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Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training

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Presentation on theme: "Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Administrator Training

2 Agenda General Overview and Important Information - DRC
Important Dates - DRC The Assessment - DRC Returning Materials - DRC Planning for the Assessment - PDE Participation and Exceptions to Participation - PDE Administering the Assessment - PDE PDE Policy - PDE Test Security – PDE AYP – PDE

3 General Overview for 2011 All policy decisions come from PDE
All PSSA logistics are the responsibility of DRC and include Grades 3 – 8 and 11 Reading and Mathematics, Grades 4, 8, and 11 Science, Grades 5, 8, and 11 Writing, and the Grade 12 Retest Reporting – DRC manages the Parent Letters, District Student Data files, ISRs, and all eMetric deliverables (data interaction, online summary reports)

4 General Overview Today’s Training Highlights
New this year, Important Information and Dates Administering the Assessment Participation, Attributions, Accommodations Test Security AYP Understanding new processes, reinforcing essential assessment information, and sharing important testing, systems, and reporting dates. Understanding who should be testing, the process for attributing students, and using/reporting testing accommodations. Understanding the proper procedures for test administration and the critical link between barcode label use and accurate reporting of student information. Understanding the importance of test security at all levels. Understanding the relationship between your students’ demographic information and participation and the impact on AYP.

5 Important Information
New this year: PSSA – Modified for Reading and Science Audio CDs – Must have PDE approval before DRC can ship any Audio CDs. Students in grades 4-8 & 11 who meet the eligibility requirements may take the modified version of the Mathematics or Reading PSSA. Students in grades 8 & 11 who meet the eligibility requirements may take the modified version of the Science PSSA. Science and reading were field tested in 2010 so they are operational in This means student scores will come from the modified assessments. Only 2% of a district grade span’s Proficient scores may come from the modified mathematics or Reading assessment for AYP. Audio CDs are for students that normally receive this type of accommodation. All requests for Audio CDs must be approved by PDE.

6 Important Information
Yearly reminders Do not return booklets for PASA students Return appropriate booklets for students participating in modified assessments Expedite the return of Answer Booklets PIMS data was used to produce Precode Labels Match Booklets by Form Number Student Mobility Students registered to take the PASA for Reading/Math and Science do not need to have a PSSA booklet returned to DRC. • If you receive a Student Precode Label for a student taking the PASA, throw the label away. Do not affix the precode label to an answer booklet! DRC will provide an additional set of grades 4-8 & 11 Student Precode Labels so schools have adequate precode labels for students who take a Modified assessment. All testing sites are required to return used answer booklets as soon as the majority of the testing population completes each assessment. • Districts and schools must be aware that multiple UPS shipments will need to be made to facilitate the return of PSSA materials. The PSSA return labels (UPS-RS labels and DRC Return Shipment Labels) are not subject specific. Student Precode Labels will be produced for all valid student records DRC received from the PIMS November Snapshot. • DRC will receive an updated PIMS file to ensure the most accurate student data is used for reporting. Student Precode Labels that contain inaccurate student names or PAsecureIDs should not be used.

7 Important Information
DRC Contact Information Our toll free number is: Our fax number is: Our is: If you get DRC’s voic , that means our customer service representatives are busy with other calls. DRC recommends you use the address so you can fully explain your situation and be able to keep a written record of the correspondence.

8 Important Information
PDE contact information Our phone number is: or Our is: PDE also has contact information, but we recommend you contact DRC first.

