Florida’s New High School Graduation Opportunities “It’s a Major Opportunity!” For Students Entering Ninth Grade After 2007-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida’s New High School Graduation Opportunities “It’s a Major Opportunity!” For Students Entering Ninth Grade After 2007-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida’s New High School Graduation Opportunities “It’s a Major Opportunity!” For Students Entering Ninth Grade After 2007-2008

2 It’s a Major Opportunity… (Major Areas of Interest) Why? Students can: –take charge of their education –pursue in-depth study in an area of their choice –learn more about future professions or lifetime skills –explore individual interests –work toward an industry certification or Gold Seal Scholarship

3 What is a Major Area of Interest (MAI)? Four (4) credits selected by the student in an area of interest. For example, courses may be in: a career and technical program fine and performing arts, or an academic content area

4 Where Can I See Examples? Statewide there are currently 445 approved MAI from which districts can choose The entire list can be viewed at www.fldoe.org/APlusPlus/ and at www.facts.org

5 Examples of District-Approved Major Areas of Interest Accounting Operations Advanced Academics Advanced Placement Athletic Trainer Broadcast Communication College Studies Employability Skills Global Leadership Health Occupations Journalism Industrial Education Integrated Humanities ROTC Business Technology Education Music Pre-Engineering Pre-Medicine Physical Sciences Foreign Language Theatre Arts Veterinary Assisting Visual Arts Workforce Readiness Written Communication Teacher Preparation Web design Services Family and Consumer Sciences

6 Students and Parents When choosing a MAI, be sure to consider the student’s: – Academic achievements – Individual interests and talents – Career goals – Postsecondary goals

7 How Do Students Identify a Major Area of Interest? Discuss their individual interests with parent(s)/guardian(s), guidance counselors, and teachers. Explore their academic and career goals. – Use CHOICES Planner to explore occupations and career interests (www.flchoices.org). Use FACTS.org to view major areas of interest that are being offered at the high school (www.facts.org). Identify a MAI and identify course(s) that are included in the chosen MAI, which are appropriate for 9th grade and update academic plan. – Online resource: www.FACTS.org (electronic Personal Education Planner [ePEP])

8 District/School Major Areas of Interest Selection Process 8 th grade students will select a Major when they work with their guidance counselor to register for their 9 th grade courses. Students are encouraged to explore career options by using the CHOICES web site- www.flchoices.org www.flchoices.org The student will write their chosen Major on the high school course selection form. This form should be signed by the student’s parent or guardian.

9 Important Note: Students may revise major areas of interest each year as part of the annual course registration process and should update their education plans to reflect such revisions.

10 Majors HS different from College How is the high school “major area of interest” different from a college “major”?

11 College Majors VS. Major Areas of Interest College Major Results in a degree or certificate Major credits are part of core requirements Completion required to earn a degree Changes generally require extra time in college HS Major Areas of Interest May result in a certification Major area of interest credits are part of electives Completion not required to earn a high school diploma Changes do not require extra time in high school

12 Does a student have to complete a major area of interest to graduate? No, the student does not have to complete a single major to graduate but does have to be enrolled in a major area of interest each year, and complete 4 high school credits.

13 Any Exceptions? The programs listed below are considered stand-alone major areas of interest. Students enrolled full-time in the following programs are not required to enroll in an additional MAI: – International Baccalaureate Curriculum (IB) – Accelerated 3-year graduation program

14 What are the graduation options for earning a standard diploma? Florida law requires students to successfully complete: –a four-year, minimum of 24-credits standard program, or –a three-year,18-credit standard college preparatory program, or –a three-year,18-credit career preparatory program (Three-year programs do not include options for Certificates of Completion or Special Diplomas)

15 Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements Students are required to: – Meet minimum course requirements – Earn passing scores on the FCAT or scores on a standardized test that are concordant with the passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) – Achieve a specific grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale

16 Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements Students are required to obtain a minimum GPA as follows: – Four-year, 24-credit standard program- 2.0 unweighted GPA – Three-year, 18-credit standard college preparatory program -3.5 unweighted GPA – Three-year, 18-credit career preparatory program -3.0 unweighted GPA

17 Four-year, 24-credit Standard Program CoreMajor Area of Interest ElectivesTotal 16 +4 + Elective courses in your “major” 4 = Additional elective credits (you can choose another “major” or just different classes you find interesting) 24 your Florida high school diploma and ticket to your future! The formula for graduation is simple: 16+4+4= your diploma. Remember, it takes the successful completion of a combination of required and elective courses to graduate. You’ll need:

18 Graduation Requirements for Students Entering 9th Grade in 2010-2011 16 + 4 + 4 = 24 16 core curriculum credits 4 credits in English 4 credits in Mathematics (one credit must be in Algebra I or higher) 3 credits in Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 3 credits in Social studies (1 world history, 1 American history,.5 American government, and.5 economics) 1 credit in Fine Arts 1 credit in Physical Education to include the integration of Health (Called HOPE)

19 4 Credits in a Major Area of Interest Four (4) courses designated toward a MAI, that are selected by the student in one of the following areas: – Career and technical program – Fine and performing arts, or – An academic content area

20 And 4 Credits in Elective Courses These credits may be combined to allow for: – a second major area of interest (4 credits), – a minor area of interest (3 credits), – elective courses, – intensive reading or mathematics intervention courses.

21 Florida’s central web resource for student advising Helps students plan and monitor their educational progress (high school & college) –Planning (electronic Personal Education Planner [ePEP]) –Monitoring (High School Academic Evaluations) What is www.FACTS.org?

22 What is an ePEP? electronic Personal Education Plan used for all students Interactive high school planner that lets students map out coursework, based on their goals after high school (college, career/technical training, going directly into the workforce, etc.). The ePEP allows students to select a major area of interest at their high school and to plan towards the new high school graduation requirements.

23 It’s A Major Opportunity… (Major Areas of Interest) For students to: be empowered to take charge of their education and pursue in-depth study in an area they find engaging learn more in areas that they might be considering as future professions or lifetime skills earn additional credit toward college or technical school, or beginning certification in an occupation be mentored, sharing a common area of interest with a teacher pursue special interests to increase their overall academic performance

24 Resources for Parents and Students High School Major Areas of Interest Listings: www.facts.org High School Graduation Requirements: www.fldoe.org/APlusPlus/ Bright Futures Scholarship Program: www.MyFloridaEducation.com/brfuture Academic Requirements for Bright Futures: http://www.firn.edu/doe/brfutures/acadrequire.htm. Florida CHOICES: www.flchoices.orgwww.flchoices.org Parent Primer on Career Exploration: http://www.firn.edu/doe/workforce/pdf/parent_primer06.pdf Career and Education Planning Website with Links: www.collegecareerlifeplanning.com

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