Hour3 by javier&daniel Mrs. Edelmann

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1 Hour3 by javier&daniel Mrs. Edelmann
Natural Gas Hour3 by javier&daniel Mrs. Edelmann

2 Natural gas. Natural gas is a none renewable resource.
Natural gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless, mercaptan (A chemical that has a sulfur like odor) is added before distribution. Natural gas is one of the most common fossil fuels (Energy resources that formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of year ago.) Natural gas was formed much in the same way that petroleum was formed, and it is often found along with petroleum deposits. Natural gas main ingredient is methane, a gas or compound of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.

3 How do we get natural gas.
The search for natural gas begins with geologists they locate the types of rock that are know to contain gas and oil deposits their tools include seismic surveys. An area is chosen then drilling begins, areas are on land but many are offshore.

4 how natural gas is stored and delivered.
Natural gas is moved by pipelines from the producing fields to consumers. Since natural gas demand is greater in the winter, gas is stored along the way in large underground storage systems, such as old oil and gas wells or caverns formed in old salt beds.

5 How is natural gas used. Approximately 22 percent of the energy consumption of the U.S. comes from natural gas. Slightly more than half of the homes in the U.S. use natural gas as their main heating fuel. Natural gas has thousands of uses and industry depends on it. It’s used to produce steel, glass, paper, clothing, brick, electricity and much more.

6 Uses for today Natural gas is arguably the most favored fossil fuel for generating electricity today, but once upon a time it was considered a problem rather than a commodity, and often burned away on-site at oil wells.

7 Uses Of Natural Gas For hundreds of years, natural gas has been known as a very useful substance. The Chinese discovered a very long time ago that the energy in natural gas could be harnessed, and used to heat water. In the early days of the natural gas industry, the gas was mainly used to light streetlamps, and the occasional house.

8 Advantages and disvanteges.
Oil burning leads to carbon emissions. Oil recovery processes not efficient enough—technology needs to be developed to provide better yields. Oil drilling endangers the environment and ecosystems. Oil transportation by ship can lead to spills, causing environmental and ecological damage (major oil spill near Spain in late Fall 2002. Oil is one of the most abundant energy resources. Liquid form of oil makes it easy to transport and use. Oil has high heating value. Relatively inexpensive. No new technology needed to use.

9 Natural gas production
Natural gas production by country(countries in brown and then red have the largest production. The world’s largest gas field is red.

10 He invented natural gas
In 1885 a German chemist and physicist named Robert von Bunsen perfected the Bunsen burner that was invented by Michael faraday.

11 The end Thank you for you attention.

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