9 Important Dates 2011 Assessment Dates
March 14 to 25 – Grades 3 – 8 & 11 Reading and Mathematics March 28 to April 1 – Grades 5, 8 & 11 Writing April 4 to 8 – Grades 4, 8 & 11 Science April 11 to 15 – Final makeups for all assessments

10 Important Dates Make-ups can occur anytime during the PDE-established window Return answer booklets for each assessment after the subject specific window UPS is used to return ALL secure materials All materials must be picked up by UPS by April 15 All material must arrive at DRC by April 22 Your PSSA materials must be picked-up by UPS (at the latest) on the dates listed below: Reading/Math (including Modified) – March 29 Writing – April 5 Science (including Modified) – April 12 All Make-Up Materials – April 15 Used answer booklets received by DRC after April 22, 2011, will not be included in your 2011 PSSA and AYP reports. The exclusion of any students in AYP reporting because of an LEA’s failure to return answer booklets within the established timeline will be reported and researched by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

11 Important Dates DRC Online System Dates
May 12 to 18, 2011 – Student Attribution window June 27 to 30, 2011 – PASA 1% and PSSA-M 2% redistribution window The online Attribution System window represents the only opportunity to attribute the scores of students placed into a school or facility back to the students’ home districts and/or schools. • Completed attributions will be processed every night during the window. • Schools will also be required to confirm (or enter) the PAsecureID of any student tested at (or attributed to) the school who was administered the assessment with a District/School Label. REMEMBER: Attributions should not be processed for students who do not meet the Full Academic Year status or students who withdrew after the assessment window! The “redistribution phase” of the online system is for districts with any grade span’s Proficient scores comprised of more than 1% Proficient PASA scores and/or 2% Proficient PSSA-M scores District personnel will be required to select and redistribute the Proficient PASA and/or PSSA-M that will be moved to Not Proficient for AYP calculations only.

12 Important Dates 2011 Reporting Dates
June 10 – District Student Performance Data Files posted to DRC’s Report Delivery System and Parent Letters available on eMetric website July 18 – Pre-appeals Student Data Files with attributions available online July 18 – Online AYP System available

13 Important Dates Watch for information about these upcoming sessions
Report Delivery System Cleanup webinars (February 28 - March 4) How PIMS data affects AYP (March 8, 9, and 11) Attribution System Webinars (May 9-12) Redistribution System Webinars (June 23-27) Understanding AYP (May 19-26)

14 The Assessment Before the assessment
Read the manuals, schedule the assessments, and prepare test coordinators and administrators Inventory/account for all materials All subjects will arrive at the same time Order additional materials as soon as possible Test Administrators must be given ample time to read the Directions for Administration Manuals prior to orientation and the testing window. The first days of the testing windows should be used when scheduling the test sessions to allow the school more flexibility if any unusual circumstances delay the anticipated start dates. Make sure you have the correct materials and sufficient quantities and verify that you have received the amount of booklets as indicated on your Materials Accountability Form. With the exception of ship-to-school districts and special sites, all additional materials will be shipped to the District Assessment Coordinator.

15 2011 Design – More materials
Make sure to include your District Code along with your District Name. Make sure to include your School Code along with your School Name. Indicate the quantity you need. Additional Material Request forms are located in the Handbook for Assessment Coordinators Redesigned for 2011! The Additional Materials Request Form includes the material selections for all the assessments. Additional Audio CDs, Large-Print, or Braille materials must be ordered by contacting a DRC Customer Service Representative. Remember, all audio CD orders must be approved by PDE. Remember, if you need new test booklets because of an enrollment change, you may also need barcode labels. Make sure to include your District AUN and School Code along with your district and school names.

16 Barcode Labels Answer booklets returned to DRC for processing must have a label attached. The only answer booklets that should NOT have labels attached are booklets that are unused and COMPLETELY blank. Whether a Student Precode or a District/School Label is used, page 3 needs to be filled out for any student using an accommodation. The barcode labels are not subject specific. Each school’s Student Precode Labels will be slip-sheeted by subject for ease of distribution; however, the labels do not contain a subject designation and can be used on any assessment. The District/School Labels and the Do Not Score Labels are not slip-sheeted by subject and may be used on any assessment. Booklets for students who are non-assessed and have been identified as such on the answer booklet must have a barcode label. Verify the number of booklets you need before you affix the labels. Do not attempt to move or remove any label that has been affixed to the front of an answer booklet The accommodations information can only be reported at the time of testing.

