parent is aware what’s going on Explain that they are behind or not working and that you want them to be successful in class and that they need to be working consistently so that real learning is taking place Explain they will be put on a schedule so they can remain active in the class and get back on track

4 What do I do? Discuss with student and parent what you want/need to see from them (medical/special circumstance/IEP can submit 2 a week) otherwise should be completing 3-5 a week depending on where they are in class and how far behind Outline each week of the success plan by listing “week 1: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Due by March 9” Make sure you explain that failure to follow will result in withdrawal and make sure you list that on the success plan and that you log both the plan and conversation with the parent/student in VSA

5 The process Start with a group of 10 students that you feel will benefit from a success plan the most Conference with them this week and send them success plan and choose same date for all of them so its easier for you to track (Sat or Sun) By Thursday of next week-just a couple days before their lessons are due if they have not submitted all the required work yet you should email, call and text them a reminder that they have not yet completed their work and will need to by the due date to remain active in the class-make sure you log in VSA

6 Sample email/text to send Thursday before work is due Dear wonderful student, I hope you are doing well. I noticed that you have not completed the lessons that are due on your success plan yet. I wanted to remind you that they are due this Saturday, March 9 to remain active in the course. Failure to complete these lessons will result in your withdrawal from the course with a failing grade. Please reach out to me if there is anything I can do to help! I am always here for you ~Mrs. Teacher (123-45-6789) Text: Hi awesome student! I notice you haven’t completed your work due for history this week. Just a reminder to remain active in the class your lessons are due by this Saturday! Please call or text me if there is anything I can do to help!! ~Mrs. Foley

7 Did they follow the plan? Yes they did! Call or text them Monday how proud you are of them and follow through with the same routine for the current week No they didn’t do any lessons-call Monday and explain they will now be withdrawn Well they did some-this is decision time for you-call the student/parent early in the day find out why not all done and tell them to submit work not done today before 8pm and then call them twice that week to make sure they do the work on their plan for the week

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