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Making This Course A Good Learning Experience

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Presentation on theme: "Making This Course A Good Learning Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making This Course A Good Learning Experience

2 A Good Learning Experience
A good learning experience is based on: Mutual respect Putting forward our best efforts Academic integrity and honesty

3 Respect I will respect you by: Arriving on time
Encouraging your questions and comments Taking your answers and opinions seriously Turning off my mobile phone Finishing class on time

4 Respect Repect You can show your respect for me by: Arriving on time
Arriving quietly, if you must be late Listening when I am talking Turning off your mobile phone Leaving only when the class is finished

5 Respect You can show respect for your classmates by:
Keeping quiet when classmates are trying to listen Taking classmate’s questions and answers seriously Making the class a comfortable experience for everyone

6 Best Efforts I will put forward my best efforts by:
Organizing the course carefully to meet the objectives Being prepared to give good classes Making my classes interesting and useful Setting exams and assignments that are fair and helpful

7 Best Efforts Best Efforts You can put forward your best efforts by:
Being prepared for class Doing the reading Participating in class discussions Asking questions when the material is not clear to you Working hard on assignments and meeting deadlines

8 Academic Integrity Academic Integrity
I will help you maintain academic integrity by: Providing clear guidelines on how to complete assignments Explaining how you should handle sources and references Setting clear rules for cooperation with classmates

9 Academic Integrity You can demonstrate your academic integrity by:
Starting work on assignments early enough to meet the deadline Giving proper credit and references when you use other peoples’ work

10 Academic Integrity Academic Integrity And by:
NOT copying other student’s work NOT letting other students copy your work NOT handing in work prepared for another course NOT handing in others’ work as if it is your own NOT making up facts or references NOT using cheat sheets in tests and exams

11 ZERO TOLERANCE for cheating
In my course there is ZERO TOLERANCE for cheating

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