Student Precode Labels contain district/school information and individual student demographic information as reported in PIMS. Verify that the information printed on the Student Precode Labels is correct. If a student’s printed name or PAsecureID is incorrect (i.e., no longer matches what is in PIMS), do not use the label. DRC cannot update a student’s record for final PSSA and AYP reporting if the name or PAsecureID printed on the label is different than the name or PAsecureID in PIMS during the testing window. The student demographic information associated with the Student Precode Label CANNOT be over-ridden by writing on the precode label or bubbling pages 1 & 2 of the answer booklet! With the exception of name, PAsecureID, and birthdate, your PIMS administrator can correct student demographic errors during the PIMS upload window that will occur during the testing window. If you receive a Student Precode Label for a student no longer enrolled at your school, destroy that label. All schools with precoded students in grades 4 – 8 or 11 will receive an additional set of Student Precode Labels for use with the PSSA-M Modified assessments.

District/School Labels contain district and school specific information only. These labels must be used when Student Precode Labels are not used. When using District/School Labels, the front cover and all applicable items on page 2 of the answer booklets must be hand-bubbled. The District/School labels are no longer subject specific. Never use labels from another school. Do Not make copies of labels. If you need more labels, fill out the additional materials request form found in the Handbook for Assessment Coordinators.

19 Barcode Labels DISTRICT/SCHOOL LABELS (cont)
When using District/School Labels, the student’s name, birth date, and PAsecureID must be bubbled exactly as it appears in your school’s student information system. The student’s name, PAsecureID, and birth date must be bubbled on the answer booklet exactly as it appears in PIMS (information uploaded from the district’s student information system) in order to match back to the data in PIMS for proper reporting.

20 Barcode Labels DO NOT SCORE LABELS
All sites will receive Do Not Score Labels for answer booklets that should not be scored. Do Not Score Labels should be used if a booklet becomes torn, soiled, or is found to be defective. Student responses must be transcribed into an answer booklet of the same form designation if a student has begun working in a booklet that becomes unusable. If a District/School Label is inadvertently affixed to a blank/unused booklet, affix a Do Not Score Label over it.

21 Labels must be affixed in the box provided.
When using a Do Not Score label, place it over any label already on the booklet!!

22 The Assessment Bubbling the answer booklets English Language Learners
Use May 7, 2010, for calculating first year in U.S. school for ELL students Court/Agency Placed Students Foster care is not a court/agency placement for NCLB purposes Per IDEA, court/agency placed students with an IEP are required to participate Court/Agency captured in booklet only Students in their first year of enrollment in U.S. schools are not required to participate in the Writing or Reading assessments; however, they must take the Mathematics and Science assessments. • The “first year” ELL exemption is reported on page 2 of the answer booklets (Item #6) • If the student has Student Precode Label, check to see that the student’s PIMS record is correct. • The “enrolled after” date used to identify ELL students (May 7, 2010) represents the last day of the 2010 testing window. Court/Agency placement is not a valid exclusion for students placed into alternative education programs, IU programs, or Approved Private Schools, as students attending those programs are placed by the district or school, not by a court or agency. A student’s status as court/agency placed is only being captured in the answer booklets.

23 The Assessment Bubbling the answer booklets (cont)
Home-Schooled Students Home-schooled captured in booklet only. Full-time – Item 5, option 6 on page 2 of booklet. Part-time – “Other Assessment Information” grid on page 2 of booklet. If a student is a full-time home education student, “student is home-schooled and assessed at parental request” must be bubbled on the student’s answer booklet regardless of the type of barcode label that has been used (Item 5-option 6 on page 2 of the answer booklet). This information will no longer be collected from PIMS. If a student is partially enrolled at a public school for his/her mathematics or reading education, bubble “student is enrolled at a non-public school or is home-schooled and receives his/her [Reading or Math] education at a public school”.

24 The Assessment Modified Assessments
There are modified assessments for Mathematics, Reading, and Science Additional precode labels for use on PSSA-M Proper booklet labeling is essential for accurate reporting Use the additional set of Student Precode Labels so that a student’s PSSA-M booklet and PSSA booklet are both appropriately labeled. If the student does not have a precode label, use a District/School Label on each booklet and bubble the student’s information the same on both booklets. Unused Student Precode Labels from the additional set of PSSA-M labels should be discarded.

25 The Assessment Accommodated Assessments
Order Braille, Enlarged Print, and Audio CDs from All student responses must be transcribed into a regular scannable answer booklet. A Spanish-translation version of the Mathematics and Science assessments are available

26 The Assessment All students must use a No. 2 pencil.
What to do if a student goes home ill. Use of calculators Use of Dictionaries Word-to-word dictionaries (including electronic dictionaries with beaming turned off) are permitted for ELLs in their first three years in a U.S. school on the math and science assessments. For all other students, do not provide or permit the use of dictionaries, thesauri, spell- or grammar-checkers, PDAs, or any device that can transmit information on any assessments. Administrators MUST also use a #2 pencil when transcribing student responses from Braille, large print, or electronic test formats. Students should be instructed to completely erase any unwanted marks when changing an answer. If a student becomes ill and has to go home before the end of the day’s testing session, SEE HANDBOOK TEXT. If calculators are used on the allowable portions of the mathematics assessment, it is incumbent upon the schools to ensure that the PDE calculator policies are followed. • Please refer to the PDE website ( for the current calculator policy.

27 The Assessment Distribution and collection procedures Security Numbers
Security Checklist Security numbers are located below the barcode are on the back of every secure booklet shipped by DRC. This barcode is the scannable version of the security number. You must use a secure method of storing, distributing, and collecting materials. Make certain that personnel who have access to the secure storage area understand the importance of the materials. The security barcode numbers appear sequentially on your school’s Security Checklist and identify the district and school to which each booklet was sent. Important Note: Security barcodes should not be used to match test and answer booklet forms; only use the form designation printed on the front cover of the booklets to match forms. The Security Checklist is a tool to help track and account for all secure materials and does not need to be returned to DRC.

28 Destroyed due to illness
2011 Mr. Gillin 4/16 4/17 4/18 Destroyed due to illness Unchanged from the last four years. A great tool to use!! Mr. Schiller 4/22

29 The Assessment Unusual Circumstances QUESTIONS? CALL 1-800-451-7849
Test Administrators may encounter situations not covered in the manuals. The Test Administrator, along with the School and District Coordinator, should use their best professional judgment on how to handle each situation keeping test security and integrity in mind. One example is when a student becomes ill on a test. These tests should be destroyed and NOT returned to DRC. Make sure to note on the Materials Accountability Form that the document was destroyed due to student illness. QUESTIONS? CALL NOT

30 Return Instructions Be organized
Have clear communications and define a plan for returning scorable materials early Use the Materials Accountability Form and Security Checklist School Assessment Coordinators should look for ways to expedite the return process. Answer booklets should be shipped immediately via UPS; test booklets should be shipped before the assessment-specific “out-of-district” deadline using UPS. Keep one final box for booklets that are held back for make-ups and new enrollments. Communicate with your Test Administrators and PLAN AHEAD. Use the Security Checklist!!

31 Return Instructions - Materials Accountability Form
The Test Security Affidavit must be signed by the school principal. The Materials Accountability Form provides a means for each school to document any discrepancies in materials shipped or returned to DRC. Both of these forms MUST be completed and returned to DRC in the final box shipped to DRC.

32 Return Instructions - Test Security Affidavit
The Test Security Affidavit must be signed by the school principal. The Materials Accountability Form provides a means for each school to document any discrepancies in materials shipped or returned to DRC. Both of these forms MUST be completed and returned to DRC in the final box shipped to DRC.

33 Test booklets and unopened packages
Return Instructions Test Administrators School Assessment Coordinators District Assessment Coordinators A B UPS RS Label DRC Label A B A B UPS RS Label DRC Label DRC Label UPS RS Label DRC Label UPS RS Label A B Test booklets and unopened packages All Answer Booklets Test Administrators must account for and return all materials to the school assessment coordinator daily. School Assessment Coordinators must account for all assessment booklets and verify that all used answer booklets have a barcode label properly affixed to the front cover. As soon as the majority of the testing population has completed an assessment, School Coordinators can facilitate the early return process by returning the answer booklets to their District Coordinator or to DRC via UPS as soon as they have confirmed that that all used answer booklets have a barcode label properly affixed to the front cover. Both DRC Return Shipment Labels and UPS-RS labels must be applied to the top of all boxes being returned to DRC. School Coordinators must box all answer booklets separately from the test booklets and unopened packages. 33

34 Return Instructions Material Pick Up
If you do not have a regularly scheduled UPS pick-up or delivery, call UPS at (866) to arrange a pick up at least 24 hours prior to your requested pick-up.

35 Special Note Keep a copy of the UPS-RS tracking numbers used.
When DRC has questions about a district’s assessment materials, we make follow-up phone calls after the testing window has closed. It is important to return these calls as soon as possible in order ensure fast and accurate reporting and to keep you schools off the missing materials report sent to PDE.

36 Planning for the Assessment
Testing Preparation DOs: Plan for testing rooms and times. Post PA General Description of Scoring Guidelines Math Formula Sheets – only available for grades 7, 8 and 11. Provide test administrators with: Training Test manuals Schedule To help facilitate a smooth test administration: All test administrators and all students should have a clear direction regarding the room and the time assigned for the administration of the tests. There should be a monitored area designated for any latecomers to prevent interruptions to a test session. For the writing test, the “old” Pennsylvania Domain Scoring Guide is permitted to be posted during the writing test, as well as the current Mode Specific Scoring Guidelines. All test administrators must be trained on how to administer the test. This allows new test administrators, as well as veteran test administrators, to feel comfortable with any changes in the PSSA tests.

37 Planning for the Assessment
Accommodations The Accommodations Guidelines for students with IEPs, ELL students, and all students are available on department’s web site – The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that all students participate in the PSSAs. Students with disabilities are to be included in all state assessments and should be provided with appropriate accommodations. Remember that any accommodation used during PSSA testing should be part of the student’s everyday school environment. Accommodations should only be extended to the student as long as it does not compromise the integrity of the test. For example, reading aloud the reading assessment is not considered a valid accommodation since the purpose of this assessment is to measure skill in reading and comprehending printed matter. A downloadable document outlining all acceptable accommodations is found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s web site.

38 Access to Information Click on Programs

39 Access to Information Click on Programs O-R

40 Access to Information PVASS PA Secure ID Accountability PSSA

41 Planning for the Assessment
Be prepared for parental requests to view the test. Schedule small group setting(s). Schedule extended time setting(s). Assign test administrators for breaks and movement to other setting(s). Plan for secure distribution & collection of materials after each session. Parental requests to view the tests must take place at the school or district setting with a monitor present at all times. Parents must sign a confidentiality agreement before viewing any secure materials. The Mathematics or Science Spanish-translation tests should only be administered to those students who would benefit from reading the test questions in Spanish. If a student does not regularly read mathematics or science assessments in the Spanish language, then the Spanish-translation format may not be an appropriate accommodation. Students that normally receive a small group setting for assessments should be provided with a similar setting for the PSSA. This minimizes disturbances when test directions (or math items) must be read aloud or repeated. The secure test materials must be carried by a test administrator to the extended time setting. Materials must be collected after each session and returned to the secure storage area.

42 Assessments Available
PSSA PSSA-M PASA Accommodations are available for all tests.

43 PSSA Students participate in the PSSA for Math, Reading, Science, and Writing.

44 PASA Students participate in the PASA for Math, Reading, and Science
Students participate in a school-provided alternate assessment for Writing. There is not a state PASA for Writing. Students who meet the eligibility requirements should be administered a school-entity-provided alternate writing assessment. Reading & Mathematics and Science PASA materials are produced/distributed by the University of Pittsburgh. The PASA uses reinterpreted statewide standards as a basis for the tasks students are given to perform. PASA materials may be ordered by calling

45 PSSA- Modified (PSSA-M)
Available for Mathematics, Reading, and Science Recommended to be administered in a separate setting Recommended to administer all sections of one content area, then all sections of the other All sections must be given in the order in which they are printed in the test booklets All accommodations available for the PSSA are also available for the PSSA-M

46 ELL students - Mathematics and Reading
ELL students are treated the same as every other student with the following exceptions: Participation in the Math assessment is mandatory but if the student is in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school their scores do not count for AYP purposes Participation in the Reading assessment is optional for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school

47 ELL students - Science and Writing
ELL students are treated the same as every other student with the following exceptions: Participation in the Science assessment is mandatory for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school but scores do not count for AYP purposes Participation in the Writing assessment is optional for students in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school

48 Administering the Assessment
DO: maintain calm & quiet remove or cover all instructional materials provide: blank scratch paper sharpened pencils highlighters encourage students return all test materials to secure location DO NOT: allow unsupervised breaks display visual cues, e.g. picture icons provide pre-printed graphic organizers allow pens/colored pencils; stray marks prompt students keep any test materials You can clarify directions and offer encouragement to the students. Circulate around the room while the students are taking the assessment and be available as a resource. Allow students to create graphic organizers on the scratch paper provided at the time of testing without your assistance. Directions for all assessments may be read aloud, and a test administrator can have students explain directions aloud to confirm understanding. Mathematics questions may also be read aloud; however, test administrators cannot read aloud any portion of the Reading assessment or the passages/multiple-choice portion of the Writing assessment. Some examples of items that cannot be present in the classroom include: Word walls, teacher-developed rubrics, vocabulary words and definitions, number lines, formula sheets (other than the official one from the assessment). Additionally, any hand-outs, posters, or charts developed as icons or visual clues to help students recall information are not allowed. You cannot help students answer items. This includes: • Helping the student eliminate some multiple-choice items, providing re-printed graphic organizers, pointing to key phrases in test questions for students, pointing to correct answers on the assessment, giving correct answers, or using a highlighter on the questions, text, or answers to prompt students.

49 Make-ups Make-up missed sessions as soon as possible
Make-ups for all subjects can be administered up to the end of the testing window

50 PDE Policy – Test Security
The assessments rely on the measurement of individual achievement. Any deviation from assessment procedures is strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of test security. School administrators, teachers and any other education personnel who are involved in the assessment program must maintain the security of all assessment materials at all times. Because the assessment must remain secure, teachers/Test Administrators should not have assessment materials in their possession at any time other than during the actual assessment administration. A Test Security Affidavit certifying that proper test security and administration procedures were followed will be supplied by DRC for each school participating in the PSSA. The document must be signed by the school principal and returned to DRC with the test materials.

51 PDE Policy – Test Security
Maintain test security: Refer to PDE security Search for “Accommodations and Security” PDE has also made additional security guidelines available on their website.

52 Important Information
The AYP Performance and Participation Attribution Map is posted at Type “Attribution Map” in the search box A district that has placed a student into an alternate educational setting inside or outside the district is responsible for ensuring the student’s participation in the assessment. The AYP Score and Participation Attribution Map provides guidance for determining proper student attribution. Although the district is always responsible for ensuring that all of its students are tested, it is not necessarily responsible for ordering materials or administering the test to students who have been placed in educational settings inside or outside the district.

53 Important Information
The entity delivering the student’s education is responsible for ordering and receiving materials and administering the test. Know your district’s procedures for Home Schooled students. Testing Cyber Charter School students. The testing site responsible for the education of a district-placed student is also responsible for ordering the testing materials and administering the test. This includes IU-run classrooms housed within a regular district school building. In this scenario, the district school building is responsible for ordering the materials so the IU personnel can administer the assessment to the students. The testing district is then responsible for attributing these students’ scores back to their districts/schools or residence. It is also important that Home Schooled students are handled properly by the district. A Cyber Charter School may enter into an agreement with districts to test students in the district. This does not alleviate the Cyber from responsibility. The student is attributed to the Charter School.

54 Issues that could impact AYP determination
Schools that received precode labels for IU or Alternative Education programs housed within that school. Coding/Bubbling the answer booklets For schools with IU or Alt. Ed. Programs that feed from several other districts. You must use either a precode label, or district/school label. You must then access the attribution system in May and reattribute these students back to their district and/or school of residence.

55 Bubbling booklets Bubbling booklets may include:
Filling in all information (for students who do not have a Precode Label), Demographic information provided on an answer booklet will not override information that’s on a precode label. Please complete certain demographic information after the test has been completed E.g., economically disadvantaged And/or Filling in fields that are applicable to the testing situation (i.e., - Accommodations) Some situations will require that you bubble much more information than others. For example, a booklet belonging to a student without a precode label will require more information to be bubbled than one belonging to an IEP student with a precode label. A precoded student’s answer booklet may only require that you bubble information regarding the testing situation. We ask that you bubble some of the demographic information AFTER the student has completed the assessment, for example economically disadvantaged and information regarding the testing situation. Information that is provided on an answer booklet will not override the information on the precode label. The information on the label came from PIMS and any correction to that information should be made through PIMS. A District/School Label should be used if the precode label has incorrect PRINTED information (i.e., student name or PAsecureID).

56 Assessment Coordinators: Ensure all information is bubbled correctly!
Demographic data Assessment Coordinator? Race/ethnicity Economic status Test administrator? Other? Testing situation data Assessment Coordinator? Non-assessed codes Test administrator? Absent without make up Accommodations Other? Students should not bubble information into the answer booklet.

57 Assessment Coordinators:
Training for those who will administer the assessment is required. Administrators must be a member of the school/district staff. No volunteers. This PowerPoint is available on PDE website. Utilize test administrator’s handbook. DRC/PDE training is for District Assessment Coordinators to be able to adequately train school coordinators and administrators.

58 Students who withdraw/transfer
Student withdraws or transfers prior to the testing window (April 15, 2011) Discard student label Student begins the assessment but withdraws or transfers before completing it Place a “Do Not Score” label on top of the student precode label on the booklet Withdrawal/transfer before the assessment window. If a student withdrew PRIOR to the testing window, please discard the label. There is no need to attach it to a booklet and then put a “Do Not Score,” label over it. DRC does not need to have those labels returned, and there is no point is wasting a test booklet. If you happen to know to where the student transferred, DO NOT send the label to the new location. Withdrawal/transfer sometime during the test window. The student begins the assessment, but transfers or withdraws before completing it. In this instance, since the student already started the assessment, it is likely that there will already be a label on the booklet. Put a “Do Not Score” label on top of the student label, covering it. Please place the label on top of the student label. Only use one label. If the student has transferred to another LEA, he/she will be there at the end of the test and that is the LEA responsible for participation. If you are the receiving LEA: The student must begin the test over in the new LEA.

59 Students who withdraw/transfer
Student completes the assessment and withdraws or transfers before the end of the testing window (April 15, 2011) If the student has moved to another school/district, return the booklet with your materials and during the Attributions Window (May 12 – May 18), attribute the student to the school/district to where he/she transferred. If the student has moved out of state, place a do not score label on the test booklet. Withdrawal/transfer after the testing window. If the student withdraws or transfers and has completed the assessment before the end of the testing window, return the answer booklet with your materials as usual. During the attribution window, you must attribute that student to the new school or district. If the student has moved out of state, place a do not score label on the test booklet.

60 Encourage students to complete the test
Encouraging students to meet only the minimum attempt logic may result in meeting the participation rate, but student’s score will be based on only those questions that were answered. Encourage students to do their best! Research shows that encouragement during the test improves results. The attempt logic means that a student must attempt a minimum number of items in EACH section of the test.

61 Participation Does not negatively affect participation rate:
Medical emergency A recent physical or mental diagnosis that renders a student incapable of participating in the assessment The emergency is occurring at the time of the testing window. Mark the booklet at the time of the testing window! If you’re unsure, CALL!!! ELL student in his/her first year of enrollment in a US school (reading only) Student participated in the PSSA-M or PASA PDE # DRC #

62 Participation Negatively affects participation rate
Extended absence during entire testing window Parental request Other – such as refusal to participate Absent without make-up Failure to meet attempt logic

63 Performance vs. Participation
Every student enrolled as of the last day of the testing window (April 15, 2011) must take the assessment. Performance Only students enrolled for a full academic year (on or before October 1, 2010) count towards performance. ALL students must participate in the assessment.

64 To contact someone from the Pennsylvania Department of Education
The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of Education is to lead and serve the educational community, to enable each individual to grow into an inspired, productive, fulfilled lifelong learner. To contact someone from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (717) Or (717)

65 PA CUSTOMER SERVICE Data Recognition Corporation understands the intricacies involved with large scale assessments like the PSSA. Our customer service representatives are always ready and willing to help with any questions or problems. Our number is Or us at

66 School District of Philadelphia PSSA Test Monitoring Program

67 Test Administration and Security
Standardized assessment results are measures of student achievement whose results are used to inform instruction and for accountability. Any deviation from the prescribed assessment procedures is prohibited and is a violation of test security. Violating test security may invalidate the assessment results and the use of those results.

68 PSSA Test Security School District of Philadelphia staff will be monitoring PSSA testing sessions to help ensure appropriate administration procedures. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires that the Office of Accountability investigate any reported violations of test security. Violations are reported via monitoring forms, and phone calls and s to the Superintendent, Academic Divisions, and to other staff. Test monitors, teachers, students, administrators, and parents may report violations.

69 PSSA Test Security Test security violations are taken very seriously by PDE and the School District. Principals, teachers and other staff who are found to be in violation of the test security code may liable for dismissal and possible forfeiture of their state license.

70 PSSA Test Security - The Following are Permitted
Creating a test administration environment that helps students do their best Encouraging students during the test Pointing out that students have not completed the test or left items blank Reading those test items that are permitted as indicated in the administration materials

71 PSSA Test Security - Prohibited
Helping the student eliminate some distracters from multiple-choice items Pointing to key phrases in test questions for students Pointing to correct answers on the assessment Using a highlighter to prompt a student on the PSSA - in questions, text or answers Discussing a particular answer after the assessment Changing any answer on student’s answer sheet

72 PSSA Test Security – Prohibited
Using the IEP to violate the integrity of the PSSA Handing a test back to a student once it’s turned in Having students transport tests outside the classroom either for extended time or school collection Allowing students to look ahead before being prompted to do so Leaving students unsupervised

73 Test Security Violations (Level I)
Failure to cover instructional materials Administering test sections out of order Allowing students to proceed to next section before end of current section Allowing students to continue a section after unsupervised break

74 Previous Test Security Violations Level II
Coaching students and giving signals Emphasizing answers when reading items Permitting students to return to a section after the section was administered Removal of PSSA Writing item security seals before the test session

All monitoring will be unannounced and will occur in District and Charter Schools. This monitoring is separate from the PDE monitoring program. Each year, PDE monitors PSSA administration in a few schools.

76 Monitoring Forms/Memos
Monitoring Forms – Review Memo to principals and Assistant Superintendents about monitoring visits is posted on the PIB. All monitoring forms and memos will also be ed to Test Coordinators and posted on the Office of Accountability’s website at:



79 PSSA Assessment Plan Agenda of Test Administrator’s training
Assessment Schedule, Teacher Assignments, Room Assignments Information or references on test distribution, storage, collection and packing (refer to PSSA Handbook for Assessment Coordinators) Accommodations (refer to PSSA Accommodations Guidelines) School Make-up policy


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